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NEW PRODUCTS Chemicals and Materials


Carbon impregnated polyurethane foam is electrically conductive and provides cushioning as well as a means to prevent buildup of static electricity. T h e materials are primarily intended for explosives, delicate instruments, and other applications where superior cushioning and antistatic properties are desired. Zero Manufacturing Co. 40 1 SILICONE RUBBER

Two new high strength silicone rubbers have been developed for general automotive, aerospace, and applmiance use by the Dow Corning Corp. Silastic 35 and Silastic 75 retain better dynamic characteristics, resistance to compression set, and oil resistance associated with the dimethyl siloxane elastomers. Dow Corning 402

recommended for incorporation isnto olefin copolymers and for the formulation of automotive finishes, adhesives, and fabric water repellants. Rohm and Haas Co. 405 METAL DEOXIDIZER

Deoxidizer No. 17 enhances the corrosion resistance of Alodized aluminum by eliminating the conditions under which copper contaminants affect the aluminum surface. Amchern Products Inc. 406



Silyl-8 is a chemical formulation for conditioning gas chromatographic columns by direct injection. I t is intended for use wherever a highly inert column is desired and should not be used where Hbonding-type phases are present. Pierce Chemical Co. 407



TP-SOB and TP-95 plasticizers, formerly available in liquid form only, have been made available in dry concentrate form. TP-SOB is used mainly in natural, SBR, chloroprene, and nitrile compounds. TP-95 is compatible with nitriles. Thiokol Chemical Corp. 403

Ethyl maltol is a new enhancer for use in sweet carbohydrate foods and is marketed under the name, Veltol-Plus. Veltol-Plus is effective in enhancing the flavor and aroma of chocolate, vanilla, mint, strawberry, raspberry, pineapple, and other fruit flavors as well as tomato products. Chas. Pfizer & Co. 408



Twenty-one new fluoroketone and fluoroacid derivatives are now available in laboratory and developmental quantities. Potential end uses for the new chemicals include plastics, dyes, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and coating resins. Allied Chemical Corp. 404


The (22x3623 series of Zetafax resins are experimental copolymers of ethylene and acrylic acid and are especially well suited for adhesive applications. Dow Chemical Co.



A new acrylic monomer has been added to the broad line of monomeric esters and acids offered by the Special Products Department. As supplied, the monomer is a clear liquid containing 100 p.p.m. of hydroquinone as an inhibitor and is

N-isopropylacrylamide is a new intermediate which readily enters into a number of polymer reactions. Areas of potendal use include textile, adhesive, detergent, cosmetic, and a number of industrial products. Eastman Chemical Products. 410 VOL. 5 9


7 JULY 1967



Style 96 Astrosil is a flexible silica fabric h a v i n g approximately twice the w e i g h t and thickness of t h e s t a n d a r d 18-oz. m a t e r i a l . High silica p u r i t y levels a r e t h u s made a v a i l a b l e for a b l a t i v e r e i n f o r c e m e n t and o t h e r high t e m p e r a t u r e applications. J. P. SteiTens k Co. Inc.


X a n t h i n e o x i d a s e (XOP), acetylcholinesterase ( E C H P ) , and ribonu-

clease (RT1) are enzymes Off e r e d for research use ill t h e food, p h a r m a c e u t i c a l , and b e y e r a g e industries. T\’orthington cal Corp.



Silylation Manuals. detailed manual o n silylation methods, techniques, and reagents f o r producing trimethylsilyl a n d analogous derivatives has been offered. T h e manual discusses the advantage of trimethylsilylation a n d gives instructions, suggestions, and precautions for satisfactory silylation. Pierce 417 Chemical Co. Korad-A Film. h 7-page bulletin lists the ph) sical properties of Korad-A, suggests applications, and describes performance advantages of the new film over most liquid-sjstems. R o h m and Haas co, 418 Clarification Aids. .A new bulletin describes Hydraids, a nelv family of Ivater soluble and synthetic organic polymers designed to function as drainage aids, clarification aids, a n d floc controls i n pulp a n d paper systems. Calgon Corp. 419


hfobilsol 33 has b e e n i n t r o d u c e d a s a plasticizer for n a t u r a l , SBR, n e o p r e n e , and b u t y l r u b b e r s . I t may also be blended w i t h o t h e r plasticizers for n i t r i l e r u b b e r . Mobil Oil Corp. 413 LITERATURE

Alkali Soluble Resins. Catalog A-7 contains 70 pages o n more than 20 resins expressly developed for floor, auto, and furniture polishes waxes, sealers, a n d primers. A11 are alkali soluble for cleaning i n seri,ice. Shanco Plastics and Chemicals, Inc. 414 Synthetic Lubricants. S e w comparat i l e data for six synthetic oils, eight synthetic greases, a n d two rust preventiTes h a l e been compiled i n a 4-page folder. Included are temperature ranges, method of application, humidity cabinet, a n d evaporaton rates. 415 Tenneco Chemicals Inc. Foam Surfactant. .I new silicone surfactant for rigid urethane foam is described i n detail i n a new 6-page technical data guide. T h e publication covers physical properties, basic product information, a n d performance and application data of surfactallt SF-1109. 416 General Electric Co.

Epoxy Fittings. Eight-page bulletin describes the general specifications for Green T h r e a d glass fiber reinforced epoxy pipe a n d fittings rated for s e n ice up to 225” F. 1-2. 0. Smith Corp. 420 Molding Compounds. X series of 10 new data sheets cotering the complete line of Poly-Dap diallyl phthalate molding compounds includes such data as molding i d o r m a t i o n and mechanical, thermal, moisture, and electrical properties. Included is a Test Methods and Conditioning Code sheet and useful conrersion table. U. S. Polymeric, Inc. 421 Alcohol Derivatives. Four-page bulletin describes five products i n the Lipal L.A series of ethoxylated lauryl alcohol clerivati\es for use i n the preparation of cosmetic a n d pharmaceutical prepara422 tioris. DIWVChemical Corp. Glass Filled Plastics. Bulletin CDX-38 covers i n depth product characteristics such as moduli up to four times that of the standard resins. Materials covered are the new glass filled grades oT pol) p h e m lene oxide a n d Noryl thermoplastics General Electric Co. 423 Metal-Eonded Graphite Valves. Bulle860-01 Presents Of bonded-to-graphite T alves Tvhicli add streneth a n d shock resistance to the corrosion-proof properties of graphite internals. Desiins lnclude bafi, drain, anple, a n d check valves f o r service t0-3-10~ F. and to 150 p.s.i. Some of the difficult chemicals which can be handled are h,,drof~uoricacid, cfllori. Ilated organic;, a n d phosphoric acid. Process Eauirxnent Div.. Carborundum I I co. 424 v


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S p t h e t i c Lubricants. Information o n 29 selected Anderol synthetic lubricating greases, oils, special fluids, a n d rust preventives is presented i n a folder. T h e nature of synthetics a n d their unique characteristics a n d applications are shown. Tenneco Chemical, Inc. 425 Sanitary Chemicals. A 1967 catalog of sanitary chemicals provides a dejcription of the composition and principal uses of each product a n d indicates available literature for each. Products are grouped under headings of surfactants, germicides, insecticides, eiizymes, reducing agents, and resins. 426 R o h m and Haas Co. Sintered Metal Filters. New tecliiiical and product data bulletiiis describe the complete line of felt-metal fiber metal filter products with filtration ratings from 0.1 to 200 I*: Design a n d performance data are included; these are claimed to demonstrate the superiority of this type of sintered metal for filtration seryice over powder metal filters. X listing of typical applications is gixen. Huyck Metals Co. 427 Polyester Resins. A 12-page manual o n two new resins-Paraplex P19A and P19B-developed for premix and preform or mat molding, respectivcly, points out the most noteworthy characteristics of the two resins. Coinparisoils are given for conventional resin premix molding, Paraplex Pl9A premix molding, conventional resin mat laminate, Paraplex P19B mat laminate, a n d automotive grade steel. Rohm 428 aiid Haas Co. Fire-Resistant Fluids. A 36-page handbook outlines the need for sare hydraulic fluids a n d discusses irnporlant considerations such as selection of the proper fluid, compatibility with systems components, conversion methods, and maintenance. Properties of the three major types of fluids a n d laboratory test data supporting these comparisons are provided. E. F. Houghton k Co. 429 Sodium Borohydride. T h e iiide T ermtility of this compound as a reducing agent for organic functional groups is covered i n a 24-page brochure. T h e reduction reactions are discussed i n detail, a n d the physical properties and handling a n d analytical procedures are 430 included. Ventron Corp. Glasteel Polymerizer. Bulletin gives the uses, design, a n d construction features of the compound’s Glasteel polymers. T h e pressure vessels are offered i n three standard sizes of 2200, 3700; a n d 5000 gallons. T h e bulletin also contains specification drawings: data on engineering mixing systems. and optional accessories. Bulletin 1051 has 1 G pages. T h e Pfaudler Co. 43 1