NEW PRODUCTS - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Publication Date: February 1966. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Click to increase image size Free...
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Radiochromatogram scanner automati­ cally scans, simultaneously in two di­ mensions, thin-layer and paper chromatograms in sizes up to 200 X 400 mm. after the scanning path and distance are set. There are no preliminary op­ erations and the chromatogram is un­ altered by the process. The instrument has a 2,r gas-flow detector specially de­ signed for thin-layer plates. Efficiency for H3 is 0.7%; for C1*, 2 5 % . This detector can be exchanged with the 4 W detector for paper strip chromatograms, which has an efficiency for H3 of 2 % and for C14 of 2 7 % . The counting is fed into a ratemeter which can be con­ nected to a suitable recorder. Brinkmann Instruments, Inc., Cantiague Rd., Westbury, Ν. Υ. 11590. 401

Fractovap Model GP is a reduced-size, automatic analytical and preparative dual column gas chromatograph. The instru­ ment consists of a basic unit with col­ umns, oven, and controls for isothermal or programmed temperature operations in the range of 50° to 450° C , a pneu­ matic injector with variable capacities, an automatic fraction collector, and a cycle programmer. Accessories include catharometric and/or dual flame ioni­ zation detectors. Carlo Erba S.p.A., Divisione Apparecchi Scientific!, Via Imbonati 24, Milano, Italy. 402

Preparative electrophoretic separator provides continuous separation in a controlled-flow buffer solution. Model FF-2 is designed specifically for the separa­ tion of high molecular weight materials and particles as weil as low molecular weight materials. Reproducibility is about 3 % . Sample recovery is almost 100%. The buffer is pumped into the chamber through six openings near the top of the upper glass plate by a sixchannel peristaltic pump. At the bot­ tom of the chamber, it is withdrawn by a 50-channel peristaltic pump. The sample is continuously withdrawn from a chilled sample container and injected into the separating chamber by a peri­ staltic pump. The temperature of the buffer can be selected from 1° to 25° C. Brinkmann Instruments, Inc., Westbury, Ν. Υ. 11590. 403 VOL. 38, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1960 ·

197 A


0.5 microliters injected here

trapped here

Summatic integrator computes and presents on printed tape in digital form, peak areas which are a function of mass, concentration, or structure. The instrument converts input signals from 0 to 1 volt d.c. to a mechanical counter-printer that operates at 4800 counts per minute at 1 mv. The integration process is initiated by the leading edge of the peak and ends when the slope goes from negative to zero. Nester/Faust Manufacturing Corp., 2401 Ogletown Rd., Newark, Del. 404 Sample Preparation Mixer

and placed in an IR Spectrophotometer

will produce this spectrum

A GC FRACTION TRAP THAT WORKS ! It isn't easy to trap a GC fraction. It is even harder to get a fraction into an IR cell. But, from a qualitative standpoint, the results are well worth the effort! A good, practical solution to the problem is the Wilks Scientific MIR-15 GC-IR Analyzer. With it, a one half microliter sample injected into the chromatograph can be trapped and a spectrum recorded with nearly full-scale deflection. Much smaller samples can be caught and analyzed on spectrophotometers equipped with scale expansion. The MIR-15 consists of a hand-held thermo-electric cooler on which is mounted a capillary internal reflection cell. The fraction is trapped directly in the cell which is then moved to the spectrophotometer for analysis. Since there are no sample transfer steps, the device is efficient and simple to use with practically no chance of sample contamination. The MIR-15 GC-IR Analyzer can be adapted to any chromatograph and infrared spectrophotometer. Write for details. Visit Us At Pittsburgh Conference Booth F-53 and F-54





Circle No. 52 on Readers' Service Card

198 A



The Wig-L-Bug gives identical grinding and mixing in 10 seconds from sample to sample. Plastic vials and ballpestles avoid contamination and the entire assembly is easily cleaned with mineral acids. One vial is used for weighing, mixing, and storing. The 5A standard model and the 3A smaller model are available in 115 or 220 volts, 50 cycles. Special accessories for emission, spectrographic analysis, x-ray diffraction and spectrometry, and infrared spectrometry are available. JarrellAsh Co., 590 Lincoln St., Waltham, Mass. 02154. 405 Spectral Lines Photoelectric line-setting instrument measures the position of spectral lines on film. Type 1222 is a complete optical reduction system which includes a film or plate measuring comparator, a photoelectric setting device for reference-axis positioning of lines, and a digital readout to record data by automatic typewriter, card punch, or tape punch. One version of the instrument provides a line position accuracy of 5 microns, the other, an accuracy of 1 micron. The photoelectric setting system uses an oscilloscope to determine line centers. Applications include analysis of x-ray and electron diffraction film, optical emission, and mass spectrography. David W. Mann Co., 174 Middlesex Turnpike, Burlington, Mass. 01804. 406

NEW PRODUCTS Micrometer Syringe An attachment for the Agla mi­ crometer syringe, which also fits some other syringes, dispenses a predeter­ mined volume. Pressing a button on the end of a 20-inch cable release causes a small pawl and ratchet to advance the micrometer head through a specified distance. The volume may be set for 0.4, 0.8, or 1.2 μ\. with an accuracy of 2%. Scientifica & Cook Electronics Ltd., 148 St. Dunstan's Ave., Acton, London, W.3, England. 407

Model 20 Variable Angle Single Reflection Attachment for Perkin-Elmer 202 Spectrophotometers

Model 14 Multiple Internal Reflection Attachment for Cary Spectrophotometers

A New Dimension For Ultraviolet SpectroscopyINTERNAL REFLECTION ANALYSIS Mobile refrigeration unit is designed to hold the company's rectangular 250-tube fraction collector and keep the collected fractions at a selected temperature from ambient to 4 ° C. Model 133A also has provisions for mounting up to four external columns which may be heated as well as cooled by an independently controlled temperature system that has a range of 4° to 50° C. Beckman Instru­ ments, Inc., Spinco Division, 1117 California Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. 408 Electron Capture Detector A pin-cup design electron capture de­ tector using nickel-63 as a radioactive source permits routine operation at 300° C. The Nickel-63 detector is said to exhibit all the electron capture char­ acteristics of conventional parallel plate detectors which use tritium. MicroTck Instruments, Inc., P.O. Box 15409, Baton Rouge, La. 409

What has already been done in the infrared with internal reflection spectroscopy (ATR) may now be possible in the Ultraviolet with these new attachments. The internal reflection technique shows great promise for the ultraviolet analysis of solids and strongly absorbing liquids — samples that have always been difficult to handle by transmission methods. The Model 20 Variable Angle, Single Reflection Attachment may be used for index of refraction vs. wavelength measurements and specular reflection as well as internal reflection. The Model 14 Multiple Reflection Attachment provides increased sensi­ tivity for analysis on such samples as coatings, treated surfaces, dyes, etc. Both accessories fit on most of the recording ultraviolet spectro­ photometers commonly in use. Though UV-ATR is still in its infancy, the potential is such that every well-equipped UV laboratory will find ample use for one or both of these accessories. VISIT US AT PITTSBURGH CONFERENCE - BOOTHS F-53 and F-54.






Circle No. 51 on Readers' Service Card VOL.

38, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1966 ·

199 A


birds of a feather.. Precision Analytical Computing System processes electrical signals generated by groups of analytical instruments and provides a typewritten report of the data analyzed. The standard system can accommodate five gas chromatographs. The expanded system, which can serve up to 40 chromatographs, can also serve mass spectrometers, spectrophotometers, and physical testing machines. Electronic Associates, Inc., West Long Branch, N.J. 410

Polyethylene Liquid Cells

a flock of high-performance midget pumps and stirrers from EASTERN Two top-flight, low-cost lines of laboratory equipment that combine compact design with outstanding performance: high-efficiency midget pumps — both centrifugal and positive displacement... a wide selection of stirrers in variable speeds — both Eastern lines are easily adaptable where minimum space and portability are absolute requisites . . . where mass production prices are essential. Pump motors powered from 1/30 to 1/3 h.p. offer a range of performance characteristics up to 20 G.P.M.

at 15 P.S.I. . . . many of them practically custom-geared to do your job. S c r e w - c l a m p or r i n g s t a n d mounted, non-sparking stirrers from 1/1000 to 1/15 h.p. perform versatile mixing operations . . . from small quantities of light liquids to 10 gallons of thick, viscous material. Also portable, fixed mounts, and turbine mixers. These are just two of the Eastern species . . . but there's a whole flock to choose from in the free folder that lists scores of pumping and stirring units for hundreds of applications.







BRANCH OFFICES: Nashua, N.H., Lyndhurst, N.J., Wilmington, Del., Chicago, III. Los Altos, Calif., Torrance, Calif. IN CANADA: ENTERPRISE AGENCIES., INC., Montreal, Quebec Circle No. 88 on Readers' Service Card

200 A



Disposable liquid cells for use in the far infrared region are molded of highdensity polyethylene that allows transmission of radiation beyond 20 microns. The window measures 1.45 X .75 inch. The cells may be filled by a No. 22 needle inserted directly into the sample cavity. Two sizes are available, one with a 1-mm. path length and 1-ml. volume, the other with a 2-mm. path length and a 2-ml. volume. Beckman Scientific and Process Instruments Division, 2500 Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, Calif. 92634. 411

Radioisotope glove box is made of fiberglass. Features include an interchange box, two filters, and three 3wire electrical outlets. The box is equipped with motor and blower, a manometer, and a variable-speed powerstat. Labconco, 8811 Prospect, Kansas City, Mo. 64132. 412



Research accelerator, Activatron 211M, is a variation of the Activatron 211 neutron generator. In addition to producing 14 m.e.v. neutrons at a rate of 2.5 χ 10 11 per second, the 211M produces 15 m.e.v. protons at a rate of 5 χ 108 per second. Heavy gases may be ac­ celerated to energies of 200 k.e.v. Beam currents of 2.0 ma. have been obtained for He, N, 0, Ne, and Ar. The Activatron 211M consists of an accelerator unit, associated high volt­ age power supplies, and a desk-type control console. Technical Measure­ ment Corp., 441 Washington Ave., North Haven, Conn. 06473. 413

Surface Area Measurements The Area-meter is based on the standard B E T method. An adsorption vessel with the sample and a compari­ son vessel are filled with nitrogen. The vessels are brought to the temperature of liquid nitrogen. The pressure differ­ ence resulting from the adsorbed nitro­ gen is measured on a differential ma­ nometer filled with oil. The surface area is calculated from the BET theory without empirical calibration coeffi­ cients, using a single-point evaluation. Measuring range is 0.3 to 1000 m. 2 /gram. Error of individual adsorption measurements is less than ± 1 % . Com­ mercial nitrogen may be used. Up to 16 samples can be measured in an 8hour day. Dimensions are 8 inches wide, 10 inches deep, and 32 inches high. Strohlein & Co., Postfach 7829, Adersstrasse 91-94, 4 Diisseldorf 1, Germany. 414

Mass Spectrometer Model MS10-C-2 is a console mass spectrometer based on an analyzer with a resolution up to mass 400 and a pow­ erful electromagnet. The magnetic field can be set at any value up to 9k gauss and can be swept at six speeds (from 100 to 3000 seconds for a full scan). A reverse scan is also pro­ vided. Picker X-Ray Corp., White Plains, Ν. Υ. 415


measures dc voltages with source resistances up to 1010 ohms simply... and to 0.01% With 0 . 0 1 % limit of error per year, the Keithley 630 measures dc from 300 millivolts to 500 volts from source resistances as high as 1010 ohms! No other commercially available instru­ ment offers anything like its minimum off-null input resistance of 10' 3 ohms. Because of its ultra-high input resistance the instrument draws an absolute minimum of current—avoids load­ ing and polarizing the source. Here's an instrument that combines a poten­ tiometer, a voltage reference and a guarded vibrating-reed null detector into a single pack­ age. Itfreesyou from tedious multiple instrument connections. It saves the time lost in fighting ground-loop and pick-up problems. And—it's also a 3% accurate vibrating-reed electrometer. The 630 fills the need for precision dc mea­ surements from high resistance sources in electrochemical and materials research. It lends itself especially to measuring potentials from piezo-electric crystals, electrochemical cells, organic semi-conductors, biological cells and pH electrodes. Other typical applications in­ clude making Hall Effect and fuel-cell studies, silicon and capacitor charge measurements and for measuring FET gate potentials. Write today for technical engineering note giving complete Model 630 details. OTHER KEITHLEY ELECTROMETERS Model Model Model Model Model

610B —complete dc laboratory 610BR —rack mounted 610B 621 —37 ranges, li ne operated 600A — 54 ranges, battery operated 603 —50 kc bandwidth amplifier

$565 $585 $390 $395 $850

POTENTIOMETRIC ELECTROMETER • ± 0 . 0 1 % accuracy or 30 μν, whichever is greater. • 1 mv fs null sensitivity on vibrating-reed electrometer. • 30 microvolt resolution. • 10 ,s ohms input resistance at 1 % off null (i nfinite at null) 0-500 v. • 500 ν floating operation off chassis gnd.

VIBRATING-REED ELECTROMETER • 1 mv fs to 500 ν in 10 voltage ranges. • 1013 or 1010 ohms i nput resistance, 1 mv to 1 v. • accuracy ± 3 % of full scale. • less than 2 mv per • 60 db line freq. rejection on 1 mv range. 1v, ima recorder output.

PRICE: S1575

K E I T H L E Y Ι N S T R U M E N T S 12415 Euclid Ave. . C l e v e l a n d , Ohio 44106 dc m i c r o v o l t m e t e r s


differential voltmeters


high voltage supplies

Circle No. 260 on Readers' Service Card VOL 38, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1966


201 A



the Ultimate





Transfer System

Satisfied users in over 1,000 laboratories throughout the world.

Model 1402 Flexo-Rabbit pneumatic transfer system uses a flexible plastic tubing to transport samples to and from radiation sources. The tubing system has an aluminum irradiation section at one end and a special receiver at the other. Gas pressure, provided by a standard cylinder, drives the sam­ ple capsule through 50 feet of tubing in less than 1 second. Reactor Experi­ ments, Inc., 140 Harbor Blvd., Bel­ mont, Calif. 416

• UNEQUALLED SENSITIVITY Routinely performs measurements of Riboflavin .0001 / x g / m l , Quinine Sul­ fate .0001 / i g / m l , Catecholamines .0002 / i g / m l . . . with the sensitivity of the instrument not the limiting factor. ALL QUARTZ OPTICAL SYSTEM Features collimated light at both filter positions, essential for narrow band interference Filters.

HIGH EFFICIENCY LIGHT SOURCE Excellent stability and spectral con­ tinuum are provided by the High Pres­ sure Mercury Arc Lamp. SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE Accurate, repeatable, linear measure­ ments over a wide dynamic range. Recording capability. ACCESSORIES Tungsten Source, Continuous Flow Cell, Temperature Control Chamber, Surface Fluorescence Adapter for tur­ bid solutions. Micro and Ultra Micro Cells.

Write for descriptive



So. 5th Avenue O P T I C A L 538-A Mount Vernon, New York 10550 C O . , I N C . 914-668-9393/Cable Address: FOCIUS NY The Pioneers in Fluorometry Circle No. 248 on Readers' Service Card

Dilutor has an accuracy of ± 0 . 5 % . Three plastic pipets, 20, 50, and 100 μ\, and one graduated glass pipet, sili­ conized and calibrated at 20, 50, and 100 μ\, are supplied with the unit. The sample is drawn into the pipet to the mark, then the sample is dis­ pensed by preset diluent. There is a built-in light behind the pipet to per­ mit easy reading of the meniscus. Misco Scientific, 1825 Eastshore Hwy., Berkeley, Calif. 94710. 417

Flame Detector

A I D t D I i M L Q T H M C f o r 7 5 years t h e only permaf t L l i T t i l l b l l b Ο I U I N C nently satisfactory material f o r c h e m i c a l l a b o r a t o r y t a b l e t o p s , s h e l v i n g , sinks, splash backs, d r a i n boards a n d f u m e h o o d s . P r o m p t delivery. ALBERENE S T O N E - A D I V I S I O N OF T H E GEORGIA M A R B L E C O M P A N Y . F o r FREE l i t e r a t u r e a n d t e c h n i c a l a s s i s t a n c e a d d r e s s : T H E ALBERMAR COMPANY, 3 8 6 PARK AVE. S O U T H , NEW YORK, N.Y. 1 0 0 1 6 , DEPT. C Circle No. 14 on Readers' Service Card 202 A



In a modified stacked flame detector, the alkali emission grid is placed above the top flame and the alkali emission coil is heated by passing electrical cur­ rent through it. Organo phosphates and organo halides can be detected in quantities as low as 5 ng. For reliable quantization, the phosphate detection range is between 25 and 1000 ng.; the halide range is between 50 and 2000 ng. After the burner gas flow parameters are adjusted and the top coil is coated with an alkali salt, current can be ap­ plied to the coil to raise the background current in the top flame to between 1 X 10~9 and 1 X 10~8 ampere. Micro Tek Instruments, Inc., P.O. Box 15409, Baton Rouge, La. 418



Laser Spike Filters Narrow band transmission filters from visible to near infrared can be used to separate narrow spectral lines emitted by multi-lined lasers. The fil­ ters are 1.5 inches in diameter and 0.375 inch thick. Transmission curves are provided with each filter. PerkinElmer Corp., Main Ave., Norwalk, Conn. 06852. 419


Gas dilution board designed for stud­ ies of low concentrations of gases in air provides gas concentrations as low as 0 . 0 5 p.p.m. Air is heated t o combust hydrocarbon components and is d r i e d . Then C 0 2 , trace organics, and dust are removed before the air is mixed with one or several gases at flows as low as 1 c e . / m i n u t e . Union Industrial Equipment Corp., 150 Cove St., Fall River, Mass. 02720. 420

A n a l y t i c a l Standards Kit Qual- or Quant-Kits for the calibra­ tion of gas chromatographs, spectrome­ ters, and other analytical instruments, contain 10 individual standards (10 ml.) and 5 calibration mixtures within one homologous series. Supplied with the kit are chromatograms of the cal­ ibration mixtures on three different liq­ uid phases, retention data for all the compounds in the kit, and a listing of literature references to the analysis of the type of compounds in the kit. Qual-Kits have a purity of 9 8 + % , Quant-Kits, 99.5+%. Polyscience Corp., 909 Pitner Ave., Evanston, 111. 60202. 421



A 150-cm. electromagnetic isotope separator produces high-purity isotopes in microgram quantities. The instru­ ment covers a mass range of 1 to 250 a.m.u., has a resolving power above 3000, and a current range up to 500 μΆ. The enrichment factor is as high as 10,000, depending upon the mass sepa­ rated. Nuclide Corp., 81 Hicks Ave., Medford, Mass. 422

Acetylene Air Aliène Ammonia Argon

Deuterium Difluorodiazine Dimethylamine Dimethyl Ether 2,2-Dimethylpropane

Boron Trichloride Boron Trifluoride Bromine Pentafluoride Bromine Trifluoride Bromotrifluoroethylene 1,3 Butadiene Butane 1-Butene cis-2-Butene trans-2-Butene cis- and trans-2-Butene

Ethane Ethyl Acetylene Ethyl Fluoride Ethyl Chloride Ethylene Ethylene Oxide

Hexafluoropropylene Iodine Pentafluoride Isobutane Isobutylene Krypton Methyl Aliène Methyl Fluoride Methane

Methyl Acetylene Methyl Bromide 2-Methylbutene-l 2-Methylbutene-2 Fluorine 3-Methylbutene-l Methyl Chloride Halocarbon— 12, 13, 13B1, 14, Methyl Mercaptan 21,22,23,114, Monoethylamine 115, 116, 142B, Carbonyl Fluoride Monomethylamine 152A, C-318, 1132A Carbon Dioxide Natural Gas Helium Carbon Monoxide Neon Hydrogen Carbonyl Sulfide Nickel Carbonyl Chlorine Hydrogen Bromide Nitric Oxide Chlorine Trifluoride Hydrogen Chloride Nitrogen Chlorotrifluoroethylene Hydrogen Fluoride Nitrogen Dioxide Hydrogen Iodide Cyanogen Nitrogen Trifluoride Hydrogen Sulfide Cyclopropane Nitrogen Trioxide (plus thousands of gas mixtures)

Nitrosyl Chloride Nitrous Oxide Nitrosyl Fluoride Oxygen Perfluorobutene-2 Perfluoropropane Phosgene Phosphorus Pentafluoride Propane Propylene Silane Silicon Tetrafluoride Sulfur Dioxide Sulfur Hexafluoride Sulfur Tetrafluoride Sulfuryl Fluoride Thionyl Fluoride Tetrafluorohydrazine Trimethylamine Tungsten Hexafluoride Tetrafluoroethylene Vinyl Chloride Vinyl Fluoride Vinyl Methyl Ether Xenon

Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Specialty Gas Department, Allentown, Pennsylvania


Please send new 75-page Specialty Gas Catalog listing the industry's largest selection of specialty gases and gas mixtures . . . available nationwide from 65 district sales offices or from convenient stock points: Name/Title Company Address City/State_


Air Products and Chemicals INC. 7ora/ RESPONSE to your Specialty Gas Reauirements Circle No. 258 on Readers' Service Card VOL 38, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1966 ·

203 A


* ^ 2 * tjfc/e*t/&u


StWifffitAeie ft

LABORATORY FURNACE variable temperature range to S 8 0 0 ° f

A versatile laboratory fur­ nace for reliable operation from the lowest to the high­ est temperatures. From 600° F. to 2000° F., use for ashing, drawing, ig­ niting and tempering, above 2000° F., for sintering, melt­ ing, clinkering, fusing and high-speed hardening.

Research dilatometer permits rapid interchange of standard and highvacuum measuring systems. Either system of the Model TD-IX automatic recording dilatometer permits hori­ zontal displacement with a minimum of friction and change in vertical align­ ment. Other features are automatic operation from ambient temperatures to 1550° C. and a cam-operated, stepless program controller with sili­ con-controlled rectifier. Overall ac­ curacy is 0.5% of the full scale. Brinkmann Instruments, Cantiague Rd., Westbury, Ν. Υ. 11590. 423

Instrument Pump Model C miniPump has rotary peri­ staltic pump action. Only the drum and diaphragm come in contact with the fluid being pumped. These are fabri­ cated from stainless steel and the di­ aphragm is coated with Teflon. The constant-speed version has an accuracy of ± 0 . 3 % at a 1 to 2 ml. per minute flow rate. The variable-speed version has an accuracy of ±3.0% at flow rates of 0.01 to 5.0 ml. per minute. Milton Roy Co., P.O. Box 12169, St. Petersburg, Fla. 33733. 424

BURRELL BOX-MUFFLE TYPE FURNACE, Model 30 Heating chamber 7" wide χ 814" deep χ 4" high. For use with 230 volt, 50-60 cycle, single phase power supply, or with automatic controller for 115 volt, 50-60 cycle, single phase. Burrell Cat. N o . 3 7 - 4 4 2 $1600. F.O.B. Pittsburgh, Pa.

Ask for Bulletin No. 315



Scientific Instruments and Laboratory Supplies 2 2 2 3 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH 19, PA.

Circle Nn 29 on Readers' Service Card 204 A



Mass spectrometer gas analyzer, Model 610-611, has a mass range of 1 to 500 with unit resolution at mass 130. The partial pressure sensitivity is in the 10 13 torr range for nitrogen. A selected mass range may be scanned manually or automatically or a particular mass may be selected. The output may be displayed on an oscilloscope or on a recorder using a 1-, 5-, or 25-minute scan speed. Aero Vac Corp., P. O. Box 448, Troy, Ν. Υ. 425



Unusually Small Infrared Cells

NUCLEAR FIELD Do you produce, sell or use nuclear fuel elements and require a careful analysis of uranium, thorium, or various impuri­ ties? Do your requirements specify that boron, cadmium, or high cross section rare earths such as gadolinium, sa­ marium, europium or dysprosium must each be below one part per million? Does your process develop either liquid or solid scrap which must be evaluated? MINING AND METALLURGICAL FIELD Does the evaluation of your mining property require rapid and inexpensive analyses? Do you import and export minerals, ores, and concentrates and therefore require conscientious sampling and weighing representation as well as chemical analyses? Do you require certificates which are honored and ac­ cepted both here and abroad? Do you wish to know whether your high purity metal or alloy contains parts per million metallic or gaseous impurities? Or whether it meets specifications? CONSULTATION Is your laboratory using analytical pro­ cedures that achieve the speed, ac­ curacy, and low cost requirements of your production? Does your chemist or technician look for competent advice or training in up to date wet chemical or instrumental methods of analysis?

Oscilloscope with variable persistence allows easy viewing of slow-moving waveforms by eliminating flicker stores waveforms for future study and operates as a conventional oscil loscope. Persistence may be con tinuously varied from about 0.2 sec ond to more than 1 minute. The model 141A is similar t o Model 140A with the addition of persistence and store facilities. The new model ac­ cepts all plug-ins available for Model 14CA. Hewlett-Packard, 1 5 0 1 Page Mill Rd., Palo Alto, Calif. 9 4 3 0 4 .


Mass Spectrum Data System The 21-087 automatic mass spectrum data system for use with mass spec­ trometers scans photoplate records and automatically records on magnetic tape the location and density of all spectral lines of interest. Data is recorded at intervals representing 0.25 micron of Xaxis travel whenever photographic density is greater than the threshold, which is adjustable from 0 to 100%. Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp., 360 Sierra Madre Villa, Pasadena, Calif. 427


Another model of the cell is a micro flow-cell, having no dead volume and small diameter connecting tubing to rapidly monitor miniature liquid streams.

Is your sampling technique consistent with your analytical requirements for accuracy? W O U L D Y O U PREFER T O DO B U S I N E S S WITH AN INDEPENDENT, UNBIASED CON­ CERN? O N E T H A T H A S DEVOTED EIGHTYFIVE YEARS A N D A L L ITS E N E R G I E S TO T H E S A M P L I N G A N D A N A L Y S I S OF I N O R G A N I C PRODUCTS? I F T H E A N S W E R TO A N Y OF T H E S E Q U E S ­ TIONS IS YES—CONTACT W I T H O U T OBLI­ GATION

LEDOUX & COMPANY Dept. W.G. 359 ALFRED AVENUE TEANECK, N. J. 07666 Telephone:

Z01 837-7160 ( T e a n e c k , N. J . ) 212 947-0953 ( N e w York C i t y )

T e l e t y p e ( T W X ) A r e a C o d e 201-833-0676 C a b l e A d d r e s s Ledoux T e a n e c k Circle No. 73 on Readers' Service Card

New infrared micro cells from Carle Instruments make it easy to run infra­ red spectra on unusually small liquid samples. Filling is quantitative and simple because of the unconventional design that allows the sample to be centrifuged directly into the cell. The amount of sample needed to com­ pletely fill a cell ranges between 0.2 and 1.0 microliter, depending on the path length chosen.

Neutron generator provides a yield greater than 2 χ 10 1 5 neutrons from a 5-curie t r i t i u m target. A sealedtube neutron source eliminates com­ ponents such as pump and power supply. The t r i t i u m target is sealed in the source tube which is replace­ able as a unit. The target is operated at ground potential and is located approximately y 8 inch from sample placement, providing a flux of greater than 2 χ 10 9 neutrons per sq. c m . per second. Kaman Nuclear, 1 7 0 0 Gar­ den of the Gods Rd., Colorado Springs, Colo. 428

Both the static and flow types of cell are also available in heated models that operate up to 150°C. • See them at the Pittsburgh ; Conference, booth F-108 For complete technical details on these new cells, contact:



532 South Rose Street Anaheim, California 92805 Phone: (714! 533-4600 Circle No. 130 on Readers' Service Card

VOL 38, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1966 ·

205 A


PRESSURE CHEMICAL CO. M a t e r i a l s a n d Services for Research •

Monodisperse Polystyrene Polymers O f narrow molecular weight distribution and accurately de­ termined molecular weight for instrument calibration and develop­ ment.

Metal and Alloy Whiskers Perfect crystalline fibers for studies of metal properties, reactions and catalysis.

High Pressure Facilities Available for testing your reactions on a laboratory or pilot plant scale and for synthesis of new materials.

Add-on Varigard with chambers of acrylic plastic has additional cham­ bers which can be attached to the basic 9-chambered unit t o a maxi­ mum of 15 chambers. The capacity of each chamber is 125 m l . Gaskets of Teflon join each pair of chambers and Delrin stopcocks interconnect and control solution flow rates. Buchler Instruments, Inc., 1327 16th St., Fort Lee, N . J . 429

At Pittsburgh — see us at Booth C-48 or confacf Flowmeter Kit

Pressure Chemical Co. 3 4 1 9 - 2 5 S m a l l m a n St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Τ 5 2 0 1 Tel. ( 4 1 2 ) 6 8 2 - 5 8 8 2 Circle No. 185 on Readers' Service Card

A solution for your research problems . . . p i c k a WINNER

The Century flowmeter kit has a range of 1.3 to 23,400 cc./minute for air and 0.017 to 703 cc./minute for water. Metered fluids contact only borosilicate glass and parts made of Teflon. The unit may be mounted on its own tripod, built into a panel, or on a support standard or ring stand. Fischer & Porter Co., 462 Jacksonville Rd., War­ minster, Pa. 18974. 430



MODEL AM-1 Selected as one of the 100 most significant new t e c h n i c a l products of 1965 by Industrial Research

SUGGESTED APPLICATIONS A N D D E M O N S T R A T I O N S U S I N G THE MOSSBAUER EFFECT • Determination of different o x i d a t i o n states of an element ( e . g . , F e + 2 , Fe+3). • Magnetic property studies of rare earths and other materials. • Structural information on materials such as organo m e t a l l i c compounds, ferrates, prussiates and many others. • Bonding studies of many compounds. • Confirm theories of chemical structure and of compounds formed in intermediate stages of chemical reactions.


r I d e n t i f i c a t i o n of magnetically ordered structures and d e t e r ­ mination of Curie and Nee I' temperatures, • Nondestructive analysis for valence, chemical composition and magnetic hyperfine fields. • Study o f heme proteins, iron porphyrins and other materials of b i o l o g i c a l interest.




V e l o c i t y range 0 - 1 5 and 0 - 6 0 cm/sec, continuously v a r i a b l e .

Source a n d / o r absorber cooling t o liquid helium temperature.

For use with multichannel analyzers i n the time mode. t]% system linearity over 9 5 % of the half period of the v e l o c i t y waveform.

Visit us a t Booth F-l


P.O. Box 10901 - Pimburoli, Po. 1523*

Engineering ·

442-4000 - Ar.o Cod· 412

Circle No. 128 on Readers' Service Card

206 A



Corporation TWX «42-3192

Universal lamp housings accommo­ date most available xenon and mer­ cury lamps interchangeably. The C60 Series contains a spherical reflec­ tor, a quartz condensing lens, a blower for cooling, and an inter­ changeable lamp socket. Three mod­ els have maximum ratings of 2 5 0 , 1000, and 5000 watts. Orion Optics Corp., 3 2 2 Main St., Stamford, Conn. 06901. 431

NEW PRODUCTS Circular Dichroism Unit A circular dichroism accessory for Cary Model 14 spectrophotometers al­ lows the conformation of large mole­ cules to be studied. The Model 1401 accessory operates over the wave­ length range from 7000 to 1900 Α., and has a precision of 5 Χ 10 -4 absorbance unit. The accessory provides a polar­ izer and rhomb in both the sample and reference compartments, with the po­ larizers oriented to provide radiation circularly polarized in opposite direc­ tions. This permits direct measure­ ment of the difference in absorption between samples in the two circularly polarized beams. Applied Physics Corp., 2724 S. Peck Rd., Monrovia, Calif. 91016. 432



MASS SPECTROMETER from ^^, i'^«#



Trace Mercury Spectrometer Model BNL-1200 trace mercury spectrometer determines the amount of mercury in liquid, solid, and gaseous samples to 5 p.p.b. from a 100-mg. sam­ ple. The 2537-A. line from a mercury vapor light source containing both the reference and sample beam is passed through the sampling chamber. At least one test per minute can be made. Barringer Nuclear Ltd., 145 Belfield Rd., Rexdale, Toronto, Ontario, Can­ ada. 433

does 3 jobs 1

not just one





A glass sensing electrode and a sil­ ver/silver-chloride reference electrode are sealed into a single probe 5 mm. in diameter. The probe portion of the unit is 5 inches long. The entire unit is 8 inches long and has a 30-inch shielded lead and connecting jacks that fit most pH meters. Only 0.2 ml. of solution is needed for a determination. The elec­ trode can be used over a 0-14 pH range and a 5°-100° C. temperature range. Fisher Scientific Co., 300 Fisher Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219. 434

Thermal Analyzer Enthalpic changes are determined by the differential thermal analyzer by a continuous temperature comparison between the sample and the reference material while the furnace is heated or cooled at a linear, uniform rate. Dif­ ferential temperature may be plotted on an X-Y recorder as a function of temperature or on an Χλ-Χ2 strip chart recorder as a function of time. Sensitivity is 0.02 μγ. Harrop Preci­ sion Furnace Co., 3470 E. Fifth Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43219. 435




• • • •

MODEL 610-611 Mass Range 1 to 500 Unit Resolution to 130 Sensitivity 2 x 1 0 · " torr Bakeable 400°C



Outstanding reliability and performance are features of AERO VAC's new Model 610-611 Mass Spectrometer. Scanning may be done at high speed for oscilloscope display or at either of 3 speeds (1, 5, or 25 minutes) for strip chart or X-Y recorder. Single scan or repetitive scanning over a particular mass range may be selected. Mass number and partial or total pres­ sure in torr are displayed directly. Sensitivity is achieved with an electron multiplier. Spec­ trometer tube source has dual, non-contaminat­ ing, rhenium or tungsten filaments. Write or telephone AERO VAC today for further details.







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38, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1966


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