by other methods. A dry natural gas may be analyzed for light components in. 45 minutes to 1 hour; a wet natural gas for heavy ends in 3 hours. Sample...
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NEW PRODUCTS FOR ANALYSTS Equipment, Apparatus, Instruments, Reagents, Materials Water Demineralizer

A small-capacity, w a t e r demineralizer has been designed b y Scientific E q u i p *Β»=«™™™»™»™™_





in laboratories using limited quantities of purified water. T h e u n i t operates automatically. W a t e r enters t h e resin col­ umn at the top and flows down t h r o u g h 24 inches of resin t o gy*r*is ', fill t h e storage t a n k . A polyethylene float closes t h e inlet valve when t h e t a n k is full, a n d a n a u t o m a t i c flow control regulates w a t e r flow t h r o u g h t h e column t o t h e o p t i m u m rate, regardless of changes i n water line pressure. T h e resin column is split i n t o iden­ tical u p p e r a n d lower sections, each holding 2 x / 2 p o u n d s of resin, b y a p a r t i ­ tion in t h e middle of t h e column. As t h e resin becomes exhausted, it changes

color. W h e n t h e line of color change reaches t h e level of t h e lid of t h e u p p e r section, t h e column is removed a n d t h e resin in t h e u p p e r section is replaced. T h e n t h e whole column is inverted a n d replaced in t h e t a n k . Operation is con­ tinued u n t i l t h e new upper section is again exhausted. I n t h i s way, n o resin is wasted, y e t t h e w a t e r being purified always passes t h r o u g h a t least 1 foot of fresh resin. T h e storage t a n k holds 4 gallons of t r e a t e d water. I t refills a n d s h u t s off during periods between use. M a x i m u m p u r i t y of t h e w a t e r delivered is m a i n ­ tained a t approximately 6 megohms p e r square centimeter, according t o t h e manufacturer. 1 Chart of Uranium Minerals

A c h a r t covering d a t a o n over 160 uranium-bearing minerals h a s been published b y Colorado School of Mines Research F o u n d a t i o n , I n c . , a t Golden, Colo. T h e chart, which measures 50 X 32

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inches, is divided into vertical chemical radical columns a n d horizontal chemical element b a n d s , each of different color for ease of correlation. E a c h mineral is listed within a box located on t h e chart in accordance w i t h t h e mineral's chemical components. Physical charac­ teristics necessary for identification a r e given for each mineral. Copies of t h e chart m a y be obtained a t $5.00 each. 2 Hydrocarbon Gas Analyzer

T h e Fracton, a n i n s t r u m e n t for rapid analysis of light hydrocarbon gases b y adsorption fractionaI tion, h a s been i n t r o I duced by Burrell Corp. Burrell claims t h e apparatus provides analyses t w o or t h r e e times faster t h a n is possible by other methods. A dry n a t u r a l gas m a y b e analyzed for light components in 45 m i n u t e s t o 1 h o u r ; a w e t n a t u r a l gas for heavy ends in 3 h o u r s . Samples of u p t o 16 liters of lean recovery p l a n t outlet gas can b e analyzed for h e a v y compo­ n e n t s in 4 hours, according t o t h e m a n u ­ facturer, a n d refinery mixtures contain­ ing u n s a t u r a t e s can b e analyzed in 1Λ/2 t o 2Va h o u r s . Operation of t h e self-contained u n i t is said t o b e simple a n d largely a u t o m a t i c . Analyses are reproducible a n d analytical procedures easy t o standardize w i t h t h e instrument. 3 High Frequency Titrimeter

Powered by Air For Completely Safe, Efficient and Economical Operation Model Β For Heavy Duty and Viscous Materials


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Specialists to Industry and Research LOUISVILLE, KY, 639-41 SOUTH HANCOCK ST.

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52 A

Fisher Scientific Co.'s H i g h Frequency Titrimeter allows titrations t o b e carried out b y following either t h e change in conductance or change in capacitance in a solution. T h e i n s t r u m e n t ' s m e t a l electrodes never come in contact with t h e solution during t h e analysis. According t o Fisher, high frequency titrations can b e carried o n in organic solvents a n d petroleum products. As a research instrument, t h e u n i t c a n b e used t o measure dielectric constants of materials without affecting t h e sample. T h e i n s t r u m e n t m a k e s use of t h e b e ­ havior of electric circuits in which cur­ rent oscillates a t high frequencies. W h e n a beaker of liquid is placed in For further information, see coupon on page 49 A ANALYTICAL


such a high frequency field, it acts as a combined resistance and capacitance added to the circuit. As the composi­ tion of the liquid changes during a titra­ tion, the circuit is thrown out of bal­ ance. Capacitance change can be meas­ ured by adjusting a variable condenser, or the Titrimeter's vacuum tube volt­ meter can be read as an index of con­ ductance change. Plotting either meas­ urement against the volume of titrant added provides a titration curve with a distinctive break at the end point. A standard 180-ml. electrolytic beaker fits inside the two broad metal bands that serve as the instrument's high fre­ quency electrodes. The beaker is cen­ tered by a plastic cover on the cell compartment and stands on a variable speed magnetic stirrer. The entire cell compartment is shielded by an aluminum cylinder. 4






1. M o d e l


Research Instrument with synchronous rotation of polarizer and analyzer with fine adjustment (0.001mm) on double ball bearings.

2. Model


Universal Research

Muffle Furnaces

Microscope for transmitted

The Alloy 10 muffle furnace has been designed by Hevi Duty Electric Co. for continuous operation at temperatures to 2300° Γ. The unit is suitable for pre­ cipitate drying, ash determinations, fusions, ignitions, and other test work. All temperature indicating and con, trol devices are located in the pyramid furnace base. Temperature is adjusted and maintained by multiple step switches which vary the voltage to the heating coils. The heating coil is formed of Alloy 10 wire and completely surrounds the heating chamber. 5

and reflected polarized light with focusing stage.

3. Model


Ore Microscope for reflected or transmitted polarized light. Focusing stage permits accommodations of large objects. Coated optics.

4. M o d e l


C 14 -Labeled Compounds

Most popular student and

Recently added to the radioactive carbon compounds furnished by Nu­ clear Instrument and Chemical Corp. are: uniformly labeled aniline-C14 and the sodium salt of pyruvic acid-2-C u and pyruvic aeid-3-C14. They are available in various package sizes at 1 millicurie per millimole under regular Atomic Energy Commission licensing procedures. 6

laboratory chemical microscope. It permits the use of a complete line of polarizing

S. U n i v e r s a l

and rapid determination of


Power Supplies

Two electronically regulated d.c. power supplies have been announced by Research Specialties Co. for use in pro­ viding d.c. current with close voltage regulation for electrophoresis applica­ tions. Each has a dual range meter for volts and milliamperes, high-voltage control knob, power switch, and highvoltage switch. One unit delivers 30 ma. in the range between 160 and 400 volts d.c, which is sufficient for operating several electrophoresis units simultaneously. The other supply delivers 100 ma. between 50 and 400 volts d.c. and 30 ma. up to


s t a g e For accurate optical properties.

microscopes binoculars Lelca c a m e r a s lenses

E. L E I T Z , I N C . Distributor of the world-famous products of Ernst Leitz, Wetzlar, Germany

E . L e i i z , I n c . , Dept. AC ies Fourth Avenue, New York 16, Ν. Υ. Please send me your brochure on the Name Company Street

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For further information, see coupon on i page 49 A | V O L U M E 2 7, NO. 2, F E B R U A R Y

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53 A

NEW PRODUCTS 600 volts d . c , permitting the simul­ taneous operation of u p to 10 electro­ phoresis units. A selector switch lets the meter measure either internal or external voltage and current. 7

materials is said to be a t least 99.5%', and specific activity is 0.5 to 1.0 microcurie per mg. 8

C14 -Labeled Carbohydrates

A line of plastic conductivity cells available as either threaded or dip t y p e s has been announced b y Industrial I n ­ s t r u m e n t s , Inc. T h e y are offered with a choice of electrodes, including plati­ n u m , nickel, a n d carbon materials. Cell constants range from 0.01 to 100. Industrial I n s t r u m e n t s recommends the cells for use in strong alkali or acid

Four carbohydrates tagged with carbon-14 are now available from Tracerlab, Inc., in crystalline powder form for biological and food research. These uniformly labeled compounds include: glucose-C 14 , fructose-C 14 , sucrose-C 14 , and starch-C 1 4 . P u r i t y of the

solutions. T h e plastic bodies are claimed to have good mechanical strength, a n d the cells will withstand t e m p e r a t u r e s u p to 100° C. Prices of the cells are said to be lower t h a n comparable glass types. 9

C o n d u c t i v i t y Cells

Precipitator f o r A e r o s o l S a m p l i n g T h e Konisampler, a compact thermal precipitator for aerosol sampling, is available from Joseph B . Ficklen. I t can be used for air pollution surveys, control of dust and fume exposures, op­ tical examination of particulate m a t t e r , sampling for electron microscopy, and other micrometric problems.






S t r o n g , l i g h t a n d f u l l y flexible, T Y G O N T u b i n g m a k e s t h e t o u g h e s t l a b " s e t - u p " easy. I t g o e s f r o m a n y w h e r e t o a n y w h e r e in t h e l a b o r a t o r y . Itbends a n d twists readily — conforms to the light­ est t o u c h . I t s l i p s o v e r t u b u l a t u r é s q u i c k l y — AT Y O U R clings tightly. LABORATORY W h a t ' s m o r e , T Y G O N is c h e m i c a l l y r e s i s t a n t , SUPPLY DEALER! g l a s s - c l e a r a n d n o n - o x i d i z i n g . I t resists b o t h acids and alkalies plus oils, greases, water, and m o s t solvents. Its u n u s u a l clarity p e r m i t s f u l l s o l u t i o n v i s i b i l i t y , a c c u r a t e flow c o n trol. Its non-oxidizing characteristics m e a n l o n g s e r v i c e life.


T h e instrument collects dust, smokes» fogs, fumes, a n d other particulate m a t ­ ter a t sampling rates as h i g h . a s 50 cc. per minute, with 1 0 0 % "efficiency claimed. Samples are collected on 1 X 3 inch microslides or other suitable sur­ faces a n d can be used for visual, optical, electron microscopic, chemical, a n d spectrographic analysis. T h e sampling head of the Konisampler is detachable and m a y be placed in a remote location. A timer can be used to cut off the instrument, eliminating the need for attendance. 10 Manometers A double-capillary m a n o m e t e r is be­ ing supplied b y Bronwill Scientific, Inc., in four models. Model 30-20 is a d a p t a b l e to a n y W a r ­ burg a p p a r a t u s . B o t h capillaries are open a t the b o t t o m ; a t t h e top one is open to atmospheric pressure a n d t h e other to the reaction flask and three-way stopcock. A single scale—30 cm. long a n d graduated in millimeters—is used for b o t h capillaries. N e c k length is 110 mm. Model 5-20 is similar to 30-20, b u t has a 75-mm. neck length. T h e two other t y p e s which are avail­ able are a differential m a n o m e t e r a n d a double-capillary Summerson constant volume differential m a n o m e t e r . 11


Distilled Water Heater

If its'Brandedits'Genuine U. S. STONEWARE CO.




For further information, circle number 54 A on Readers' Service Card, page 49 A

54 A

F o r laboratories requiring hot dis­ tilled water, Barnstead Still & Sterilizer Co. has designed a heater t h a t a u t o ­ matically maintains t h e w a t e r a t a n y For further information, see coupon on page 49 A ANALYTICAL


NEW PRODUCTS predetermined t e m p e r a t u r e by m e a n s of a n adjustable t h e r m o s t a t . T h e h e a t e r h a s a t i n n e d copper t a n k of 1 VVgallon capacity. I t is supplied with a pilot light, dial t h e r m o m e t e r , cord, a n d switch. T h e 650-watt h e a t i n g unit operates on Π 0 or 220 volts. 12 Surface Tensiometer of



. . . a i t the ways you might use it profitably — for example, to initiate, accelerate, and control chemical reactions, clean delicate or complex parts, emulsify immiscible liquids, degas liquids, deagglomerate particle .sus­ pensions, accelerate precipitations, poly­ m e r i z e or de ρ ο I y m e r i 2 e ο r ga η i c s, ο r e l e c t r o p l a t e ?,·...··'. ... . that lab and production ultrasonic equip-, ment is now available from $250 to $500 ? McKenna Model 100 for lab ?nd production use


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2503 Main St., Santa Monica, Calif.

For further information, circle number 56 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 49 A

S a v e Time . . . E f f o r t . . . Steps


A Cassel t y p e tensiometer capable measuring t h e surface tension of liquids over a wide t e m p e r a t u r e range is being produced by N a t i o n a l I n ­ s t r u m e n t Labora­ tories, I n c . Sam­ ple requirement for t h e i n s t r u m e n t is only 0.02 ml. Closed chamber construction per­ mits surface ten­ sion t o be meas­ ured in a n v desired

T h e i n s t r u m e n t operates b y measuring the m a x i m u m pressure a t t a i n a b l e inside a small bubble. T h e bubble is formed over an orifice, so t h a t no corrections for hydrostatic head of liquid need be a p ­ plied. Components of t h e tensiometer in­ clude t h e small orifice on which t h e bubble forms, a piston for applying gas pressure inside t h e forming bubble, and a m a n o m e t e r for measuring t h e gas pres­ sure. T h e sample a n d orifice a r e situ­ ated inside a jacketed chamber near a t h e r m o m e t e r . Orifices of various sizes can be provided. ΐ 3 Volumetric Flask

TALK/LISTEN The most convenient and efficient way to communicate between labs and offices is TALK-0. Simple to hook-up, simple to use . . . Person calling from any TALK-0 Master station can talk, then listen by pressing same key; person called may answer from any where in room without interrupting his work. Any number from 2 to 11 stations may be linked together for instant, private com­ munication. No interference from lab equipment. TALK-0 stations are small, attractive and easily located. WRITE FOR FULL DETAILS

ROCHESTER SCIENTIFIC CO. 38 SCIO STREET • ROCHESTER 1, N E W YORK For further information, circle number 56 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 49 A

56 A

A Cassia volumetric flask with a larger b o d y a n d more accurate neck h a s been designed b y K i m b l e Glass Co. t o meet t h e requirements of t h e Essential Oil Association. T h e flask is said to be suitable for assay of oil of lemon grass, as well as oils of cinnamon, cheno-j podium, cloves, a n d spearmint. T h e neck of t h e flask h a s rings a n d n u m b e r s each 1 ml., with subdivisions of 0.1 ml. Average capacity is 150 ml. 14 Light-Scattering Photometer T h e Brice-Phoenix Universal 1000 Series light-scattering photometer h a s been developed b y t h e Phoenix P r e ­ cision I n s t r u m e n t Co. for measuring microscattering, microfluorescence, m i ­ croluminescence, a n d very low t r a n s m i t t a n c e and reflectance of d a r k m a ­ terials. T h e self-contained i n s t r u m e n t For further information, see coupon on page 49 A ANALYTICAL


NEW PRODUCTS can be used to determine the turbidit3', dissymmetry, and depolarization of dilute solutions of high molecular weight compounds. Weight-average molecular weights can be calculated from these data and from refractive index measurements. In addition, the maximum dimension of a molecule can be estimated from the dissymmetry measurement, provided the molecule is large, and a solute mole­ cule can be classified as to size and anisotropy from the depolarization measure­ ments. Changes in molecular weight, particle size, and anisotropy can be rapidly followed. 15

200 is of gravity convection, nonselec­ tive suspension design; model 201 of mechanical convection, selective sus­ pension design. The former permits one sample to be heated and weighed continuously, while the latter permits eight samples to be treated simul­ taneously and weighed separately with­ out opening the inner plate glass door. 17

Machlett & Son. The tubes are light­ weight, durable, and resistant to acids, alkalies, and organic solvents at tem­ peratures to 140° F. 18

Centrifuge Tubes

Quantometer A simplified production control quan­ tometer is being manufactured by Ap­ plied Research Laboratories for applica­ tions involving regular but limited spectrochemical analyses. The unit, model 8950, is a basic in-

Polyethylene centrifuge tubes of 15 ml. capacity are being marketed by Κ

For further information, see coupon on page 49 A

Fraction Cutter An advantage cited for a new fraction cutter designed by F. A. Kummerow, University of Illinois, is elimination of distillate contamination by stopcock grease. Contamination is avoided by substituting an iron-filled glass plunger for the usual glass stopcock.



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% To cut a fraction, this plunger is lifted into the constricted opening by means of a Small magnet and nitrogen or air bled into the receiver through the threeway stopcock. After the receiver is changed and the new receiver evacuated, the magnet is removed so that the plunger may drop. A two-way stopcock allows the distillation setup to be closed off while the receiver is being changed and evacuated. The device is being offered by Wake­ field Industries, Inc. 16 Ovens for Moisture Determinations Frcas conditioning ovens for use in moisture determination tests of soap, textiles, leather, pigments, paper, wood, rubber, food products, and other ma­ terials have been redesigned by Pre­ cision Scientific Co. The ovens have been provided with a new balance for greater accuracy in moisture deter­ minations from 30 to 0.1%. An insu­ lated platform above the oven pre\^ents heat from affecting the sensitivity of the balance. Two models are available. Model V O L U M E 2 7, NO. 2, F E B R U A R Y

A new kind of Corning catalog for scientists On occasions when your work de­ parts from routine requirements and you need some special glass ap­ paratus for the job, this new Corn­ ing catalog will be a big help. Its 109 pages give you a listing of many kinds of unusual glass ap­ paratus for special applications. And you'll find all of the informa­ tion you need about every item: capacity, dimensions, prices and discounts. All the apparatus in the book is made of PYREX brand glass 7740— I CORNING GLASS WORKS Corning, Ν. Υ. Corning means research in Glass

and it can be delivered just a few days after your order. Your custom orders get special handling to gain precious time. If you can't find the special ap­ paratus you need in our new cata­ log, send us your specifications—a rough drawing will do. Our special apparatus section is at your disposal for anything you need in glass. We would like you to have a copy of CA-1, "Custom Made Lab­ oratory Glassware by Corning." Please use the form below.

C O R N I N G GLASS WORKS, D e p t . A Y - 2 , Corning, N e w York

Please send me the new Corning Catalog CA-1 "Custom Made Laboratory Glassware by Corning." Name




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MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE strument with many automatic features removed for economy. Eleven ele­ ments of the user's choice can be ana­ lyzed. The instrument is built on a unitized basis which allows gradual ex­ pansion of the equipment's range by the addition of units to the chassis. Auto­ matic controls may be also added. 19


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