change between 0° C. and 100° C. Borosilicate glass stems .... having breather valves and a replace-. For further information ... repeated indefinit...
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NEW PRODUCTS FOR ANALYSTS Equipment, Apparatus, Instruments, Reagents, Materials Viscometer A small, multispeed laboratory viscometer, t h e F a n n Model 35 V-G Meter, has been developed b y Geophysical M a c h i n e Works for use with Newtonian

fluids, pseudoplastics, and Bingham bodies. I t can b e used for rapid determinations of plastic viscosity, yield value, gel strength, a n d for thixotropic studies. M a x i m u m range is 150 centipoises for plastic viscosity, 280 pounds per 100 square feet for yield value, and 300 p o u n d s per 100 square feet for gel strength. All readings are t a k e n from an engraved dial a n d are in absolute units. A rapid, two-point determination of plastic viscosity a n d yield value is possible b y t w o simple subtractions t o give these values directly without plotting. Spindle speeds of 3, 6, 100, 200, 300, a n d 600 r.p.m. can be selected without stopping rotation. Reproducible gel strength readings can b e t a k e n a t t h e 3 r.p.m. speed, using a n y convenient time interval. A 500-ml. stainless steel sample cup with a scribed line for proper filling is furnished with t h e i n s t r u m e n t . Other accessories, including a constant t e m perature sample cup a n d a n i n s t r u m e n t case, are available a t extra cost. 1 Freezing Point Depression Apparatus R a p i d cryoscopic osmotic activity determinations of 1-cc. samples of aqueous solutions are possible with a freezing point depression a p p a r a t u s offered b y American I n s t r u m e n t Co., Inc. T h e i n s t r u m e n t can be used for t h e determination of osmotic pressure, molecular weight of some water-soluble compounds, a n d molecular weight of m a n y organic compounds soluble in benzene. I t consists of a thermistor bridge null-detecting unit a n d a freezing unit. Accuracy is b e t t e r t h a n 42 A

± 2 % or 1 milliosmole per liter, whichever is greater, over a range of 0 to 1.85 osmolal concentrations. T h e Aminco-Bowman a p p a r a t u s provides a simple refrigerating system t h a t uses no b a t h s a n d gives reproducible rates of cooling, requiring only a regulated source of compressed air. T h e freezing u n i t contains air a t near freezing t e m p e r a t u r e , t h u s providing isolation and control t o m a i n t a i n a reasonably constant t e m p e r a t u r e . C o n s t a n t speed stirring a n d reproducible probe positions reduce t e m p e r a t u r e gradient variations. D e t e r m i n a t i o n s are m a d e in s t a n d a r d 13 X 100 m m . t e s t tubes and t h e sample is visible t h r o u g h o u t the determination. T h e end point is compared to readings of s t a n d a r d solutions and actual values are obtained b y interpolation. 2

single cable 8 feet long. T h e cable is separated near its end into four leads, each fitted with a gold-plated copper terminal. 4 Ultrasonic Viscometer A n i n s t r u m e n t for instantaneous a n d continuous m e a s u r e m e n t of viscosity from 0 t o 100,000 centipoises or higher a t room or elevated t e m p e r a t u r e s has been announced b y Ultrasonic Engineering Co. M e a s u r e m e n t s are m a d e b y immersing t h e sensing element of t h e probe in a n y liquid a n d reading viscosity, in centipoises times density, on a panel meter. T h e probe m a y be m o u n t e d on a ring stand, installed in process lines and equipment, or held in the hand.

Salt Spray Cabinet A salt spray test cabinet is being produced b y t h e G. S. E q u i p m e n t Co. from nonporous, inert plastic t h a t prevents secondary galvanic acceleration of corrosion. T h e u n i t m a k e s duplication of test results possible within 1 0 % , according t o t h e manufacturer, because no p a r t s of contaminating materials susceptible to corrosion are exposed t o test solutions or vapors. All gages a n d other metal p a r t s are on t h e outside of t h e cabinet. Completely t r a n s p a r e n t , t h e cabinet affords clear visibility for observing a n d controlling progress of tests a n d examining specimens from all sides w i t h o u t opening t h e lid. T h e e q u i p m e n t meets A S T M Specification B - l 17-49T. 3 Resistance Thermometers Strain-free platinum resistance thermometers m a d e t o comply with t h e requirements of t h e International T e m p e r a t u r e Scale of 1948 are being offered b y American I n s t r u m e n t Co., Inc. R a n g e of t h e i n s t r u m e n t s is from —183 ° t o 500° C. T h e resistor of t h e t h e r m o m e t e r s is m a d e of purified p l a t i n u m a n d has a resistance of approximately 25.5 ohms a t 0° C. T h e length of t h e p l a t i n u m wire is adjusted to 10 ohms, =fc 0.01 ohm, change between 0° C. and 100° C. Borosilicate glass stems h a v e a standard length of 18 inches although stems as short as 5 y 2 inches can be m a d e to order. E a c h stem is fitted with a n a l u m i n u m head from which the four internal leads emerge in t h e form of a

T h r e e models are available—one for laboratory use and two for industrial applications. I n d u s t r i a l models m a y b e used in their own steel cabinets or m o u n t e d on a rack. T h e i n s t r u m e n t s can b e connected t o a n y s t a n d a r d controller-recorder for continuous monitoring. 5 Density Analysis Set A density gradient analysis set is being offered b y Microchemical Specialties Co. for use in establishing the ident i t y or nonidentity of origin of two objects or materials. T h e set provides rapid comparative analyses of such materials as glass, soils, insulation, sand, minerals, a n d hair. A m o u n t of sample required is 25 mg. or less. T h e a p p a r a t u s consists of 11 density gradient liquids a n d bottles, bottle rack, glass t u b e s a n d stand, densitometer, and a combination delivery and suction head. 6 Monochromator A compact, portable monochromator, suitable for a wide variety of microscopic analysis applications, has been announced b y Cambridge Thermionic For further information, see coupon on page 39 A ANALYTICAL


Corp. The CTC Model H instrument incorporates five quartz sections vary­ ing in length from 4 inches to Χ/Λ inch. The entire unit measures 10 ΧΛ inches long, 36/s inches wide, and 3 inches high. I t has a circular aperture 1 inch in diameter. Band width is 40 to 120 A. A light source is also available for use with the instrument. The source can be easily attached to the monochromator to become an integral part of the unit. 7

a New Bridge

to Laboratory FFF/C/ Ε NCY

Die for Infrared Samples

A potassium bromide press for making disks for use in the study of infrared and ultraviolet spectra of solids has been designed by Research & Industrial In­ struments Co. and is now being dis­ tributed in the United States. Essen­ tially, the disk technique consists of







Direct and gear drive in one fully enclosed ball bearing motor. Variable Speed at full torque. 1/50 H.P. motor. Can be run in either direction.

m • β


grinding a mixture of 0.1 to 1.0% of the solid sample in pure potassium bromide or potassium chloride and pressing the mixture under vacuum to produce a transparent disk. Amount of sample required is usually not more than about 1 mg. Disadvantages of mulling meth­ ods of solid sample preparation are eliminated. The press produces disks of 0.5-inch diameter and less than 1-mm. thickness. For operation, a vacuum pump is neces­ sary, as well as a laboratory press ca­ pable of providing a pressure of 35 tons per square inch. Stainless steel disk holders can be supplied to fit the stand­ ard cell guides of Perkin-Elmer and Grubb-Parsons instruments. 8

The speed on direct drive ranges from 400 rpm to 5000 rpm in stepless con­ trol. The speed of geardriven shaft is 1/18 the direct or armature speed. Starting torque on arma­ ture is 32 in ounces. May also be used to drive con­ stant speed devices. Stirrer can be attached to ordinary labora­ tory support stand. «•


Agilene polyethylene sink traps are being manufactured by American Agile Corp. for laboratory use. The traps are claimed to be chemically inert and easily cleaned. Among the materials that can be safely handled by the units are mercury, concentrated hydrofluoric and oxidizing acids, and chlorinated solvents. The units can be quickly installed without the use of special tools, and the high impact strength of polyethylene prevents breakage both during and after installation. The bottom portion of the For further information, see coupon on page 39 A V O L U M E 2 6, N O . 7, J U L Y


Motor is driven b y a p h a s e shift Thyratron T u b e controlled rectifier, which converts t h e alternat­ ing current of t h e mains t o direct current. Field a n d a r m a t u r e of motor are fed separately b y two— 2050 gas rectifier t u b e s . Price $ 8 9 . 5 0 For D a t a on this Newest of the n e w Laboratory Stirrers Write Dept. E S — G



111 For further

information, circle number 43 A on Readers' Service Card, page 39 A

43 A


trap may be unscrewed by hand for cleaning. No washers, gaskets, or Avrenches are required. 9 Combustion Tube Furnace

Operation at temperatures from 1700° to. 2600° F. for combustions of such materials as high-alloy and heat resisting steels is possible with Hevi Duty Electric Co.'s high temperature furnace. A compact, self-contained unit, the furnace has all necessary temperature indicating and control devices located in its pyramid base.

Silicon carbide heating elements located above and below the combustion tube provide uniform heat distribution and rapid heating. Tubes of diameters up to 2 inches can be used by changing the plug inserts at the furnace ends. An adjustable tube clamp holds tubes in a firm position. 10 Potassium Arc

A potassium laboratory arc for furnishing monochromatic radiation of potassium for polarimetry, interferometry, refractometry, and spectrometry



is being manufactured by George W. Gates & Co., Inc. Strong red line radiation can be obtained with approximately 97% of the energy radiated in the region of 7699 to 7765 A. Other line radiations can be removed by filtering. The unit consists of a lamp housing and an enclosed electrical auxiliary. Operation requires no special precaution. No adjustments are necessary and the lamp can be burned in any position. Weight is 12 pounds. 11 Constant Temperature Bath

A bath providing both full visibility and mechanical refrigeration is available from Wilkens Anderson Co. for use at above or below room temperature. Temperatures in the range from - 5 ° to 65° C. can be obtained. A mercury thermoregulator in conjunction with a thyratron tube relay controls operation of compressor and heating elements. Temperature is controlled within ±0.01° C , according to the company. The bath can be operated with both heater and compressor cycling alternately or with heater alone or compressor alone. I t is furnished with a borosilicate glass jar, 12 inches in diameter and 12 inches high. 12 Pipet

A pipet with a large orifice for handling viscous materials accurately and with ease has been developed by Bellco Glass, Inc. Graduations are applied to compensate for the large tip opening. Pipets are available in serological types graduated to the tip, in Mohr measuring types graduated to the base line, and in volumetric transfer types. A full range of sizes is offered.

But e v e n m o r e i m p o r t a n t t h a n the a p p e a r a n c e of cleanliness is the p u r i t y a n d safety of " U . S." w h i t e chemical





inert, dense, impervious,



p o r c e l a i n is t h e i d e a l m a t e r i a l f o r h a n d l i n g

13 Distilled Water Tank Vent


chemicals — b o t h in l a b o r a t o r y a n d p r o d u c t i o n .






The Ventgard, produced by Barnstead Still & Sterilizer Co., protects distilled water stored in a tank from airborne contamination by preventing organic vapors, alkali and acid gases, and carbon dioxide from entering the tank. The device consists of a copper chamber, coated with tin on the interior and nickel plated on the outside, having breather valves and a replaceFor further information, see coupon on

For further

44 A

information, circle number 44 A on Readers' Service Card, page 39 A

page 39 A



NEW PRODUCTS able cartridge filter element. I t can be used with metal or borosilicate glass distilled water storage tanks. When the water level in the tank is lowered, room air enters through an intake valve, passes through the submicron filter cartridge where particles are removed and gaseous impurities are chemically absorbed, and then enters the tank through another breather valve. When water level is raised, the intake breather valves automatically close, and air is expelled through an ex­ haust valve. When there is no change in water level, all valves remain closed to protect both cartridge and water from contamination. 14 Flow Counter A completely sealed automatic flow counter has been introduced by Tracerlab, Inc., for automatic radioassays with windowless Geiger or pro­ portional counters. The unit accommo­ dates up to 25 samples and keeps all samples under gas flow throughout the operation. Samples up to l 7 /s inches diameter and Vie inch high can be used.

counters which indicate the total of the weights employed. Weights and pan are suspended from the same end of the beam and weights equal to the load added to the pan are removed from above the pan during the weighing operation. This substitution method of weighing is claimed to be accurate, and, because the load on the beam is constant, pro­ vides constant balance sensitivity re­ gardless of the load on the pan. 16 Temperature Testing Chamber A test unit that automatically cycles through alternate hot and cold temperatures is being produced by Cincinnati Sub-Zero Products Co. The unit provides temperatures down to —120° F., and can then raise the temperature up to 200° F. This cycle can be repeated as many as 100 times. Length of time at the high and low levels can be varied by means of a dual-set timer which controls halfcycle time for periods from 0 to 120 minutes. The test chamber measures 30 inches long, 11 inches wide, and 16 inches deep. I t has a 2-inch porthole through which test leads may be run.

The unit is based on a standard in­ dustrial freezer design, with strip heaters and programming controls added for automatic cycling. A re­ cording thermometer is provided. 17 Centrifugal Wet Mill A centrifugal mill for the reduction of analytical samples, particularly for use in the de­ termination of oil content in small oil-bearingseeds, has been designed by E. H. Sargent & Co. This wet mill per­ mits extraction or solution to occur simultaneously with the milling of the sample, thereby reducing transfer operations and resulting sample loss. The unit employs a capacitor motor which rotates at 1725 r.p.m. Rotor and stator are 18-8 stainless steel. Samples may be ground to an approxiFor further information, see coupon on page 39 A

FIRST for Your LABORATORY This Free Book — Just off the Press — describes in detail

theCBRSystem The instrument may be set so that each sample is counted one, two, three, or four times, or so that the cycles are repeated indefinitely. A switch on the control panel makes it possible to bypass any desired number of samples and to advance the index accordingly. Over-all accuracy of the unit is approximately 1%. I t has a resolving time for Geiger counting of approxi­ mately 150 microseconds. Resolving time for proportional counting is lim­ ited only by the resolving time of the scaler and amplifier used. 15



HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Provides the utmost in SAFETY — CONVENIENCE and ECONOMY With the rapid strides being made today in Chemistry, Biology and Radiology, the safety keynote in modern Laboratory opera­ tion is—

"CONCENTRATE-CONFINE" "Single Unit" for remote control

Balance A single pan, constant sensitivity balance for fast weighings has been announced by Wm. Ainsworth & Sons, Inc. The Right-Α-Weigh balance has a capacity of 200 grams and a sensi­ tivity of 0.1 mg. All weights are built into the balance and are operated by knobs on the front of the case. These knobs also operate V O L U M E 2 6, N O . 7, J U L Y 1 9 5 4

—whether materials handled are in the field of Isotopes, Explo­ sives, Solvents or toxic materials. Just a few minutes spent with this free new Kewaunee Book will show you how you can be sure your Laboratory will provide vital protection to personnel, as well as outstanding flexibility and economy of operation. Before you invest in any new Laboratory Equipment, see how Kewaunee makes it easy for you to apply the modern approved system of standardized individual safety working enclosures. The CBR System b y K e w a u n e e marks another great achievement in our 50-year record of keeping ahead with the latest and best in Laboratory Equipment. Send f o r " T h e CBR System b y K e w a u n e e " — t o d a y .

Kewaunee Mfg. Co. J. A . C a m p b e l l , President The Kewaunee "CBR TWOSOME" Sales Offices in Principal Cities 5 0 9 0 S . C e n t e r S t r e e t · A d r i a n , M i c h . For further information, circle number 45 A on Readers' Service Card, page 39 A

45 A


mate limit of 200 mesh. The mill has been used successfully with such materials as sesame seed, flaxseed, corn, peas, and tomatoes. 18





THE IDEAL PRESS FOR MAKING KBR PELLETS FOR INFRARED SPECTROSCOPIC ANALYSIS • 2 0 Ton capacity Hydraulic Press • Accurate alignment in op­ eration • Guided moving platen • Sturdy 3 column construc­ tion • Even pressure distribution for uniformly dense pellets • Self-contained • Bench mounted • Hand operated • 9 " χ 9 " platen area • 2 2 " m a x . vertical opening, adjustable

A multi-purpose unit with quickly adjusted vertical open­ ing, by handwheel, permits many different set-ups in mini­ mum time. Used around the -world for RESEARCH, C O N T R O L , & TESTING. Available accessories include: Heat­ ing and Cooling Platens; Temp. Con­ trols; Auxiliary low pressure gauges; Fast air closing; Extruding units; Testing units, etc. Other capacities and sizes available. Write for Bulletin.

LOOMIS ENGINEERING & MANUFACTURING CO. 1 3 3 So. 1 4 t h St., N e w a r k 7, N . J. Circle No. 46 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 39 A 46A

Laboratory Chemicals. A 245-page reference catalog lists prices and speci­ fications of entire line of reagents avail­ able from J. T. Baker Co. 19 Laboratory Chemicals. Catalog lists prices of reagents, technical chemicals, indicators, and other materials for chemical, clinical, biological, bacterio­ logical, and metallurgical laboratory and industrial use. Arthur S. LaPine & Co. 20 Drying Agents. Four-page folder describes various grades and forms of Drierite anhydrous calcium sulfate and their applications. W. A. Hammond Drierite Co. 21 Magnetic Stirrers. Four-page bulletin describes magnetic stirring apparatus with enclosed or separate rheostat control and magnetic stirring bars en­ closed in Kel-F, Teflon, or borosilicate glass. Also listed are electric stirrers. Arthur H. Thomas Co. (Bull. 118). 22 Timers. Two-page sheet describes two models of elapsed time indicators—for reading to 0.001 minute through 10minute range and reading to 0.1 sec. through 1000 seconds. Dimco-Gray Co. (Models 201 and 202). 23 Glassware Washers. Brochure of 4 pages describes and gives specifications for automatic washing machine for laboratory glassware. Eochester Scien­ tific Co. (Unormatic Washing Ma­ chine). 24 Glassware Washers. Bulletin de­ scribes series of washing machines for laboratory use in cleaning and sterilizing glassware or animal cages. Industrial Systems Co. 25 Analytical Services. Booklet of 8 pages describes services in making analyses on various types of materials and in analytical research offered by Foster D. Snell, Inc. 26 Flow Counter. Two-page sheet de­ scribes windowless flow counter designed to permit rapid sample change-over in Geiger or proportional counting of solid samples in an inert atmosphere. Atomic Instrument Co. (Model 952). 17 Alternating



Bulletin describes alternating


For further information, see coupon on page 39 A

I m m u n e to Extreme Chemical, T h e r m a l a n d Electrical Conditions. Non-catalytic. Nonporous. VITIteOSIL CRUCIBLES permit the production of compounds of real purity; and do not absorb material. It is possible to wind Vitreosil Cruci­ bles with wire for direct electrical heating. Made in glazed and unglazed finish. VITREOSIL DISHES for concentrat­ ing, evaporating and crystallizing acid solutions. Made in large and small sizes and types as required. VITREOSIL TRAYS are made in two types; four sided with overflow lip a t one end for continuous acid con­ centration; and plain. Our Techni­ c a l Staff places itself a t y o u r disposal for further data. For details as to sizes, prices, etc..

Write for Bulletin No.17 THE THERMAL SYNDICATE LTD. 14





Circle No. 46 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 39 A A N A L Y T I C A L