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DOI: 10.1021/cen-v065n007.p049. Publication Date: February 16, 1987. Copyright © 1987 American Chemical Society. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives ...
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Chemicals and materials 201 Graphite adhesives. Two grades are available for bond­ ing and coating graphite com­ ponents: 551-A for use in ox­ idizing a t m o s p h e r e s , and 551-R for use in reducing at­ mospheres. Aremco Products 202 Heat-conductive com­ pound. Ready-to-use, nonhardening compound increases heat transfer from one surface to another; can be applied between heat exchangers and vessels. Dylon Industries 203 Leak detection. When applied to fittings, pipes, or tubing, 6 solutions produce telltale, long-lasting bubbles that locate leaks. Cantesco 204 Vinyl ester resin. Mate­ rial for automotive structural c o m p o s i t e s is tough and withstands high temperatures; can be processed on lowpressure resin transfer mold­ ing equipment. Dow Chemical 205 Copolymer emulsion. High-solids, low-viscosity vi­ nyl acetate-ethylene copoly­ mer is compounding base for many uses, such as adhe­ sives to laminate vinyl to par­ ticle board. Air Products & Chemicals 206 Preservative. Nonirritating, liquid biocide controls microorganisms, such as bac­ teria and mold, that deterio­ rate paper or paperboard products. Betz PaperChem 207 Waste treatment. Bac­ terial culture eliminates many components found in indus­ trial waste streams; treats de­ tergents, petroleum, pulp, pa­ per. Solmar 208 Ibuprofen. Directly com­ pressible form reduces pro­ cessing time; can be used in manufacture of 200-, 400-, and 600-mg tablets. Mallinckrodt 209 Antimicrobial agent. Bioban GK has received EPA registration for use as pre­ servative in metalworking fluids and latex paints. Angus Chemical

210 Adsorbent. Macroreticular styrene-divinylbenzene co­ polymer beads have average pore diameter of 144 A; use­ ful for protein and peptide work. Bio-Rad Laboratories

Literature 211 Solutions. Catalog lists more than 600 standard so­ lutions, buffers, and titrants, including colorimetric, test, re­ agent, and volumetric solu­ tions. Solutions Plus 212 Valves. 36-page catalog describes features and bene­ fits of diaphragm valve and discusses major components; includes step-by-step instruc­ tions on how to select correct unit. Rockwell International 213 Aromatic acids. Book­ lets detail new line of multi­ functional acids used to cre­ ate new polymers. Amoco Chemicals 214 Coatings. Interactive disk for use with IBM PC and oth­ er compatible computers fo­ cuses on solving problems involving low solvent coating applications with solventresistant epoxy coatings. Ciba-Geigy 215 Polymer processing. Bro­ chure describes Pass-1 com­ puter software package that assists in design of new equipment and analyzing existing operations. Polymer Processing Institute 216 Inorganic spectroscopy. Catalog lists expanded line of standards for atomic ab­ sorption, graphite furnace AA, optical emission, and x-ray fluorescence. Spex Industries 217 Factory fluid recovery. 12-page booklet explains cost-efficient methods and benefits of recycling contami­ nated factory fluids. Barrett Centrifugals 218 Process control. Prod­ uct guide depicts state-of-theart instrumentation packages for measurement, control, and data acquisition; includes computing packages and in­ dicator packages. Devar

219 Sludge depth meter. Booklet describes micropro­ cessor-based instrument that uses no moving parts to con­ tinuously monitor location of sludge/liquid interface. Markland Specialty Engineering 220 Control software. Guide lists packages for process control as well as hardware/ software configuration recom­ mendations and suggested ap­ plications. Heuristics

Labware and instruments 221 FTIR. High-throughput, horizontal attenuated total re­ flectance accessory analyzes aqueous-based or organic samples that are not easily analyzed by transmission in­ frared. Spectra-Tech 222 Hazardous chemicals. Database software on prop­ erties for IBM XT is made for educational and research fa­ cilities that do not require ultrahigh speed of original ChemPro. Fisher Scientific 223 Gas chromatography. Mass spectrometric detector has high sensitivity, large dy­ namic range, and high speci­ ficity. Finnigan Mat

solids or poorly miscible liq­ uids; all standard and pyridinefree reagents may be used with unit. Vector Marketing 228 Liquid chromatography. Programable pulseless, dualpiston pump delivers from 10 μΙ_/ηιιη to 10 mL/min in 0.01 mL/min increments with max­ imum pressure of 6000 psi. Spectra-Physics 229 HPLC. Column block heater with separate temper­ ature controller accommo­ dates column lengths from 5 to 30 cm. Peris Industries

Plant equipment and instruments 230 Drag scrapers. Units can be used for primary recovery of by-products and for sedi­ ment removal of slimes from ponds; average extraction rate is 40 to 365 cubic yards per hour. Fuchs Systems 231 Turbidimeter. EPA-approved, on-line digital device provides sensitivity required for filtration control. Hach 232 Pesticide detector. De­ vice provides on-the-spot test to detect within minutes pres­ ence of organophosphates and carbamates. EnzyTec

224 Signal averager. Com­ pact, portable instrument has 5 modes of operation includ­ ing signal averaging, pulse counting, signal averaging with pulse counting, and fre­ quency histograms. Nicolet

233 Tank jacket. Secondary containment system made of high-density polyethylene pro­ vides corrosion protection for steel underground storage tanks. Total Containment

225 Surface analysis. Mer­ cury pressure unit operates remotely; measures radioac­ tive materials for porosity, sur­ face area, and particle size distribution. Haake Buchler Instruments

234 Gas detector. Unit mon­ itors levels of combustible gases and displays them on digital readout; outputs can tie directly to computer-based control s y s t e m . Detector Electronics

226 X-ray monochromator. In combination with PHI's 5000 series ESCA line of sur­ face analysis instrumentation, device gives maximum ener­ gy resolution and signal in­ tensity. Perkin-Elmer

235 Radiation monitor. Small cadmium telluride sensor can be placed in remote locations such as in thermowell hous­ ing within flow stream. Radi­ ation Monitoring Devices

227 Titrator. Karl Fisher de­ vice has built-in homogenizer that pulverizes and blends

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