New Products - Environmental Science & Technology (ACS

Publication Date: March 1975. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Environ. Sci. Technol. 1975, 9, 3, 266-268. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the arti...
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NEW PRODUCTS Waterproofing spray Available in aerosol form, this spray may be valuable in protecting water birds fouled by oil. When such birds are treated with oil solvents their feathers become dry, a condition countered by this spray. All traces of the nontoxic solution disappear within 10davs. Concourse Feed Co. 129

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Transient recorder Designed for recording seismologic, oceanographic, a n d other one-time or random events. Its four channels will accept analog signals from 50 mV to 50 V with range extendable to 500 V. The recorder features a 4096 sample point memory that will store data up to 1 million samples/second, and a "memory protect" that prevents accidental destruction of stored data for up to 1 hr. Ouanta106 Log, Inc. TOD/TOC/TC analyzer Analyzer measures total organic carbon, total carbon, and total oxygen demand. It analyzes a large sample of effluent continuousiy and automaticaily. It handles solids up to '/*-in. diameter without filtering or homogenizing. It measures TOD and TOC simultaneously and is capable of fullscale sensitivities from few parts per million to several per cent. Astro Ecology Corp. 101 Pyrolysis system A gas-solid phaserreaction system is designed to carry out reactions in explosive cleanup, polymer stability, and other studies in inert and reactive atmospheres. It provides organic content in shale, coal gasification data, and organic contaminates in air or water. The system is designed for pulse or continuous sampling of the reaction products. Chemical Data Systems, inc. 123 Flocculant This strongly anionic, high-moiecularweight polyelectrolyte material increases the efficiency of liquid-solid separation processes in influent and 266

Environmental Science &Technology

effluent treatment systems.Its composition results in a rapid settling of suspended particulate matter, and eliminates problems of low combustibility and high ash content; it is effective over a wide pH range. Petrolite Corp. 110 Noise detector Portable noise detector is designed to measure the maximum noise level of passing highway traffic or of a single moving vehicle. It indicates sound level in accordance with OSHA requirements, and .ANSI S1.4-1971 Type II Performance Specifications. The dual-meter unit has a range of 30-130 db in 9 steps. General Scientific Equipment Co. 121 Scrubber Glass fiber gas scrubber can be used in paper mills and other plants where high temperatures and highly corrosive materials create a difficult pollution control problem. The internal surfaces of the unit are covered with a silica-filled resin coat; a spray quench section reduces the inlet gas temperatures. Joy Manufadturing Co. ,122 Data recorder Battery-powered miniature data recorder accepts high quality C120 cassette tape and records millivolt analog signals on 4 . independent channels at frequencies down to dc. Running time is 24 hr continuous or up to one month intermittently. Playback is on a separate unit. Output is analog or BCD for direct processor interfacing. Spence Systems Inc. 133 Audiometer calibration kit Kit includes a Type I I sound level meter with a condenser microphone, piuging octave band filter, acoustical calibrator and coupler, individual calibration chart, and carrying case. The kit can be used for measuring noise levels from 40-130 dB. A microphone preamplifier is also available. Advanced Acoustical Research Corp. 134 Data handler System is capable of data acquisition, transformation, and analysis. it is cheaper and easier to use than a minicomputer, although it has many minicomputer capabilities. There is no need to learn computer language to operate the system. System can be used for environmental monitoring and other applications. Tektronix. Inc. 136

Electron-capture detector Wide-range electron-capture (E-C) detector expands measurement capabilities of existing gas chromatographs. Need for calibration for nonlinearity or sensitivity reduction is eliminated. Uninterrupted stable gas analyses can be obtained in a single measurement. The device operated on a patented variable-frequency pulsed mode. Analog Technology Gorp. 140 Vinyl chloride analyzer This portable flame ionization gas chromatograph operates at temperatures of 125°C. The column, packed with the appropriate material, can separate the monomer from interfering substances. Concentrations in air in the sub-ppm range can be measured. Analytical Instrument Development, Inc. 104 X-ray spectrometer Portable model is capable of operation in any orientation, and is designed for demanding field applications. The spectrometer can be used in x-ray mapping and line scans, and high resolution x-ray sDectroscopy. Nuclear Semiconductor 105 Water quality analyzer Monitors and records temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and pH in fresh or salt water. It can be used in projects requiring continuous, stationary operation from fixedshore stations, or for profiling surveys in shallow depths. The instrument can operate at temperatures as low as -30°C. Single parameter signals and battery life are read in a LED digital display through a selection switch. Martek Instruments, Inc. 102 .


Acid, caustic controller Conductivity instrument for measurement and control of NaOH, HZSOd and HCI solutions used in the regeneration of anion or cation deionizers. Meter is calibrated directly in percent Beckman Instruconcentration. ments, Inc. 107 '

Noise measurement system Compact, portable instrumentation system for measuring and analyzing industrial and community noise. The acquisition system and readerlconverter can be tied into a computer. The system records noise information in 10 octave. bands across the audible range. Sampling intervals range from 4 sec to 24 hr. Seven hours of information can be recorded on tape. Donley, Miller & Nowikas, Inc. 108


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Industrial centrifuge Designed for continuous or interrupted clarification, separation and emuisification of industrial products. Speeds range from 15,000 to 40,000 rpm. The centrifuge can process from 50-2000 liters of material per hour. New Brunswick Scientific Co. 1os Gas purifier Removes oxygen and water simultaneously to levels of less than 1 ppm each from nitrogen, helium and other inert gases. It can remove up to 23 g of oxygen in concentrations as high as 1000-2000 ppm. The rechargeable converter tube is housed in a tubular furnace operated at 600°C. Supelco, Inc. 111

Ozone meter The 12 Ib unit uses the EPA-approved chemiluminescent detection principle. The meter can measure ozone levels accurately to within 1 ppb, and covers EPA ranges for ozone of 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 ppm. McMillan Electronics Corp. 112 Toxic gas monitor Can be used as a belt-worn monitor or as a hand-held survey instrument. It continuously indicates the level of toxic gas, and if the OSHA TLV is exceeded an alarm sounds. The monitor oDerates for more than 8 hr on rechargeable batteries. Dynamation, Inc. 113

Whether you neeu .~~~~~ 10 ~- moniror ~~~-~~~~~~ 3 u 2 or I I U X in vour ‘ont Instruments provides a source stack gas, Du P monitoring syst:em that’s complete from sample probe to readout and field proven in power Dlants. smelter operations, refiineries, pulp mill:j and other manufacturing plants -.-.A I I C C U ~ aiiu All system:j are designed W.I:+1U-. I YUUI.. .-.--AEPA guidelines, and regulations in mind. All provide data acceptable! to regulatory agencies. And all are built to give yoiJ years of dependable operation with minimal maintenance. Most systeirns have capability for. .multiple-point . . .-. sampling with a single analyzer, resulting in significant cost savings for many installations. All employ the Du Pont UV-Visible Photometric Analyzer-proven in the field in over a thousandI installations-as’the basic detector. Systems are available fo r continuous monitoring of one pollutant, for sequeritial monitoring of pollutants, and for laboratory or survey use. If compliance with emicssion standards is your responsibility, Du Pont Ins1:ruments can help you. For full information on Du Ponlt Pollution Source Monitoring Systems, write Du Pont Instruments, Room 240046, Wilmington , DE 19898. ~~






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Volume 9, Number 3, March 1975 267



I Polluted Water

Vapor analyzer Factory calibrated for measuring trichloroethylene in air, the lightweight unit is self-contained. Direct reading scales of 0-50 and 0-200 are supplied. The infrared analyzer shows no interference from atmospheric gases or common solvents. Wilks Scientific Corp. 114 Chelating resin Selectively removes heavy metals from brines and industrial effluents, and from potable water and sewage effluents. The resin is effective at metal concentrations below 1 ppm. Seekay Chemical Co. 115

Test Procedures

For use with


Bausch a n d L o m b S p e c 20, M i n i S p e c 20 a n d other popular spectrophotometers.


N e w p r i n t i n g i n c l u d e s more than 70 popular tests-many now required b y the EPA. Each procedure is complete with instrument calibration tables, rea g e n t s a n d g l a s s w a r e lists. Here's the perfect laboratory manual for water analysts in industry, municipal treatment plants and schools. Includes numerous helpful hints on how t o check accuracy, sampling and interferences. It's the work of more than 25 years in water chemistry research. Over 200 pages. Send for your copy today. Supply limited. Letterhead requests given preference.




Environmental Science B Technology

automated configuration with a total cycle time of 17' min. Tracor Instruments 120

Dust monitor Automatic respirable dust monitor records dust concentrations for up to 8 hr of unattended operation. It also provides a time-weighted average for the entire sampling period. GCA Corp. 124

Fluoride electrode Direct measurements of fluoride can be made over a range of 0.01-1,000 ppm, and a pH range of 4-9 with no special additives required. I t can be used for industrial monitoring in process streams, effluents and for poliution control. Sensorex, Inc. 116 pH meter The instrument is battery-powered with a direct reading meter covering 0-14 pH units and -700 to +700 mV,. The unit is suited to applications requiring specific ion electrodes. An exoanded-scale DHmeter is also availatiie for additional precision. Horizon Ecology Go. 117 Spiral wound modules Small-sized reverse osmosis modules are designed for flow rates of 2.7 or 3.3 gal/min for systems capable of handling 150.000 gallday or more. A 97% or 94% NaCl rejection with a 2.7 gpm or 3.3 gpm permeate flow is possible. UOP, Roga Division 118 Scanning polarographic analyzer Features a peak capture capability that digitally displays maximum current and eliminates meter reading and/or the interpretation of polarographic recording charts. The unit is suited for rapid, repetitive analysis of metals and organic compounds in air and water. Heath International, inc. 119 Stack monitor Complete system can be set up to monitor from one to seven sulfur compounds including SO,, HzS. COS and CH3SH. The analyzer is available in a manual, semi-automated or fully

Compactor Designed specifically for landfill work, this compactor also fulfills the function of a loader. I t will load or separate material. John Deere 125 Conductivity lights Lights are available with resistances of 15,000, SO,OOO, 200,000 and 1,000,000 ohms; lenses are removable. The lights may be used as a check on quality and instrumentation when placed in outlets from deionizers, reverse osmosis units, chemical process streams, and dye and paper production. Devon Products, Inc. 126 Strip recorder Battery-powered system for recording periods of 7-60 days. Parameters recorded depend upon user's specifications. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, noise level, flow, light level, vibration level, pollution are some parameters that can be monitored. Daiias Instruments, Inc. 127 Flow control module The unit maintains a constant rate of ambient air flow through the sample collecting filter tape to assure more accurate sample collection. The tape instrument samples and monitors particulates or HzS gas concentrations. Adjustable flow rates are available, and operating temperature range is 32-185°F. Research Appliance Co. 128

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