NEW PRODUCTS FOR ANALYSTS | Analytical Chemistry

May 16, 2012 - A microprocessor-simulated mass spectrometer .... Download Hi-Res ImageDownload to MS-PowerPoint. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is...
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NEW PRODUCTS FOR ANALYSTS Equipment, Laboratory Recorder Fisher Scientific Co. has developed a new l a b o r a t o r y recorder, t h e Recordall, which can record a n y operation t h a t produces a change in potential, current, or resistance. T h e Recordall plots d.c. voltage or current, resistance, or temperature directly as a function of time, using a dual-range strip c h a r t recorder. A d a p t e r s enable t h e i n s t r u m e n t t o record readings from p H meters or to plot a complete polarographic curve (as illustrated) with the Fisher Elecdropode. Adapters are being developed for a variety of other purposes as well. A perm a n e n t record can be made of m a n y other functions—-such as pressure, v a c u u m , transmittance, and reflectance—that can be translated into electric signals. D.c. potential is recorded over a n y of 11 ranges from 5.5 m v . to 550 volts, direct current over 11 ranges from 5.5 microamperes to 550 milliamperes, a n d resistance over six ranges from 11 to 5500 ohms. Other positions on t h e se-



lector switch give a choice of temperat u r e ranges of —100° to 120° C , 100° to 320° C , or 0° to 1000° C. Accuracy is claimed to b e better t h a n ± 0 . 5 % of full scale for measuring potential, current, resistance, or temperatures below 250° C.

Measuring and recording circuits for t h e i n s t r u m e n t are m o u n t e d in a 6-foot cabinet which is on casters for mobility. 1

McLEOD GAUGES are the most convenient and e c o n o m i c a l instruments f o r measuring low pressures of true gases from 1 micron up. The uniform built in accuracy with ACE *Trubore tubing provides the finest in McLeod Gauges. Permits interchangeable scales for quick accurate readings without recalibrating entire gauge.

A self-contained v a c u u m t u b e voltmeter, said t o be a d a p t a b l e where requirements of peak to p e a k measurem e n t s exclude the use of conventional meters, has been introduced b y Weston Electrical I n s t r u m e n t Corp. B a t t e r y operated, it is completely isolated from spurious response due t o s t r a y a.c. fields a n d circulating ground currents. P e a k to peak m e a s u r e m e n t with a n input impedance of 10 megohms shunted b y only 15 micromicrofarads prevents circuit loading. Only one shielded lead is used for all measurements, a n d a range function switch makes negative a n d positive d.c. potentials measurable directly. 2

S t a n d a r d Polarimeter Co.'s Model D K e s t o n photoelectric polarimetric u n i t is designed to a t t a c h to a B e c k m a n D U spectrophotometer t o measure angles of rotation with the precision inherent in m e a s u r e m e n t s m a d e with t h e DTJ instrum e n t . T h e unit a t t a c h e s between t h e 1-cm. cell c o m p a r t m e n t a n d t h e p h o t o cell housing, without limiting t h e use of t h e i n s t r u m e n t as a spectrophotometer. T h e unit has a full scale range covering 0° to 5 ° . Sensitivity is in t h o u s a n d t h s of a degree (0.0015° in t h e region of 0 ° ) . Light p a t h is u p to 10 cm. Usable wave-length range is from 400 to 700 imt. M e a s u r e m e n t s of rotation can b e m a d e in a few seconds, according t o t h e manufacturer, in a m a n n e r similar to using t h e spectrophotometer as a colorimeter. 3 Electrophoresis Apparatus

8726 Top of capillary at square end is evenly flat. Adjustable scale enables lining up top of capillary, thus eliminating errors inherent in fixed automatic zeroing devices. Available in 4 ranges. for Bulletin write DEP'T MG-F




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Vacuum Tube Voltmeter

Polarimetric Unit



Reagents, Materials

A water-cooled paper electrophoresis a p p a r a t u s , Model E-800-2, has been designed b y Research E q u i p m e n t Corp. for use with high voltages. T h e power u n i t delivers u p to 750 volts d.c. from a four-way rectifier whose o u t p u t is filtered b y means of a choke capacitor network. W a t e r cooling is said t o enable use of high voltage without evaporation of electrolyte from t h e paper or h e a t damage a n d d e n a t u r a t i o n of the sample. T h e a p p a r a t u s is designed t o give a field strength of 53 volts per inch for rapid separation of components. U p t o five migration chambers can be For further information, see coupon on page S3 A ANALYTICAL



operated from a single power unit. The unit can be used with free hanging papers or adapted to electrophoresis in solid mediums, such as starch paste or silica gel. 4 Germanium Infrared Filter

A germanium infrared transmission filter is now available from Baird Associates, Inc. The filter, fabricated from a purified germanium single crystal, is TVs inches in diameter and 1 / s inch thick, and is ground, polished, and coated on both sides. Because of the

high refractive index of germanium, the plates are given an antireflcction coating for maximum transmission at 2.5 microns. The filter absorbs wave lengths shorter than 1.8 microns and transmits both the near and far infrared regions of the spectrum. 5 Syringe Microburet

0.20 ml. of reaction mixture is ' being manufactured by The Micro-Metric Instrument Co. Syringes of various diameters fit interchangeably into a universal holder at the delivery end of the buret. One unit of displacement corresponds to a volume delivery ranging from 0.0002 to 0.005 ml., depending on the syringe size used.

A compact, direct-reading syringe microburet for use in making microcolorimetric and microtitrimetric analyses in final volumes of as little as 0.05 to


. G

The apparatus employs a thumbscrew-operated jjrecision-threaded shaft to advance the stem of the direct-reading micrometer gage. Screw and gage assembly are mounted as a single component to maintain concentricity between screw shaft and gage stem. The stem of the micrometer gage extends through the gage, so that as the screw advances the indicator stem the plunger of the syringe is advanced, metering reagent through the buret tip in the exact volume shown on the dial. 6 Flame Photometer

An internal standard flame photometer for rapid analysis of sodium, potassium, and lithium has been announced by North American Philips Co., Inc. Both sodium and potassium can be determined sequentially in each sample as it passes through the instrument. The atomizing system is washed once for each specimen and both elements are read from the single sample. Chemically Inert ' .-Clear • Non-Toxic • Sterilizable Easily Cleaned Non-Aging Easily Connected


; A Product of The U. S. Stoneware Co., Akron, O.

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Separate sensitivity and zero controls are provided for sodium and potassium, making it possible with a single dilution to analyze specimens with widely differing values of the two elements. Readings are made on a 4-inch dial graduated so that each division equals For further information, see coupon on page 53 A ANALYTICAL


1 m e q . per liter. Sensitivity for sodium or potassium of 0.02 meq. per liter concentration is such t h a t t h e reading is 20 scale divisions. T h e sensitivity control permits increase of t h e m a x i m u m range from 1.0 to 10.0 meq. per liter or more. 7 Flame Photometer

A fast, simple i n s t r u m e n t for flame analysis of sodium a n d potassium is being produced b y B e c k m a n I n s t r u m e n t s , Inc. T h i s c o m p a c t flame p h o tometer features a m e t e r calibrated directly in milliequivalents of sodium a n d potassium, so t h a t use of calibration curves or conversion tables is n o t necessary.

^ W



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A pilot light and preset a d j u s t m e n t s a r e claimed to give instantaneous and efficient flame operation. M o v i n g the sodium or potassium lever into position automatically places t h e proper filter between t h e flame and t h e p h o t o t u b e , a n d brings the correct calibration pots into operating position. T h e instrum e n t can handle u p to 50 to 60 determinations per hour, according to Beckman. Detection range, as indicated on the meter, is 0 to 2.8 meq. per liter for sod i u m a n d 0 to 0.14 meq. per liter for potassium. Utilities required for operation are n a t u r a l gas or propane, compressed air, a n d 115-volt a.c. power. 8

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G a m m a Ray Spectrometer

A complete single-channel recording pulse height analyzer, the M a r k 20 Recording Spectrogammeometer, has been designed b y R a d i a t i o n Counter Laboratories, Inc., for the s t u d y of n u clear g a m m a r a y spectra. T h e instrum e n t m a y be used for rapid identification of nuclides b y their q u a l i t a t i v e spectra a n d for q u a n t i t a t i v e analysis of isotopio concentrations. I n addition to uniquely identifying isotopes, t h e Spect r o g a m m e o m e t e r is claimed to h a v e the a d v a n t a g e of reducing background to a low degree when set on a p h o t o p e a k of a particular isotope. T h e unit, less t h e scintillation probe, m a y also be used t o determine pulse height distribution from proportional counters.

Don't call the engineer, carpenter, or maintenance man when you have to remove a screw, cut a piece of wire, drill a hole, tighten a bolt, etc. BE P R E P A R E D : Have your " H A N D I - L A B T O O L K I T " ready with all the tools necessary to adjust, set up apparatus equipment, etc. This handy kit with its many interchanseable combinations is specially designed for the laboratory.

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Entire kit can be hung on a wall For easy accessibility. When folded, this kit measures 9 " by A"; when open 2 2 by 1 1 " .

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The apparatus consists of a shielded scintillation probe, a regulated negative power supply, a wide-range preampli­ fier, a linear amplifier, a linear count rate meter, a scaler for precise deter­ mination of check points, and an X-Y recorder used to draw a continuous line record of the relationship between counting rate and gamma ray energy. 9 Pipet

A slender, long-tip pipet has been developed by Kimble Glass Co. for easy insertion into apparatus with narrow openings. I t is said to be useful for delivering or removing liquids when working with small volumetric flasks, Warburg flasks, absorption cells, and microcentrifuge tubes. The pipet is available as a serological type in 0.2- and 1-ml. capacities, and as a Mohr type in five sizes from 0.1- to 5-ml. capacity. The taper has a strong wall and runs over 2 inches from its start to tip. 10 Organic Chemicals

A nitrosamide said to be useful for the preparation of diazomethane in the laboratory is included among the latest additions to the line of organic chemicals

offered by Distillation Products Indus­ tries. As compared with compounds previously available for diazomethane, the new reagent—Ar-methyl-Ar-nitrosop-toluenesulfonamide—is described as having advantages of greater stability and lower toxicity. Other new Eastman organic chemicals are: 5-Aminoisophthalic acid (85%) η-Butyl acrylate Di-w-butyrin 1,1-Dimethylhydrazine Docosanoic acid 2-Ethylaminoethanol 2-Methylaminoethanol Propylene carbonate Tetraisopropvl orthotitanate 11 Isotope A n a l y z e r

Designed for rapid qualitative and quantitative analysis of isotope mix­ tures containing beta emitting com­ ponents is the Model ISA isotope analyzer of Forro Scientific Co. Opera­ tion is based on the absorption and scat­ tering of beta rays in materials of high atomic numbers. The instrument is several times as sensitive as beta spectroscopes, accord­

ing to Forro. Three models are avail­ able, permitting detection of isotopes with activities as low as 4 X 10 ^9, 1.2 X 10~9, or 0.2 Χ ΙΟ" 9 curie. Opera­ tion is possible with any commercial scaling unit having a 0.25-volt input sensitivity and a high voltage supply. 12 Homogenizer

A new 45,000-r.p.m. homogenizer, the VirTis 45, is being distributed by E. Machlett & Son. It is claimed to be equally effective for both micro and macro work. By use of four fluted homogeniz­ ing flasks, the ap­ paratus handles volumes from 0.2 to 200 ml. Fitting on top of the flask is a Teflon assembly which prevents harmful aerosols from escaping and pro­ tects materials being homogenized from outside impurities. Running through this assembly is the shaft which drives the sharp stainless steel cutting blades. A 1 / 5 -hp. motor provides speeds of For further information, see coupon on page 53 A


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NEW PRODUCTS 45,000 r.p.m. even a t high t o r q u e loads. Speed control from 100 to 45,000 r.p.m. is made possible b y a built-in variable transformer. 13

Desalter An electric desalter for the removal of inorganic salts from organic and amino acids before c h r o m a t o g r a p h y has been announced b y Research E q u i p m e n t Corp. T h e i n s t r u m e n t can be used to prepare samples where t h e presence of salts in solution m i g h t otherwise p r e v e n t separation of the desired components.

constantly renewed. The mercury a m a l g a m which is formed is continu­ ously removed from the reaction side and decomposed in the presence of ex­ cess water. Anions are diffused through a m e m ­ brane under t h e influence of a n electrical field into an anode c o m p a r t m e n t where t h e y are oxidized a t a platinum anode. T h e oxidized products are removed b y a moving stream of electrolyte, which also prevents overheating of the solution. Solutions are completely desalted in 5 to 20 minutes, according to t h e m a n u ­ facturer. Cells are m e t h y l m e t h a c r y late plastic a n d borosilicate glass. 14

Polyethylene Siphon T h e Nalge Co.'s Poly-Syphon is con­ structed completely from polyethylene. I t is operated b y squeezing a flexible bulb to prime, then opening a spigot to draw off liquid. Sufficient t u b i n g is furnished for use with d r u m s or car­ boys. 15

Microcards of AEC Reports

Cations are remo\^cd from t h e sample by reduction to their metallic s t a t e on a m e r c u r y cathode, t h e surface of which is

Microcard copies of all unclassified reports of t h e Atomic E n e r g y Commis­ sion will be distributed b y Microcard Foundation. T h e foundation proposes to m a k e available a complete file of

approximately 9500 unclassified A E C reports issued to date, and to distribute microcard copies of new reports as they appear. I t also expects to supply re­ ports b y specific category a n d individual reports. 16

MANUFACTURERS* LITERATURE O r g a n i c C h e m i c a l s . Price list of 12 pages covers over 600 rare a n d fine organic chemicals supplied b y K . & K . Laboratories. 17 R a d i o c h e m i c a l s . Six-page folder lists prices and activities of carbon-14 labeled inorganic and organic compounds and biochemicals available from Nuclear I n s t r u m e n t a n d Chemical C o r p . 18 2,4,7-Trinitrofluorenone. Folder of 4 pages discusses applications, gives bibliography, a n d lists over 150 stable complexes formed with polynuclear h y ­ drocarbons a n d their derivatives b y 2,4,7-trinitrofluorenone. Dajac L a b o ­ ratories. 19 Ethyl A c e t a t e . Twelve-page booklettabulates properties, specifications, a n d solubilities of ethyl a c e t a t e a n d conFor further information, see coupon on page 53 A






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