New Products Digest - Environmental Science & Technology (ACS

New Products Digest. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1967, 1 (7), pp 581–582. DOI: 10.1021/es60007a610. Publication Date: July 1967. ACS Legacy Archive. No...
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An industrial p H monitor combines indication transmission and control; alarm in a single unit. Three standard types are available in p H ranges of 0-14 pH, 2-12 pH, and i 500 mv. Separate 100 pA/pH output is provided for remote indicators, recorders, electropneumatic converters, and other controllers. Also available: a n industrial pH electrode selector, a device enabling u p to six electrode assemblies t o be selected and connected, in turn, t o a single pH monitor. W. G. Pye & Co., 61 Ltd. Spectrophotometers

Model SP800 automatic recording spectrophotometer is a double-beam instrument based on the optical nullbalance principle. Spectra are drawn on an integral flat-bed recorder with a linear absorbance scale. Model SP90 atomic absorption spectrophotometer is designed for the rapid determination of trace elements in a wide variety of samples. It can be fitted with a n autosampler enabling it to analyze 32 samples unattended. Model SP20 recorder, a new strip-chart unit for analytical applications, has six speeds, full span zero control, alarm contacts, and provision for remote control. The recorder can be used with any of the Company's spectrophotometers. Unicam Instruments, Ltd. 62 Aerosol Photometer

This forward-scattering aerosol, smoke, and dust photometer is available in console and portable models. The self-contained unit measures, records, and controls dust and smoke concentrations over a wide range. Phoenix Precision Instrument Co. 63 Wafer Butterfly Valve

A TFE-protected, wafer-type butterfly valve is available for use in corrosive environments, at pressures u p to 150 p.s.i. and temperatures up t o 400" F. Garlock, Inc. 64

Oil Spills-One

Company's Remedy

In the wake of the Torrey C a n j ~ nincident, research on solubilizers and dispersants for oil spills has gained an urgency that was not present before the accident. Chemical companies have stepped up research and oil transport concerns have accelerated their testing programs for effective oil-pollution remedies. The chemical product sought must be effective in removing oil from water and sand, and from bulkheads. It must form a biodegradable residue. Most important, it must be completely soluble and nonirritating to human skin or animal life. Another important attribute must be its relative concentration or power, since one probable use would be stockpiling on oil-transport vessels for use in accidental oil spills o n the high seas. Recently Sun Oil Co. gave a public demonstration of such a product, Polycomplex A solubilizer manufactured by Guardian Chemical Co. The product proved effective in water, sand, and bulkhead tests in dispersing a domestic naphthenic crude oil of 23 API gravity. One gallon Polycomplex A per 10 gallons crude produced a microdispersion which company spokesmen claimed was readily degradable and nonirritating t o plant and animal life. I n one demonstration, crude was smoothed over a bulkhead (left) and then sprayed with Polycomplex A to show the chemical's cleaning power (right). Guardian Chemical Co. 60

Air Pollution Reagents

An air pollution reagents list, drawn up from HEW'S Selected Methods for the Meusurement of Air Pollutants, includes several procedures for sulfur dioxide, for nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide, and for oxidants determination; and a single method for various other procedures. C A M P reagents are sup68 plied in dry form. Harleco. Waste Water Treatment

Activated-Carbon for Air Conditioners

Grade 164 activated carbon adsorbs up to 25 of its weight of nitrogen dioxide or 20% of sulfur dioxide, and is highly efficient in adsorbing other airborne gaseous pollutants. It has no affinity for carbon monoxide and ethylene. The material is made from controlledprocess hydrocarbon feedstock, and is produced in coarse granular form (6 X 12 U.S. Sieves size). Witco Chemical co. 65

New Phosphate Polymer Material

A synthetic, organic polymer designed for boilers with feedwater hardness levels up to 25 p.p.m. has been tested for sludge conditioning, scale control, and foam control with good results. Extremely stable, the polymers show no corrosion potential (even in steam blanketed areas), may be used in high pressure applications (up to 1200 p s i ) , and require no special feeding procedures. Nalco Chemical Co. 66

Drive System

A variable torque a x . adjustable speed drive system for applications requiring constant pressure, level, flow, or temperature control, the Tri-Clad VT-700 consists of a silicon controlled rectifier static control panel and a high-slip, Type K X A motor. The unit automatically maintains wet-well level within + 2 % of the prescribed level. General 67 Electric Co. 582 Environmental Science and Technology

Packaged waste water treatment systems automatically neutralize acid or alkaline wastes, and break down chromate and cyanide wastes. Units may be added or rearranged as needs change, and are available in 2500-, 6250-, and 12,500-g.p.h. capacities. Sethco Manu69 facturing Corp. Butterfly Valves

A line of butterfly valves, in sizes ranging from 1 to 72 inches i d . , used to control the flow of gases as well as liquids, is available. Rockwell Manu70 facturing Co.

Computerized Water Management System

A computerized management system designed specifically for water utilities handles both on-line and off-line functions. The equipment costs about half as much as other available computer equipment for water utilities. The unit is equipped with warning lights and audible alarms for emergency conditions. Accounting, billing, meter monitoring, forecasts, and other operations can be handled. Badger Meter Manufacturing Co. 72 Relative Humidity Indicator

Model AB-167 hygrometer uses a Durotherm element to move the redtipped pointer over a dial calibrated from 0 to 100% relative humidity. Carefully calibrated before shipping, the hygrometer is accurate to 230" F. and has a direct-reading dial. Abbeon, Inc . 73

Hand-Held Pipetter

A compact unit furnished with an integral, 250-ml. reagent reservoir, the Jet-Pipet is available in 5-ml., 1-ml., and 0.25-ml. dispensing volumes. The unit operates as rapidly as the trigger mechanism can be squeezed. Volumes are adjustable and reproducible within =kO.l5Z F.S. Setting scale is accurate within i.0.5 Z. Since liquids contact only glass and Teflon, corrosive acids and organic solvents can be handled. 71 York Instrument Co.

Dissolved Oxygen Analyzer

The Model 400 dissolved oxygen analyzer determines trace concentrations of dissolved oxygen in liquids through the parts per billion range. A specially designed polarographic probe is separated from the sample by a semipermeable membrane. The solid state circuitry may be either a x . or d.c. powered. The unit features fast response, low drift, high accuracy and reproducibility, and long life. Weston & Stack, Inc. 71 Conductivity Bridge

Model PM-70CB solid-state conductivity bridge measures conductivity (0.1 micromho to 0.1 mho) or resistivity (100 ohms to 10 megohms) over a wide p H range. A digital scale readout is provided with the compact, lightweight, battery-powered bridge. Barn75 stead Still and Sterilizer Co., Inc.