Pump control panels Designed for use with the company's electric submersible pumps. Panel enclosure construction material can be varied to meet environmental severity. Panel relays are hermetically sealed and of solid-state design. Flygt Corp. 101 Screw pump These pumps are designed to pump raw sewage in sewage plants and can be used to pump return activated sludge. By design, capacity is variable, but capacities in excess of 40 000 gallmin on low-head applications are possible. A bar screen is optional. Gray Engineering 102 Company, Ltd. Flue gas conditioning system Allows power plants to burn low-sulfur coal to reduce SOn emissions and still maintain the collection efficiency of electrostatic precipitators. Wahlco, Inc. 103
sewer load. All eliminated faucets are replaced with non-mechanical spouts. 106 Ultraflo Corp. ..,
Atomizing nozzles These are available in standard sizes to handle a flow range of 6-2400 gallh. They find application in fuel oil combustion, dust suppression. hot gas cooling, and insecticide fogging Fluid Kinetics 112 Inc.
Digitizerlmlcroprocessor Input is via the alpha numeric keyboard or the electronic digitizer. Input data from these two sources go directly to the microprocessor, which "outputs" to a 15-digit display. Numonics Corp. 113
Gas sensing electrode Can .be used to selectively measure carbon dioxide, ammonia, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide or hydrogen sulfide. The electrode is designed to be used with pH/millivolt meters. Lazaar Re107 search Laboratories Sewage and air pump The immersible pump features an impeller that draws outside air through the motor drive, mixes the air with the pumped liquid and discharges a liquid1 air mixture with a high level of dissolved oxygen. The pump can stimulate bacterial activity for aerobic sewage treatment. Oberdorfer Pump Division 117
Fossil fuel catalytic system The catalyst, introduced to the combustion air, increases the burning rate of fossil fuels. The system increases flame temperature, lowers stack temDerature. increases COP and lowers other emissions. Vaporpak International Corp. 114 Level monitor The non-contact ultrasonic level monitor can measure liquids up to 33 ft away, and solids up to 25 ft away. Accuracy is within 1%. according to the 115 manufacturer. Wesmar Chlorine analyzerlrecorder Automatically measures chlorine residual levels. Signal IS drift-free. Data are recorded on a circular chart recorder. 116 Capital Controls Co.
Scrubber The pilot electrostatic scrubber uses charged water droplets to collect fine particulate emissions. Features include gas pressure drops of less than I-in. water gauge, water pressure of less than 50 psig and water to gas flow rates of less than 5 gall1000 acf. Pollution Control Systems Corp. 108 Humidityltemperature sensor This indicator reads temperature in Centigrade and Fahrenheit simultaneously. The hygrometer indicates relative humidity as a percent of saturation 104 from 0-100%. Abbeon Cai, Inc. Baghouse Newly designed felt material allows system to handle constant operating temperatures from 650-750 OF. AVT Corp. 105 Pumping system The automated system is said to save 35% or more of water and thereby reduces the usage of heated water and
Timesharing computer syslem The single functional unit includes the central processing unit, core memory, controllers and a front-end PDP-11 processor. The svstem features a full complement of ianguages. Digital Equipment Corp. 109 SO2 stack monitor Eiectroconductivity, using acidified hydrogen peroxide as the standard reagent, is the basic principle for this continuous monitor. Depending upon the model, measuring ranges are 0-200 ppm (high), 0-100 ppm (low) or 0-0.4 ppm (high), 0-0.2 ppm (low). Scientific Glass & Instruments. Inc. 111
Computer interfaced BOD The output from the continuous measurement of BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) is interfaced with computers. The computer interface requires only an 8-bit simplex inputloutput board. The output format is 4-bit numeric characters. Oceanography International 118 Volume 10. Number 3,March 1976 287
rheEasiest st
...SpectroKitTM Reagent Systems 'ow you can be sure of reliable, on- the^ lot results.Fully illustrated instructions i d unique chemical packaging make ausch & Lomb SpectroKP Reagent ystems easy, accurate, dependable to :e. Compactforthelabb-perfectfor the
Tertiary filters Remove suspended solids from domestic effluents of secondary wastewater treatment plants. At a rate of 2 gpmlft', suspended solids removal is 85% or better. Flow rate 'capacity ranges from 5000-500 000 gpd. Can-Tex Industries 119 Filter bags The filter medium is a microporous membrane of polytetrafluorethylene laminated to a fabric backing. The inert membrane, designed for use in the chemical industrv. resists corrosive chemicals and wiihstands temperature up to 550 OF. W. L. Gore & Associates. Inc. 120 NO. monitor Portable unit may be used to monitor ambient air for OSHA compliance and to measure stack gas emissions. it features dual ranges of 0-200 and 0-1000 ppm, has a response time of 90% in 3 min and an accuracy 2 2 % . Joy Manufacturing Co. 124
Exhaust fume hood This hood system was designed for performing tests with perchloric acid. The stainless steel hood, duct system and exhaust blower are designed to permit no condensation of acid vapors. Spray systems for periodic "washdowns" are included. Lab Fabricators Co. 125 Chromatography data system System allows up to 8 users to develop and edit analytical programs while it automatically evaluates real-time data from up to 30 remote instrument interfaces. Hewlett-Packard Co. 126
Lst for:
rbon D b ~ d e siotide lotine IFm!and Totall uomium [Hexavaientl
w r is& ed Oxwen 5k
Hardness IEDTAI hon Nitrmen I h m o n i a i Nitragen Nihate Nitrqlen Nlh ite Phosphate Sulfate
.... ...."..".."..-".other
ater testing systems-aboratory Reagents and Standards 'ortable and Laboratory Spectropho~ ometers [ 15 models) 9pplications Laboratory Assistance #at,er Technology Manuai
Fiberglass pipe Available in incremental diameters from 18-48 in. with pressure ratings of 25-150 psi, these pipes find application in wastewater treatment, chemical and power plants. A. 0. Smith-Inland Inc. 122 Biodegradable material The plastic, a mixture of alpha-olefin polymer and para-alkanolyaminophenols. may be used in foodstuff-pharmaceutical-feeds packaging and in grocery and garbage bags. David W. Young & Associates, Inc. 123
03-28 Lmdm Avenue. R a h s t e r , N.Y. 14625. Soid in U.S.A.only by Fisher Saentific and VWR Snentific.
See us at the WWEMA Show March 30-April 1, Booth 107 CIRCLE 17 ON READER SERVICE CARD
RO unit This reverse osmosis system consists of a prefilter rotary vane pump, RO modules, pressure gauges and conductivity lights. Four sizes are available and salt reiection is 90-98% of the total dissolied solids. ion Exchange Products, Inc. 121
Environmental Science 8 Technology
Need more information ahout any items? If so, just circle the appropriate numbers on one of the reader service cards hound into the back of this issrin .... and mail in the r i r d N n stamp is necessary. ~
Sulfur dioxide probe The probe can be fitted in a continuousflow system to analyze 30 sampieslh. Concentrations between 0.3 mgll to 3 g l i can be measured. Electronic Instru127 ments Ltd. Dust collection test systems Portable units permit collection and amivsid of d d a at the nlant The .. site -. . ..
units, of varying types and sizes, are
available on a rental or lease basis. Griffin Environmental, Inc. 128 Debris swabber The swab, made of polyurethane with spiral straps, removes debris left in water and wastewater lines during construction. The swab can be hand launched and retrieved from open pipe ends. Girard Polly-Pig, Inc. 129 Air quality monitor The unit is a self-contained, portable ambient air sampler, programmed to collect 8-24 samples, at preselected times, over 1-4 days. The filled sample bags are taken to a central location for analysis. Environmental Measurements, 130 Inc.
NEED ON-THE-SPOT OIL- IN-WATER MEASUREMENTS? WlLKS has the answer for under $2,000 The Wilks with Y2 ppm accuracy!
MIRAN-I Hydrocarbon-In-Water Analyzer is compact and portable. It can be used in the laboratory or in the field for rapid, accurate determinations. The MIRAN-IAnalyzer is ideal forkheinfrared analysis of dissolved hydrocarbons in water by solvent extraction based on the API Method
Trash compactor The 7 yd3 compactor can be truck mounted or trailer towed. The unit can haul up to 3000 Ib of compacted trash in one operation. A IO-gal bladder accumulator provides stored energy for the compaction cycle and a compaction ratio of 61. Greer Hydraulics, Inc. 131
#733-58. Call or write today for a free copy of our Application Report, "Infrared Determination of Hydrocarbons In Water" and further information on the MIRAN-I Analyzer.
Dissolved oxygen meter Portable unit is designed for determining dissolved oxygen in the field. The manufacturer claims laboratory titration-type accuracy. Interocean Systerns, Inc. 132
P. 0.Box 449
S. Nomalk. Ct. 0685
Viscosity recorder The semi-circular recorder, designed to minimize panel space without compromising the circular chart, may be used with any of the company's measuring elements. The recorder converts the viscosity signal to a viscosity read133 ing. Norcross Corp. Conductance probe The explosion-proof probe and electronics are in one package that can be mounted on the side or top of any tank. A built-in time delay ensures that a splashing liquid will not trigger falsely. 134 AS1 Systems International. Inc. Thermocouples These refractory sheathed instruments are designed for thermal cycling applications and extended use at temperatures up to 5000 O F . Nanmac Corp. 135
For complete data write
Dept. ES3, 2212 East 12th St. Davenoort. Iowa 52803 CIRCLE 1 ON READER SERVICE CARD
Volume I O , Number 3. March 1976