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NEW PRODUCTS Instruments



A new system of data recording and immediate visual presentation, combining electrostatic printing and integrated digital electronic circuits, has been developed for use in the chemical and petrochemical processing, refining, and pipeline, and other process control industries. T h e recorder weighs 80 lb., operates on 105-125 VAC or 210-250 VAC, 50 or 60 cycles and draws 100 watts maximum. T h e remote control panel is an optional accessory. Varian Associates. 401

A simple conversion system for utilizing a standard laboratory automated elemental analyzer for oxygen analysis, as well as simultaneous analysis of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen is available. T h e development makes the Perkin-Elmer Model 240 elemental analyzer the first such instrument which can be interchangeably used for either analytical operation. T h e new system is expected to find widespread use in analytical laboratories, where it will eliminate the equipment investment, space, and additional training required for a separate oxygen analysis setup. PerkinElmer Corp. 404


T h e “I Head” thermocouple assembly can be inserted into a drilled bar stock well, providing improved service life over wire and ceramic bead construction. T h e TemTex miniature industrial terminal head machined from aluminum stainless steel bar stock provides a rugged watertight or explosion proof terminal head. One length of thermocouple will serve all immersion depths to 12 in. greatly reducing the problem of inventory stocking and replacement. TemTex Co. 402



New small case instrument control panels emphasizing human engineering and functional factors are available. T h e new family of panel configurations meets the growing need for well designed control centers and centralized control panels caused by a greater use of small case instruments and the trend to more centralized control. Human factors determined optimum panel configurations as well as instrument arrangements. Foxboro Co. 405



A low profile Model GT-503, low deflection compression load cell is designed to withstand the rugged service of hydraulic ram force measurements in soil-pressure tests. It is fabricated of stainless steel, has no moving parts, and contains a positive internal stop at 125% of rated load. Four ranges are available: 0 to 2500, to 5000, to 10,000, and to 20,000 lb. Having a deflection of 0.0005 in., the unit has found other applications in weighing and various specialized applications. General Transducer Co. 403

An electronic calculator said to be the first of its type to feature a magnetic drum memory is named the Canon H67. Featuring an input capacity of 30 digits, the Canon #I167 has a keyboard designed so that its relatively few keys can be operated at natural wrist and finger slant. Power to operate the completely solid state advanced circuit calculator can be obtained from any standard a.c. outlet. Its size is equal to a standard typewriter, 8112 x 12 X 221/2 in. Canon U. S. A. Inc. 406 VOL. 5 9



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A compact, completely self-contained solid state unit with the widest bandwidth is available for use in high speed data reduction systems. Of the two units available, one accepts two signals i n the range of 0-5 volts and delivers an output of the algebraic product and the other accepts signals of 0-10 volts and its output is the algebraic product. Error is less than 50 mV. GPS Instrument Co. 407

Model FS, an all-new, solid-state controlled, completely stainless steel constant temperature circulator capable of control to +0.004" C., is now available for operation between -60 and +250° C. A fully stepless heater output (0 to 1000 watts) permits control of circulated liquids through viscometers, spectrophotometers, polarimeters, refractometers, and other jacketed instruments used in biological laboratories. Poly Science Corp. 411


Why is a leader in electronics looking for Chemical Engineers? Because TI'S history and future are based on growth-and our materials operation is the base of future growth. We've grown 200fold in the last 20 years in electronics, and are already in a new era in which materials are producing new products that will keep this growth pace. So these are literally responsible, ground-floor opportunities. CHEMICAL ENGINEERS

F o r process development, process design, cost estimating, equipment selection, project planning, scheduling and supervision from process design through startup. CHEMISTS/CHEMICAL ENGINEERS F o r engineering, development and

research in diffusion, e p i t a x i a l chemical vapor deposition? and special chemical processing in semiconductor silicon and other new special materials operations. Please send your resume in confidence to Shelly Leva, Dept. 103-M,

MATERIALS DIVISION, Texas Instruments Incorporated, P. 0. Box 5303, Dallas, Texas 75222. An Equal Opportunity Employer




Instrumentation for continuous measurements of moisture content designated Model CB is applicable to a wide range of granular products. T h e system has wide application possibilities in any situation where materials are purchased in bulk and where moisture can have a marked effect on weight. Readout measurement may be located u p to 200 f t . for moisture measurement in instrumentation. Moisture Register Co. 412


Designated the GTC-200, the unit is capable of measuring vacuum in the 1- to 1 0 - 3 - t o ~range. T h e gage features a solid-state package which is temperature compensated for a range of 15" to 50" C. T h e heater current automatically stabilizes against changes in ambient temperature, line voltage, and heater resistance. T h e gage, equipped for either single- or twostage operation, features a three year warranty. Consolidated Vacuum Corp. 409 DILUTING INSTRUMENT

A completely automatic instrument dispenses concentrated acids, bases, and solvents accurately, safely, and without danger of contamination. Using an exclusive Teflon and glass electro-magnetic check valve, the dual-head Dilutrol picks u p a preset volume of sample during the first half of the diluting cycle, and dispenses the same sample plus a preset volume of diluent during the second half. Independent self-locking knobs permit quick volumetric adjustments at both the sample and diluent syringes. Manostat Corp. 410

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T h e EA1 Series Processor consists of a basic housing which provides space for as many as 10 plugin operational modules. T h e selfcontained unit, designed to fit into a standard 19-in. rack or console, includes the power supply, meter, and fan, and is prewired for acceptance for a variety of solid-state modules. Power circuitry is built into each module. Electronic Associates, Inc. 408


Microelectronic Products. A product reference guide has been published which contains information on a broad line of microelectronic products. Among the products listed in this guide are bipolar linear and digital integrated circuits, RIOS integrated circuits, epoxy transistors, and MOS field effect transistors. T h e brochure also contains instructions for logic diagrams and packaging, and basic parameters are given for all integrated circuits. Philco-Ford Corp. 413 Cryogenic Thermometer. A new direct reading thermometer for use with liquid and gaseous hydrogen and helium is described in bulletin CRl01. According to the bulletin, the Model 200-1 Cryometer provides direct indication of temperatures over an expanded range of 14O to 33" K. I n addition, it provides cool-down indication from 300° to 100' K. Complete operating characteristics, detailed specifications, and prices are included. International Controls Corp. 414 Field Emission Products. A wide range of radiation sources for applications in science and industry is described in a new product catalog. Products listed include 2-mV. electron accelerators, flash x-ray systems, and tabletop x-ray

instruments that operate with the sim. plicity of an office copier. Also included is a listing of technical literature. Field Emission Corp. 415 T o p Loading Balances. A 12-page catalog describes four new top loading precision balances, Models P160, P2000, P5, and P6. The new balances can be used for weighing unknowns, check weighing, weighing in, batching, and for weighing below the balances. 416 Mettler Instrument Corp.

100%Efficiency in moisture detection

Aerosol Photometer. An %page bulletin describes the line of Sinclair Phoenix forward scattering aerosol photometers for monitoring dust and smoke concentrations. T h e bulletin JM2000A details principles of operation including details of the optical system and smoke chamber. Phoenix Precision Instrument Co. 417 Overtemperature Alarm. A solid-state, economical alarm unit, called ultraLARM, which protects industrial equipment with reliability and accuracy, is described and illustrated in a data sheet. Included are specifications, diagrams, and schematic drawings. Airborne Accessories Corp. 418 Load Cell Systems. 4 comprehensive presentation of stainless steel load cell system and accessories is included i n a 24-page catalog. It contains detailed engineering and application data on 36 capacities from 0 to 10 lb. through 0 to 30,000 lb. T h e systems described are straight tension, straight compression, push-pull, multicell summing, multicell selector, and many others. W. C. Dillon & Co. 419 Transducer/Strain Indicator. A bulletin describes a new portable dual-purpose HW1-D digital indicator which provides both strain and transducer output signal measurements in either microstrain or kIv./v. units. T h e bulletin contains complete application, specification, and general descriptive data o n the HWI-D. Strainsert Co. 420 Fluidic Interface Components. Four new engineering data sheets on these components are available. These data sheets describe a fluidic/electric switch, two fluidic/pneuniatic valves, and a Flowtron module assembly kit. Howie 421 Corp. Rotary Transducers. Bulletin 200G on digital Rotopulser units illustrates and describes the complete line of transducer and accessories and includes specification and application informa422 tion. Louis Allis Co.






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3 K



When tracing or measuring ppm water in gases, liquids or solids, you can depend on a C E C Electrolytic Moisture Monitor. Why? Because these instruments a r e 100% efficient. Reason: t h e C E C Electrolytic Cell w i t h its exclusive glass-supported electrodes. The C E C Electrolytic Cell has greater accuracy at low levels, faster response, double the life expectancy and it cannot

become shorted by prolonged storage or disuse.


information, call your

nearest C E C Field Office, o r write Consolidated Electrodynamics, Pasadena, California 91109. A subsidiary of Bell & Howell. Bulletin Kit 346-X9.



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