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Feb 13, 1978 - 0070 contains 8 tools, including knives, points, and microhook; tip size is 0.5 mm. Minitool. 103 Combination-ray spectrophotometer . W...
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New Products

Labwareand instruments 100 High-speed serum-iron analyzer. Device is based on new technology for isolat­ ing iron's electron transfer signal; measures 20 microli­ ters of serum. Environmental Sciences Associates 101 High-accuracy temper­ ature instrument. Platinum RTD's, NBS-traceable cali­ bration, digital readout, accu­ rate to ±0.03° C. Environ­ mental Systems 102 Miniature hand tools for microscopy. Set No. 0070 contains 8 tools, in­ cluding knives, points, and microhook; tip size is 0.5 mm. Minitool 103 Combination-ray spec­ trophotometer. WEDAX 2 system integrates wave­ length and solid-state energy dispersive techniques, ana­ lyzes all elements from boron to uranium. Cambridge Instrument 104 Laboratory "third arm." Hinged arm grips small labo­ ratory apparatus, moves in all directions, mounts on bench top, rack, or wall. Pope Scientific 105 Vitamin Ε recovery sys­ tem. Recovers natural vita­ min through a combination of low-pressure and low-heat input. CVC Products 106 Wet sieve tester. Model WV-2 "Wet-VAC" has 8inch round sieves, uses vac­ uum and electromagnetic vibration to minimize ag­ glomeration, pancaking, and static. Gilson Screen

111 Portable hot spot scan­ ner. Aim at objects up to 25 feet away, pull trigger, get digital readout of temper­ ature to within 1° F; ranges to 1000° F. Wahl 112 Oil/water separator. Unit employs gravity flow through a nonplugging medi­ um to separate oil droplets down to less than 20 mi­ crometers; self-cleaning. Hyde Products 113 Central control access and security system. Oper­ ates entire system of securi­ ty, access, and environmen­ tal equipment; simultaneous­ ly specifies appropriate ac­ tion for any alarm condition. Cardkey Systems 114 Glass-lined process equipment. Product line in­ cludes reactors up to 20,000 gal and storage tanks up to 25,000 gal. De Dietrich 115 Automatic alloy sorter. Model 6500 uses x-ray tech­ niques to identify, measure, or sort up to 19 different ma­ terials simultaneously and on-line. Kevex 116 Portable suspended solids sampler. Model S4050 features vortex induc­ tion to prevent sedimenta­ tion, purge cycle, and vari­ able sample velocity control. Manning Environmental 117 Fast-response fire de­ tection sensor. Mercury col­ umn device is 20 times more sensitive than bimetal units, is well suited to high-con­ tamination, high-shock areas. Mack Electric

Plant equipment and instruments

118 High-speed vibrating sieve screens. Screen cloth vibrates in harmonic cords to prevent clogging by fines and sticky material; in­ creases production up to 300%. Tri-Co Eng. & Mfg.

110 Combustors for alter­ nate fuels. New line of fluidbed combustors uses slud­ ges, solid wastes, or coal to generate steam or hot flue gas for process heating. Thermal Processes

119 Energy monitoring sys­ tem. Device accumulates, displays, and distributes data on consumption of electric­ ity, natural gas, steam, and water throughout a plant. Veeder-Root

124 Chemical processing equipment. 32-page catalog describes line of research and process development apparatus in the fields of agi­ tation, drying, and reaction. Bench Scale Equipment

132 Electrophoresis purity reagents. Bulletin 1054 lists up-to-date line of reagents, reduced price in bulk. BioRad Laboratories


Chemicals and materials

125 Electrochemical instru­ mentation. Metrohm bro­ chure BR 369 has 52 pages on products available for potentiometric measurements, and on accessory systems recommended for each de­ vice. Brinkmann Instruments

138 New alcohol series. The NEODOL 91 compounds are linear primary alcohols in C9 to C