New Products Digest - Environmental Science ... - ACS Publications

New Products Digest. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1969, 3 (6), pp 590–592. DOI: 10.1021/es60029a610. Publication Date: June 1969. ACS Legacy Archive. No...
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new products diaest

Wet Scrubber

New type of wet scrubber features curved venturi blades which are claimed to promote higher collecting efficiency because of a twisting vortical action imparted to the dust-bearing water. The scrubber unit is available in three sizes and 13 models, with air capacities ranging from 2800-33,000 cfm. The unit is ideal for wet, oily, or sticky dusts. Carter-Day Co. 61 Dissolved Solids Monitor

Continuous monitoring unit for deionized water or reverse osmosis streams reads directly in micromhos or ppm. Each unit is calibrated at the factory but can be recalibrated in the field. The unit is housed in an

aluminum box measuring 4 % in. x 4% in. X 2 in. deep. Repeatability is 2% of scale, and permanent plastic electrodes which never require platinizing are used. Myron L Co. 62 Self-calibrating Air Pollution Instruments

Iodometric analyzers for measurement of 0, and SO, self-calibrate using a chemical coulometric equivalent principle. Units for specific NO, NOy, SO2, and NO, measurements standardize through use of optical filters representing known gas concentrations. The calibration cycle takes 15-20 min, and calibration frequency can be varied as the user desires. Atlas Electric Devices Co. 63

Sulfur Monitor/Analyzer

Model SA-120 continuous atmospheric SO, analyzer responds linearly to concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 1 ppm, and can be used up to 10 ppm. The upper concentration limit can be extended by dilution of the incoming air. The unit utilizes photometric detection of the flame emissions of sulfur-containing compounds in a H,-air flame. Melpar, Inc. 64 Complexing Agent

Agent AT-717 is a complexing agent useful for the removal of phenols, polyphenols, and related compounds via a column method or batch process. The agent is an insoluble, cross-linked PVP in bead form. G A F Corp. 65

Automatic SAMPLER for water



Garden City alloy fans for corrosive conditions Describes various fan types available in stainless steel and other alloy construction. Contains dimension drawings, design features, plus comprehensive corrosion guide. Write for your copy to Garden City Fan & Blower Co., 803 North Eighth Street, Niles, Michigan 49120. Circle NO. 21 on Readers' Service Card

590 Environmental Science & Technology


This Sigmamotor p u m p is designed t o take samples periodically on a programmed basis. Samples can b e drawn u p t o 18 feet by a trouble-free positive displacem e n t t u b i n g p u m p . The natural pulsing action keeps t h e line clear and flowing. Small fibers and particles do not p l u g the tubing. Models are now available for battery or 110 Volt AC power, for a single 2% gal. composite sample, or 24 individual hourly samples. The light weight carrying case is weatherproof. Complete literature is available.

SIGMAMOTOR, INC. 141 North Main St.

Middleport, N. Y.

Phone (716) 735-3411

llirrlr I n I S nn RnadPrr' Service



Cationic Polymer for Paper Wastes

Atmospheric Analyzer

Natron 86, a new synthetic cationic polymer, is claimed to improve effluent clarification over a wide range of mill conditions. Claimed to have been proved the most economical product available to paper mills today, the product is supplied as an 187c solids solution which is diluted with water before use. The cationic nature of Natron 86 promotes an agglomeration of pigments, fibers, and fines, thus permitting more complete recovery of suspended solids from waste water. National Starch and Chemical Co. 66

Portable atmospheric analyzer can detect sulfur hexafluoride tracer at concentrations as small as 1 part in 109 ( 1 part in 1010 if a simple accessory is used). Sulfur hexafluoride is nontoxic, inexpensive, and miscible with most gases and liquids. The instrument weighs only 18 lb. and requires 110 volts a s . Scientific Sys68 terns Corporation.

Continuous Dust Collection

The Multi-Seal Dynacyclone combines low-velocity collection with simplified bag cleaning design to provide high efficiency and increased bag life. Bags are cleaned by reverse air, and a choice of filter fabrics is available. The units can handle temperatures to 250” F. and have been proved effective in an operation in which powdery carbon black was reclaimed. The W. W. Sly Manuf. Co. 67

micromhos. All scales have linear readout. One dip-type cell which is automatically temperature-compensated operates over the entire range. There is an internal checkpoint for instant standardization. The instrument weighs 3 lb. Aquatronics, Inc. 70

Multiple Point Chlorination

The Advance System provides for chlorination at any number of points using only one centrally located chlorinator. The chlorine feed rate at any point can be changed without affecting the flow rate at any other point. The chlorinators are completely vacuumoperated and no high pressure lines are needed. The system is ideally suited for pre- o r postchlorination at the waste treatment plant. Capital Controls Co. 69 Conductivity Meter

Model 305 portable conductivity meter has 4-position switch for selecting scales from 0-50 to 0-50,000

Refuse Compactor

The Mini-Pac converts loose bulk rubbish from apartment and commercial buildings into compact, sanitized packets that are automatically discharged into standard refuse containers. It is hydraulically operated and can reduce the bulk of trash by as much as 66%,


NEWAEROSOL SAMPLER Need samples of airborne particles as small as 0.01 micron? With Thermo-Systems’ Aerosol Sampler Model 3100, a sample o f airborne particles can b e evaluated without sampling bias d u e to particle size, shape or composition. Particles are deposited directly onto a variety of surfaces, including glass m i croscope slides and/or electron microscope grids. Typical applications include studies of: air pollution, respiratory systems, diffusion, insecticide distribution, viruses, c o m bustion products, clean room aerosols, biological aerosols, a n d engine exhaust. Sampled volume is independent of flow rate through t h e sampler. Sampler can operate continuously from seconds t o weeks. Unit is compact, portable, automatic and easy t o use. Battery-operated units are available. Send for complete specifications. The sampler augments a growing line of aerosol research equipment, including t h e Whitby Aerosol Analyzer for indicating size distribution of submicron sized particles. ThermoSystems also performs independent research i n aerosol a n d fluid flow areas. We welcome your inquiry.

Particle Research laboratories


THERMO-SYSTEMS IMC. 2500 Cleveland A v e NO

St Paul Mlnn 55113

Phone (612) 633-0550

H i g h frequency flow measuring e q u i p m e n t for liquids and gases, aerosol particle a n a l y z e r s and samplers.

Circle NO. 56 on Readers’ Service Card

Volume 3, Number 6, June 1969 591

Understanding water aualitv. mDegradation of the water is an accelerating process which must be checked now But the remedial action to accomplish this can only follow a rigorous scientific evaluation of the causes both natural and artificial AES manufactures the equipment for this evaluation Recently AES physical and biological chemists, along with the pertinent engineering ents XeveloDed automat IC Contlnuou s Colorimetric Analyzers for nearly 30 physical and chemical parameters They also developed automatic sensor cleaning With these capabilities, we’ve had these results: 1. More combined Federal and State Water Monitoring Systems in place and supplying accurate usable data than any other manufacturer 2. More automated industrial monitoring systems 3. Basic monitoring systems which start at under $3 000 and which reduce the cost of laboratory analysis from $2 00 to 2$ And because we re not just a hardware manufacturer we have also supplied the staff to take part with sanitary and industrial engineering personnel in joint design and field evaluations of pollution problems So that our instrumentation could be structured to f i t the sDecific application These services are available to you Start monitoring 2 weeks from Automated today. Whether you need one monitor or a total Environmental system with telemetry data logger or central Systems, tnc. station our monitoring systems are available 135 Crossways Park Drive for immediate delivery In trailers boats Woodbury L I N Y 11797 mobilevans or fixed shelters if needed (51 6) 364-0200 We could g o on but the problem w o n t wait Formerly the Envlmnmenlai Systems Operalion of Fairchild Camera & lnslrument Corporation Write or phone for more information

though the actual amount of volume reduction can be adjusted at the job site. The unit will process the average daily volume of refuse from 300 apartment rooms in 30 min. Peabody 71 Engifieering Corporation. Smoke Density

Smoke density “optimizer” is designed to provide corrective action in the form of an electrical signal-to-boiler operation which results in undesirable smoke. The process signal, smoke density, is periodically compared with a setpoint signal, and the difference between the two is used to optimize boiler performance. The unit can be used with the Wager photoelectric smoke indicator or with similar equipment. Robert H. Wager Co. 72

Circle No. 16 on Readers’ Service Card


CONTRACTS RECENTLY COMPLETED: Abbott Laboratories Barceloneta, Puerto Rico

TOTAL PERFORMANCE Analysis. Design Construction Operation

Construction: D r i l l e d and constructed water supply and waste disp o s a l w e l l s f o r new m u l t i - m i l l i o n dollar pharmaceutical plant.

1.P.c.l.’~basic approach to industrial waste control is evaluation of waste quantities and characteristics, reduction of waste through inplant changes, formulation of treatment requirements and determination of optimum system for disposal or utilization. The full scope of disposal methods are employed by I.P.C.1. in the design, construction and operation of pollution control systems through sub-surface disposal wells, chemical treatment, landfill, incineration, biological treatment and combinations of these methods. Learn more about 1.P.c.l.’~ “total performance” concept of pollution control. Write for literature, or call your nearest I.P.C.I. office. A LUBSIDIARY



General Electric Co.

Mt. Vernon, Indiana Design: Did engineering design for 3 million

gallon-per-day municipal-type water treating system f o r chemical plant on Ohio River.

Bareco Wax Kilgore, Texas Analysis,’ Design, Construction: Constructed facility for separating oil and paraffin material from waste brine stream, Drilled waste disposal well for injection of brine; built incinerator for disposal of oil and paraffin materials.

355 PERMANENT SAVINGS BLDG., EVANSVILLE, INDIANA 47708 Consultants and Contractors for Industrial Waste Disposal and Water Supply Systems N E W YORK 212682.1696

CHICAGO 312-242-1964

ATLANTA 404.237.9911 Circle





10 on Readers’ Service Card

Environmental Science & Technolog?

LOS ANGELES 714-529.3253

SAN JUAN 809-7254506


New demineralizer has purity selector that permits operator to choose water quality desired in the range 50,000- to 2,000,000-ohm-cm resistivity. Lights indicate when a cartridge change is necessary, and the cartridges themselves are large to minimize the need to change them. Capacities of up to 5 gph are possible. The unit is housed in an aluminum cabinet. Corning Glass Works. 73 Cooling Tower Fans

New line of axial flow glass fiber fans features cooling tower efficiency significantly. The fan blades are designed to withstand many times the loads normally experienced and are highly resistant to corrosion. abrasion, and mechanical damage. The fans are available in 22-, 24-, 26-, 28-, and 30-ft di3meters. Fluor Products CO. 74