New Products - ACS Publications

an optical density range of 0-4 D. Anorad Corp. ... Spectrum Chemical Mfg. Corp. ... ty. HunterLab. 423. Laser densitometry. GelScan package is design...
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New Products 2020+ is 0.02 RMS DE CIELAB, and in­ terinstrument agreement on 13 BCRA ceramic tiles is 0.12 average DE CIELAB. The spectral range has been extended to 360-740 nm, and the pho­ tometric range is 0 - 2 0 0 % . The mea­ surement sequence can be modified by the user. Resolution has been improved to 0.003% at any value, and baud rates can be set from 110 to 19,200. Kollmorgen Corp. 416

Chemicals Nitrogen determinations Kelmate mixtures contain all the com­ ponents necessary for a complete ni­ trogen determination. They are pack­ aged in single-test, poly bags to elimi­ nate the time-consuming task of weigh­ ing and may be used wherever Kjeldahl nitrogen determinations are necessary. Spectrum Chemical Mfg. Corp. 418

Analytical standards kit

Analyzer microdensitometer system features a 25 X 27-in. stage for digitizing large-format images. Model 1836 uses linear optical encoders to achieve a positional resolution of 0.5 μ m on air-bearing granite X-Y stages. A dc servo-controlled ball screw drive system permits scan speeds to 10 in./s. A transmission optical system features scan apertures to 1 μιπ square over an optical density range of 0-4 D. Anorad Corp. 403

Kit 281C contains 14 naphthenes, which are saturated cyclic paraffins in the boiling range from 30 °C to 200 °C. Substituted cycloparaffins exist as cis and trans isomers, making the number that can exist greater than that of sub­ stituted straight-chain paraffins. PolyScience Corp. 419

Sampler PAS-101 sampler can sequentially pro­ cess up to 101 samples, using both sample cups and glass tubes with indi­ vidual volume capacity as high as 14 mL. The sample and wash timers can be set for automated operation from 2 to 999 s by the switches located on the front panel. The unit also oper­ ates in a manual mode so that question­ able samples are easily checked. Perco 414

Gamma counting system GammaTrac 1200 manual RIA counting system uses its 12 true-well Nal detec­ tors to count over 5000 samples in 8 h, with a counting time of 1 min. Every sample is treated as a stat sample. A standard software package provides a selection of RIA-fit, log-logit, and spline curve fitting. TM Analytic 415

Spectrophotometers MS-2020+ is based on the MS-2020 design. The repeatability of the MS-

Plasmatest System 75 direct-reading ICP spectrometer analyzes, measures, and records metals in aqueous, organic, and inorganic solutions and matter. The ICP system is a simultaneous and sequential, multielement detection system which produces data in units of choice: ppm, % cone, modified % cone, absolute counts, ratios, etc. The system is available in three types, which are computer controlled with operator-selectable channels of interest. Labtest Equipment Co. 401


New Products Autoradiography enhancement Autoradiography grade of 2,5-diphenyloxazole (DPO) ensures optimum enhancement in gel fluorography. DPO is available for agarose and polyacrylamide gel band visualization using the classical Bonner and Lasky enhancement procedures. Optimum resolution and sensitivity and low costs are ensured for publication quality when autoradiography-grade PPO is used according to protocols. Biotechnology Supplies 417

Software Immunoassay 3001 QC Manager software is IBM-XT compatible and can be interfaced directly to the company's 10- and 20-well gamma counters. This package can also be used as a stand-alone system to process RIA/EIA results and monitor QC parameters. Special result files allow the user to write programs to further handle the reduced data. Iso-Data, Inc. 422

Spectrocolorimeter ColorHouse software is designed for use with the LabScan II spectrocolorimeter. Its capabilities make it useful for applications in the coatings, plastics, textile, apparel, paper, and colorant industries among others. It allows calculation of K/S values, Hunter F^, a,b opponent colors scale, and optical density. HunterLab 423

Laser densitometry GelScan package is designed for use with the UltroScan laser densitometer. Computerized evaluation of electrophoretic separations scanned with the highresolution of a laser is made possible. The system incorporates the benefits of programmable microprocessor-controlled laser densitometry with the rapid data manipulation capabilities of an Apple II. LKB Instruments 424

Waveform analysis The Nicolet Apple/31 software package uses the high accuracy and speed of the 3091 Digital Oscilloscope's two 12-bit digitizers and the versatility of the Apple II to provide easy answers to a variety of measurement problems. The package provides commands for rapid data transfer, mathematical manipulation, Apple disk storage, waveform printouts, and computer display of signals. Nicolet 421

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