New Products Digest - Environmental Science ... - ACS Publications

New Products Digest. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1967, 1 (5), pp 436–439. DOI: 10.1021/es60005a610. Publication Date: May 1967. ACS Legacy Archive. Not...
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Silyl 8, a chemical formulation for conditioning gas chromatographic columns, is injected directly into the column and acts to block active sites with an inert and stable trimethylsilyl group. It is intended for use where a highly inert column is desired and should not be used on H-bonding type phases such as glycerols, carbowax, and the like. Available in 25 ml. Hypovials (several hundred injections). Pierce Chemical Co. 61 Continuous Dissolved Oxygen Monitor

Microclimate Wind Recorder Developed

What happens with regard to air motion within the microclimatethe portion of the atmosphere that lies immediately above the surface of a field-is very important because light winds at the earth’s surface cool growing plants, carry carbon dioxide to leaves for use in photosynthesis, and influence water-use efficiency of crops. The problem has been that standard anemometers do not record low enough wind speeds to be useful in microclimate studies. Scientists in the Agricultural Research Service (U. S. Department of Agriculture) have solved this recording problem by perfecting a highly sensitive wind gage at their Water Conservation Laboratory in Phoenix, Ariz. The new gage resembles oridinary anemometers in most ways, but the cups that catch the wind are cone-shaped instead of hemispherical and are constructed of a very thin, extremely light plastic. Both shape and weight of the cones contribute to the sensitivity of the device. The device, which is sensitive to wind speeds of less than one tenth of a mile per hour, uses a frictionless recording system. The spinning shaft of the anemometer interrupts a beam of light focused on a photoelectric cell, which relays the frequency of interruptions to an instrument that automatically calculates and records wind speed. Several of the cup assemblies (above) can be mounted one above the other to measure variations in the movement of different layers of air. Specifications are available. Please circle 60 on the Readers’ Service Card.

Environmental Science and Technology

For use in dissolved oxygen analyzers with p.p.m. or p.p.b. capabilities, the portable, remote (up to 1000 feet) sampler and probe unit has a magneticcoupled, ax.- or d.c.-driven, cleaneragitator which assures minimum fouling of the membrane and provides optimum calibration stability. A large anode increases performance life between cleanings by an order of magnitude. Membranes of up to 2 mils thickness may be used without sacrifice in response rate. Weston & Stack, Inc. 62 Calibration Device


direct-reading conductance box, Model CD-6, for calibrating conductivity equipment provides six decade dials which permit direct reading of precise conductance units from 1 micromho to 1,111,110 micromhos. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 63 New Analytical Services

DeBell and Richardson, Inc. has added gel permeation chromatography and thermal analysis services to its plastics research, development, engineering, and testing programs. In addition, the firm is prepared to test plastics for fungus resistance as well as other physical, mechanical, or electrical properties. R & D planning counsel is offered. DeBell & Richardson, Inc. 64

Vertical P u m p

Called the “Vane-Flo”, this vertical, drypit, solids handling pump can pass any solid that enters its suction port. The straight centrifugal units are available in 3-, 4,and 6-in. port sizes, with each model having swirl action created by partially recessed impellers. Capacities range to 3000 g.p.m. and total heads to 140 feet. The pump is available in cast iron, Meehanite, Ni-Resist, Ni-Hard, 28% chrome iron, and 316 stainless steel construction to suit a variety of corrosive 65 slurry applications. ITT Marlow. Balance w i t h Dual Readout

The Mettler P6 fully automatic, toploading balance provides analog as well as digital (to 0.5 gram) readouts, weighs objects up to 7500 grams, handles bulky and odd-sized objects readily because it has no weighing chamber and is precise to +0.25 g. Mettler Instrument Co. 66 Polarographic Analyzer System

Model SSP-1 single-sweep polarographic analyzer system consists of a storage oscilloscope with two polarographic plug-

in units which will provide polarograms in seconds that can be stored up to one hour. An amplifier unit and a time-base unit are housed in the one console, along with display adjustment controls and calibration wheels. Chemtrix, Inc. 67 Thin Layer Chromatography Scanner

Developed primarily for the fluorometric quantitation of chemical entities separated by thin layer chromatography, the scanner has applications in the textile and paper industries, in ink and paint industries, for pesticides, and for a variety of general biochemical analyses. The instrument can measure native fluorescence, reagent induced fluorescence, or fluorescence quenching. The unit operates from 117 volts a.c. and has a scan rate of 2.4 cm. per minute. G . K. Turner 68 Associates. 5-Channel Dissolved Oxygen Analyzers

Model 88-A is suitable for continuous BOD analysis and oxygen depletion studies in the plant or lab and employs a new process which eliminates the need for Winkler tests. Model 88-B is avail-

Effective air pollution surveys depend on Davis SO2 Detectors

able for sewage plant oxygen monitoring, pilot plant studies, aeration efficiency and design analysis, and like uses. The five rugged oxygen and temperature probes may be operated at any distance from the analyzer, and do not require frequent calibration because they are unusually stable. Both units record continuous data for five simultaneous tests, have a full oxygen range of (r20 p.p.m., and are available for line or portable operation. Delta Scientific Corp. 69 Gas Analyzer

Model MS 100 high speed r.f. mass spectrometer gas analyzer identifies gas molecules from mass 1 to mass 600. The two-console system records values as low as 100 nanograms, operates at ambient temperatures without the need for coolants, and records the output display of the mass peaks on high speed photosensitive recorder strips. Readout is linear across the band, facilitating direct identification of mass peaks. A record of the entire mass range from 1 to 600 can be produced in 1 sec. General Elec70 tric Co.

l i f e Systems Division of

AEROJET Von Karman Center ( 2 5 miles east o f Los Angeles) Has immediate requirement for:

MICROBIOLOGIST Will participate in research and d e v e l o p m e n t o n experimental s e w a g e a n d waste treatment processes.

Applicant s h o u l d possess a g r a d u a t e degree i n M i c r o b i o l o g y with experience and or education in the area of sanitary engineering. Public health services, air pollution departments and private industry“ rely upon the high sensitivity of Davis Model No. 11-7010Recording Type Sulphur Dioxide Detector. It may be used i n laboratory or mobile unit, even a helicopter. High sensitivity range 0-1P.P.M. SO2 in air, threshold approximately 0.05 P.P.M. Easily operated and maintained needs no chemicals. Available with pyrolizing furnace for H2S detection and inverter for battery-operated mobile use. Write for Bulletin No. 5070.


Please submit resume, including salary requirements to:

R. S. L A W R E N C E

“Names upon request.


Division of Davis Emergency Equipment C o 296 Halleck St , Newark 4, N. J.

Assignment will cover p l a n n i n g a n d p e r f o r m i n g microbiological experiments to o b t a i n data for use in evaluating new and i m p r o v e d processes, characterization of microflora, development of effective monitoring techniques, preparation o f r e p o r t s a n d evaluation of experiments, a n d in the supervision of trained technicians.


Scientific & Engineering Placement P. 0. Box 3 0 3 , Atusa, Calif. 9 1 7 0 2 A subsidiary of T h e General Tire & Rubber Co.

An Equal Opportunity Employer

Circle No. 25 on Readers’ Service Card

Volume 1, Number 5, May 1967 439