NEW PRODUCTS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Feb 4, 2002 - WAXES Offering higher α-olefin content and improved purity for higher reactivity, products can be used in cosmetics and water-repellent...
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Instruments and labware


Chemicals and materials ADHESIVE Based on aromatic isocyanates, Robond SF Is a member of a series of lowmonomer formulations that lowers risk of primary aromatic amine formation and that is tailored for a variety of mediumperformance packaging applications. Rohm and Haas, HERBICIDE Approved by EPA for use in industrial sites and turf; tank farms; storage areas; and forests, rangeland, and pastures, Metgard 60—a 60% dryflowable granular formulation of metsulfuron methyl—is for postemergence use for control of more than 125 weeds, brush, and deciduous trees. Makhteshim-Agan of North America, EMULSIFIERSForuseinthe polymerization of acrylic, vinyl, and copolymer resins, neutralized phosphate ester surfactants help develop resins with enhanced color acceptance and gloss, improved water sensitivity, and effective control of particle size. Dexter Chemical, http://www. WAXES Offering higher a-olefin content and improved purity for higher reactivity, products can be used in cosmetics and water-repellent coatings, epoxides for epoxy resins, alkyl aromatics for metalworking fluids and detergents, and maleic anhydrides for waterproofing agents. Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., http://

Literature and services CHEMICALS Catalog provides a comprehensive listing of more than 3,000 analytical reagents, research organics, and inorganic 28

C & E N / F E B R U A R Y A, 2 0 0 2

and specialty chemicals. GFS Chemicals, http://www.gfs

MOISTURE ANALYZER Ideal for chemical, pharmaceutical, food-processing, environmental,

FUEL CELLS Brochure highlights line of precious-metal catalysts—single- and bimetallicsupported and unsupported—for use on anodes and cathodes in proton exchange membrane and direct methanol fuel cells. Alfa Aesar, SPECIALTY GAS Detailing technical and safety information, 320page volume contains portfolio of pure and mixed gases; includes products for environmental compliance, en-

and quality control sampling applications, instrument features IR halogen heating element, 0.001-g readability, and 0.01-100% moisture range. Alliance Scale, http://www. HPLC Reverse-phase columns are able to withstand 100% aqueous mobile-phase throughput via special modifications to the silica packing and can be employed for organic acid, carbohydrate, and polar drug analysis. DyChrom, http://www.

gine emissions testing, process control, and lab instrument support. Scott Specialty Gases, PULP & PAPER Selector guide explains benefits of silicone antifoam control agents and the extensive range of products used as intermediates and raw materials; is applicable to sulfate and sulfite pulping, paper and paperboard manufacturing, and wastewater treatment systems. Dow Corning, http://www.dow LIFE SCIENCES Catalog features nearly 3,000 pages with more than 5,000 new products in areas including proteomics, gene expression and analysis, and cell signaling; includes cross-references and application-specific subsections. Sigma-Aldrich, http://www.sigma

BALANCES Combining high accuracy and a low price, top-loading instruments feature easy-toread light-emitting diode display, stainless steel weighing pan, leveling controls, and a capacity range from 200 to 4,100 g. Setra Systems, SPECTROPHOTOMETER Designed for DNA, protein, and enzyme mechanism applications, instrument uses microfocused beam technology for accurate measurement of microvolume samples. Beckman Coulter, http://www.beckmancoul REFRACTOMETER Handheld, digital, and portable unit with automatic temperature compensation measures a range of 0-95% brix with accuracy of 0.1% as well as a refractive index range from 1.3300 to 1.5600 ± 0.0001 nD. Kernco Instruments,

CHLORINE MONITOR Ideal for applications in industrial water and wastewater plants as well as food and beverage and pharmaceutical processing, system provides precise measurements of free or total chlorine, from extremely low parts-permillion ranges to as high as 50 ppm; uses distilled white vinegar for pH adjustment. GLI International, http://www.gli CALIBRATION WEIGHTS Stainless steel avoirdupois and metric cylindrical sets are designed for testing commercial weighing devices to comply with NIST requirements; include a complete and versatile selection of weights for calibrating industrial, dial, and platform scales, in addition to trip balances. Rice Lake Weighing Systems,

Plant equipment and materials SCALE Ideal for shipping, receiving, recycling, and materialhandling applications, batterypowered bench scale is available in 150- and 300-lb capacities. Rice Lake Weighing Systems, PUMP Applicable to municipalities and industrial wastewater processors, submersible electric instrument pumps raw sewage, industrial wastewater, and other contaminated or abrasive liquids. Pumpex, http://www. PARTICLE SIZING Serving industries such as chemical processing, plastics compounding, food processing, agribusiness, and mineral processing, analyzer automates sieve analysis of dry granular material while using rotary shaking/ tapping motion. Rotex,

New Products is written by Stephen Trzaska, who can be reached at [email protected]. HTTP://PUBS.ACS.ORG/CEN