New Products - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Publication Date (Web): October 1, 2005. Cite this:Anal. Chem. 77, 19, 400 A-400 A. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Cl...
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new products INSTRUMENTATION Spectrometer. The Model 3091 Fast Mobility Particle Sizer (FMPS) spectrometer provides 32 channels of resolution and can measure 5.6–560-nm particles. The instrument produces measurements with 1-s resolution and allows researchers to see changes in particle size distribution in real time. The high flow rate of 10 L/min reduces the loss of ultrafine and nanosized particles. No consumables are required. The FMPS can perform single or multiple runs continuously for up to 12 h. TSI

need for an external water bath circulator. Reichert

GC/MS. The AccuTOF-GC instrument combines high resolution and high dynamic range with fast data acquisition. The instrument allows users to determine exact masses for known and unknown compounds in trace analyses. The AccuTOF-GC has a mass accuracy of 5 ppm and can acquire 25 averaged spectra/s. JEOL USA

Quantitation. Sigma-Genosys now Refractometer. The AR7 series of temperature-controlled automated refractometers measure brix, concentration equivalent, and refractive index values. The instruments are easy to use and have been extensively tested on food and beverage, chemical, and pharmaceutical applications. The two available models (AR700 and AR70) rapidly stabilize at the set temperature; this eliminates the Chemist, Analytical needed w/Bach or foreign equiv in Analytical Chemistry & 1 yr exp to dev analytical test procedures used for release & stability evaluation of pharmaceutical dosage forms. Use HPLC, GC, UVVisible, Infra Red Spectrophotometer & Polarimeter for development purpose. Determine levels of impurities. Dev liquid chromatographic procedures using Empower & Chemstation. Write protocols & reports for ANDA submissions. Mail res to: HR Dept., Accumed Inc., 2572 Brunswick Pike, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648. Job Loc: Lawrenceville, NJ. EOE.

offers synthetic AQUA peptides to perform absolute quantitation. In the AQUA procedure, a tryptic fragment from a selected protein is synthesized with a stable-isotope-labeled amino acid. A known amount of the synthesized peptide is then added to a sample containing the unlabeled protein. The custom peptides are 95% pure, and either 13C or 15N is used in the synthesis. Phosphorylated amino acids are also available. The peptides are supplied as trifluoroacetate salts, although ammonia acetate salts may be ordered. Sigma-Genosys

GC/MS. The 5975 Inert MSD GC/ MS features a novel interface that allows users to electronically share application methods. New application solutions can be downloaded from the Agilent website and imported into the instrument with eMethods. The eMethods system can also transfer methods from older models to the 5975. In addition, the 5975 has a redesigned hyperbolic mass analyzer that provides high-quality data for higher-mass applications, such as detection of flame retardants. A new flow control system automatically adjusts the reagent gas flow. The instrument includes a new mode that allows researchers to obtain synchronous selected-ion monitoring data. Agilent











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