New Products - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

that can bo battery operated,allowing portability. Upto four interferometers ... provide no more than ± 1 % variance in relative mobility, and .... m...
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New Products

High-Resolution Electrophoresis Sepra-System includes precast polyacryiamido gradient gels, sample-holding applicators, premlxed buffers, and liquid for sample solubilization. The gels provide no more than ± 1 % variance in relative mobility, and batch-to-batch reproducibility results in improved data. Separation Sciences 409

Methanizer for GC

1000 Sert·· FT-IR analyzer includes a portable interferometer and an optical sensing head that can be battery operated, allowing portability. Up to four interferometers can be controlled from a central data station. Spectral resolution is better than 5 cm - '. R frequency range is 5000 to 1250 cm - ' with calcium fluoride optics, and an extended range to 400 cm - ' is possible using potassium bromide optics. Janos Technology 401

Compact methanizer catalytically converts trace amounts of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide to methane and permits determination by GC with flame ionization detection. The device, to be installed between the column exit and detector, includes heater, measuring thermocouple, and catalyst. Scientific Marketing 412

Ion-Selective Electrodes

Solution-Handling System

A new series of ion-selective electrodes, based on new membrane materials, is available for selenium, tellurium, arsenic, and antimony. ISEs for cyanide, cadmium, thiocyanate. and mercury with improved detection limits are also offered. HNU 406 A m i n o Acid HPLC C o l u m n Column allows determination of amino acids from protein hydrolyzates in 20 min. The 0.46 X 12-cm column is packed with a new ion exchange polymer that demonstrates column efficiencies > 100 000 plates/m and is stable from pH 0 to 14. Interaction 407

Mass Spectrometer

double-bore quartz material with both electrodes at one end. Applications include wavelength calibration, mercury detection, photochemical research, uvozone cleaning, and UV sterilization. It is also used as a spectral calibration source in chromatography and photometry. Spectronics 410


SHS-300 system permits increased precision, accuracy, and productivity and can be readily interfaced with existing I C P / D C P computer systems. Solution pump rates into the nebulizer are microprocessor controlled, and an automated recalibration procedure can be carried out at a programmed frequency. FIAtron 413

Enhanced programs for the Computer System 9000 extend Its range of mathematical and statistical applications and increase diskette storage capacity. These include a program to access applications programs In a host computer and a mathematical and statistical library featuring 66 subroutines, including quadrature-curve fitting and eigensystems analysis. IBM 414

MS 50 TC features include a 7500 mass range at full kV due to new inhomogeneous field optics, turbomolecular pump, and all modern ionization methods. The instrument also features a full range of inlet systems such as GC. LC. postacceleration detector for high-mass FAB. and self-diagnostic facilities. Kratos 408

UV Light Source Model 11SC-1 is a small, low-pressure, mercury vapor discharge lamp made of

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Metrohm Karl Fischer Tttrator Model 658 automates direct or back Karl Fischer titrations, can be interfaced with an electronic balance, and Includes a data output for connection to a central computer. Solid, liquid, or gaseous samples can be analyzed with a determination range of 1 to 100mg/0.001% to 100%. Results are calculated and printed in less than 2 min. Any standard Karl Fischer reagent or pyridine-free reagent can be used. Brtnckmann 403


New Products


J.T. Baker s

Separate thousands of racemic mixtures by chromatography

Typical Separation COLUMN: BAKERBONO Chiral (RP-71030) 25 cm χ 4.6 mm I.D MOBILE PHASE: 5' ο Isopropyl Alcohol in He Kane FLOW RATE: 2 ml'mm DETECTION; UV. 254 nm PERFORMANCE: Capacity Factoi (K) = 5.0 Plates per meter 25.000 Separation Factor (β) Β ι 45


J.T. Baker Research Products can supply all the appropriate materials you need for chroma­ tographic chiral separations. B A K E R B O N D ™ Chiral Phase HPLC Columns use high purity DNBPG ((B)-N-3,5-dinitrobenzoylphenylglycine) bonded to aminopropyl silica to separate a wide range of optical isomers. Up to 10 mg of sample can be ap­ plied to the column in a single injection. Preparative chiral sorbents. in 40 urn particle size, are also available for scale-up of separa­ tions. In addition, longer column life can be achieved with our Chiral Column Regenerating Solution. For more information, call or write today. J.T. BAKER RESEARCH PRODUCTS 222 Red School Lane Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 USA (201) 859-2151 Outside New Jersey (800) 526-0239 Gross Gerau. W. Germany · Deventer, Holland Mexico City, Mexico · Singapore · Sydney. Australia

©J.T. Baker Chemical Co. 1983

Model 8300 Gas Chromatograph incorporates built-in data handling with a 12-in. video display and postrun manipulation of data. Two versions are available—one for packed-column operation and one for dedicated capillary systems. Easy interchange between injector and detector types permits analysis of a wide range of samples. Perkin-Elmer 402

Organic Vapor Monitor/GC Model 590 contains both a continuous organic vapor monitor and a gas chro­ matographic system in one compact portable unit. It allows an operator to survey an area for high concentrations of organic vapors and quantitate them on site. With a PID, the instrument can detect 5 ppb benzene and can operate for 8 h without an external power source. Analytical Instrument Devel­ opment 405

Polarographic Analyzer/Stripping Voltammeter System Model 264A-1 makes automated po­ larographic and stripping voltammetric measurements and can perform cyclic voltammetry. It features microproces­ sor control to automate measurement sequences and perform self-diagnostics and includes a newly designed elec­ trode system that can be converted to an electrochemical HPLC detector. EG&G Princeton Applied Research 411

Computing Integrator Re-Integrator is a replotting, recalculat­ ing computing integrator with 32 Κ RAM peak storage. It is designed for GC and


LC and features six external events controls for chromatographic automa­ tion and a choice of printers. Applied Chromatography Systems 415

ICP Spectrometer Atomscan 2400 features include a spectral resolution of 0.009 nm, purgeable monochromator, an optical path to permit determination of elements such as sulfur in the low UV, auto-cali­ brating direct-wavelength drive for high sample throughput, and menu-driven software. Allied Analytical Systems


Micro pH Electrode PHM-146 micro pH electrode can be used to measure biological fluids in vol­ umes as small as 1 μL·. Sensor is totally nonglass and suitable for measure­ ments in microcuvettes, small vials, assay plates, and tissue culture plates. Lazar Research Laboratories 418

Calorimeter Model C80, designed for accurate de­ termination of thermodynamic data, can be used over a temperature range of ambient to 300 °C. A variety of experimental cells with volumes of

New Products

We Would Like To Make A Point! Our micro-syringes are engineered for easy use and precise sample handling.... _ iB,

10-15 mL are available. The tabletop Instrument uses digital electronics, and the temperature programmer permits experiments to be carried out in Iso­ thermal, controlled-heating, or controlled-cooling modes. Astra Scientific International 417

Chemicals Fluorographic Reagent

Color Coded / readily identify


Amplify is a fluorographic reagent for the autoradiography of polyacrylamide gels. It provides improved imaging per­ formance, is aqueous based, and re­ quires no tedious pretreatment or rins­ ing steps. Amersham 420

HPLC Support

External Scale Reads like a ruler and serves as a — guide to prevent plunger bending.

Hand-Honed Plunger —— Replaceable Needle Available on all sizes from 1 in to 1 Oml.-—

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SynChropak Propyl is designed for hy­ drophobic Interaction chromatography of proteins. Chromatograms are differ­ ent from those obtained by reversedphase chromatography because the elutlon orders are different, and small changes in the hydrophobic arm affect retention. Mild elutlon conditions at neu­ tral pH and the absence of organic sol­ vents preserve enzymatic activity dur­ ing analysis. Synchrom 421

Chrysotile Asbestos SRM 1876 is certified for the number of chrysotile fibers/0.01 m m 2 of filter area and intended for use in evaluating tech­ niques used to count and identify as­ bestos fibers on filter paper by trans­ mission electron microscopy. It should also be useful in evaluating sample preparation as described in the EPA method for measuring asbestos in air. NBS 422

Laser Dye Dye 26 is a photostable IR laser dye with a tuning range that extends into the high-transmission region of optical f i ­ bers. With a mode-locked Nd-YAG laser at 3 Hz and with picosecond exci­ tation, the dye is tunable between 1.15 and 1.24 μπ\. Pulse durations are 21 ps and 5.5 ps for pump and dye laser pulses, respectively. Kodak 423

LSC Medium

UNIMETRICS 1853 Raymond Ave. Anaheim. CA 9 2 8 0 1 (800) 854-6931 GA (7 M) 8 7 9 - 3 7 7 7

Solvent Free contains sample solubilizers and scintillation fluors, but no aro­ matic solvents. It forms clear, singlephase LSC cocktails with good counting efficiency, effective quench resistance, and chemlluminescence control. The medium has virtually Infinite capacity for any aqueous sample. Isolab 424



Fill a Staff Position on Capitol Hill Two ACS Congressional Fellowships Available To Begin Fall 1984 The objectives of the fellowship program are: • To provide an opportunity for scientists to gain firsthand knowledge of the op­ erations of the legislative branch of the federal government, • To make available to the government an increasing amount of scientific and technical expertise, and • To broaden the perspective of both the scientific and governmental com­ munities regarding the value of such scientific-governmental interaction.

Applications should be submit­ ted by January 31, 1984 to: Dr. Annette T. Rosenblum Department of Public Affairs American Chemical Society 1155—16th St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036

Applications consist of a letter of intent, resume, and two letters of reference. The letter of intent should include a description of the applicant's experience in publicoriented projects in which scientific or technical knowledge was used as a basis for interaction and a statement that tells why they have applied for the Fellowship and what they hope to accomplish as an ACS Congressional Fellow. The resume should describe the candidate's educa­ tion and professional experience and in­ clude other pertinent personal informa­ tion. Letters of reference should be so­ licited from people who can discuss not only the candidate's competence but also the applicant's experience in publicoriented projects. Arrangements should be made to send the letters of reference directly to ACS. For further information call (202) 872-4384.