NEW PRODUCTS - INSTRUMENTS - Industrial & Engineering

Publication Date: December 1965. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Click to increase image size Free...
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N EW PROD U CTS Instruments


Package system for Mossbauer effect studies has a variable speed transducer and a drive unit with a built-in function generator. Programming is possible for either ADC-modulation or time modes of operation, a n d provision is made to modulate either source or absorber. Technical Measurement Corp. 40 1 B I N LEVEL INDICATOR

Paddle-type bin level indicator features complete shut-off when paddles are in stalled condition to ensure longer paddle life. New device has cast aluminum housing, stainless steel flexible shaft and coupling, and a three-vane plasticcoated paddle. Monitor Manufacturing Co. 402 PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL S W I T C H

New differential switch can operate at pressures of 5000 p i . and can sense pressure differentials as low as 1 p s i . or as high as 100 p.s.i. Switch is available either i n weather-proof or explosion-proof models. Potential application will be to indicate plugging of filters, or i n conjunction with a n orifice plate, to indicate flow. Custom Component Switches, Inc. 403 PH-TO-CURRENT CONVERTER

Newly designed converter is compatible with most industrial pH electrodes because of its high impedance. New instrument is housed in a durable weatherproof case and is designed for field mounting adjacent to process equipment. T h e converter's range is -2 to 16 pH and spans of 2 #to14 are compatible. 404 T h e Foxboro Co. PARTIAL PRESSURE GAUGE

Gauge makes measurements of residual gases and provides for determination of partial pressures of

such gases for leak detection, or for determination of gas load of vaciium or other systems. Range extends down to torr and the unit is designed to withstand temperatures u p to 250" C. Varian Associates. 405 INDICATOR-CONTROLLER SYSTEM

Modular indicator-controller systems consist of four elements which are compatible with single or totalsystem use. Elements are a time proportioning controller, a temperature indicator, a system panel, and a six-point thermocouple selector switch compatible with the other elements. Barber-Colman co. 406



Signal conditioning amplifier provides a linear 0- to 5-volt output from thermocouple sensors. Complete unit can operate over the temperature range of -320" to f250" F. Rosemount Engineering co. 407 O X Y G E N ANALYZER

Portable oxygen analyzer with potential use for monitoring controlled environments features a new galvanic detector cell which responds instantaneously to changes in oxygen concentration. Detector cell generates sufficient power to drive an indicator meter and a potentiometer-type recorder without any other power sources. Analytical Systems Co. 408



hTew multipurpose sampling system for solid samples can be used with any inlet and is said to produce repeatable, accurate results with vaporized or pyrolyzed samples. System is available complete with seals, heater, purge system, needle for insertion, temperature measuring devices, and controls. T h e Hamilton Co. 409


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Fastest way to read viscosity


A new instrument has been developed for measurement of energy of ultrasonic cavitation, with potential application in study ol efficiency of ultrasonic cleaning and processing operations. Unit provides signals correlatable with mixing and chemical reaction parameters, particularly for sonically induced phenomena. Macrosonics Corp. 410




Attach spindle and immerse.

Get set... Select speed and switch ON.

Solid-state unit converts readings from variable-resistance sensors to current or voltage signals. Unit is compatible with any resistance sensor with a minimum resistance of 50 ohms and will operate in a temperature range of 0” to 140” F. Standard outputs are 1-5, 4-20, and 10-50 ma., and 0-0.01, 0-0.1, 0-1, and 0-10 volts. Rochester Instrument Systems, Inc. 41 1


Read! It’s a breeze, with Brookfield.

Run it on the Brook field! Viscosity becomes a known quantity in about 30 seconds, with a Brookfield Synchro-Lectric Viscometer. There’s no fussing-No fiddling-No figuring. And you get a direct reading in “Brookfield Centipoises,” the absolute terms that pin down viscosity as surely as Degrees C . pin down temperature-in virtually any laboratory on this Earth. Viscosity is an increasingly vital product dimension. Are you profiting from T h e world’s standard for viscosity measurement and control”? If not-Please drop us a line! We’ve a complete catalog for you.

ENGl N EERlNG L A B 0 RATORI ES, I NC. Stoughton 89, Massachusetts

FUEL CELL SYSTEMS Theory and technology of fuel cell systems are developed in 25 papers from symposia sponsored by the American Chemical Society’s Division of Fuel Chemistry, including such topics as:

New line of fluid flowmeters has been added to manufacturer’s line of orifice indicating flowmeters. New series features compatibility with line or panel mounting, visible material Row, and cast bronze or aluminum construction that withstands temperatures u p to 250” F. Erdco Engineering Corp. 412

Fuel cells for submarines and satellites Molten carbonate fuel cells Theory of polarization of porous electrodes Olefins and paraffin fuels Solid-state fuel cells 0


Solid-state temperature switch controls circuits in the -65O to 2000” I;. range, is designed for control or alarm points in temperaturecritical areas. Accuracy of the switch point at high temperatures is within 5” F. Consolidated Con413 trols Corp.

A coal-burning fuel cell power plant Thin fuel cell electrodes Current density and electrode structure Nitric acid-oxygen redox electrode Fuel cells with ion-exchange membranes and many others.

Cloth bound, 360 pages, $8.00 postpaid in U.S. and Canada; plus 20 cents foreign and PUAS. Set of L.C. cards supplied free o n library orders.

M o r e information i s as near as your mailbox. Just circle the number of the item in which you are interested on the Readers’ Information Card.

Circle No. 18 on Readers’ Service Card




Order from: Special Issues Sales American Chemical Society 1155 Sixteenth St., N. W. Washington, D. C. 20036

Sturtevant Equipment


Optical Instruments. Catalog describes universal high-pressure xenon and mercury vapor lamp housings and power supplies, photomultiplier photometers and tube housings, monochromators, lenses, mirrors, prisms, and interferometer optical equipment. Orion Optics Corp. 414 Chromatography. Brochure describes techniques and materials for thinlayer chromatography. Emphasis of the brochure is on rapid response chromatography and associated rapid electrophoresis equipment. Gelman Instrument Co. 415


NOW. I.Adjust Grind Size Without Shutdown .-

Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Newsletter describes rapid method for atomic absorption spectroscopy with emphasis on chromium and molybdenum determinations in brine at levels below 1 p.p.m. Two articles also describe use of atomic absorption in gold assaying. Perkin-Elmer Corp. 416

Victor’s capabilities were created to solve the fluid control problems of the chemical, petrochemical, medical and research industries. The solutions to the variety of problems posed to us by these industries resulted in the development and production of the following fluid controls: Electrically Controlled Pressure Regulators Gas Dome Loaded Pressure Regulators Hand Loader Type, Spring Reference Pressure Regulators Back Pressure Regulators Relief Valves Electronic Fluid Control Systems Our current product line offers fluid control components for: Liquids and gases: Corrosive or non-corrosive Inlet pressures: To 15,000 psig Flow rates: To 180,000 scfm of air Temperature ranges: -320°F to +5OO0F If you have a fluid control problem, write or call:

VICTOR EQUIPMENT COMPANY-CONTROLS DIVISION 2336 Auburn Blvd., Sacramento, California 95821 Tel: (916) 482-9884

Circle No. 35

Liquid-Level Controller. Bulletin describes a displacement-type liquidlevel controller and transmitter which employs friction-free magnetic coupling between the displacer and the pneumatic controller. Leslie Co.

Simple changes

of impactor pegs from outside


Precision Voltage Measurement. Application note describes ‘transfer standard’s application for comparison of standard cells against working standards. Data are provided of particular use in calibration of direct current standards, data acquisitions, and direct current digital voltmeters. Hewlett418 Packard Co. Scanner Modules. For automation of precision measurement, data sheets describe and recommend specifications of scanners which accommodate up to 1000 channels. Applications covered include data acquisition systems and digital voltmeters. Dana Laboratories, Inc. 419 Control Switches. Catalog describes control switches standard rated at 20 amperes and 600 volts for continuous duty. Complete set of contact diagrams and specifications for standard switches is also presented. Allis-Chalmers. 420 Sampler Specification Manual. For engineers concerned with sampling systems layout and design, this 56-page manual presents sampling theory, methods of component application, process tables, drawings, dimensions, and equipment specifications. Denver Equipment Co. 42 1

The SIMPACTOR by Sturtevant Mill Company is a centrifugal impact mill featuring rapid adjustments to grind size without shutdown or cutting off of product feed. Adjustments may be made from outside machine by pulling out or inserting as many impactor pegs as needed to change the grind. Open holes are plugged by reinserting pegs upside down. Centrifugal force hurls the feed particles through a maze of whirling pegs interspaced with stationary impactor pegs. Gravity discharge is through the suspended hopper. The SIMPACTOR produces desired fine sizes from 20 mesh to 80 mesh. Used as a blender, the SIMPACTOR has many applications, such as dehulling and defibring certain products. Available with stainless or mild steel interiors and pegs, the SIMPACTOR meets the most stringent sanitary requirements. There are no ledges or pockets to cause contamination. Regulated air flow prevents blowout and heat build-up. Production sizes have capacities up to several tons per hour. Small 15” unit, ideal for laboratories, handles pounds to hundreds of pounds. For companies involved in a diversity of grinding operations, the S I M PACTOR impact mill is a must. Write, wire or call for specific information relating to y o u r grinding needs. Request Bulletin 095.

STURTEVANT MILL COMPANY 15 Sturtevant Street, Boston, Mass. 02122 Sturtevant engineers and fabricates a full line of dry processing equipment: alrreQarators,fluldenergy mills,impactmills, blenders and mixers, conveyors, crushers and grinders.

Circle No. 32 an Readers’ Service Card

on Readers’ Service Card VOL. 5 7

NO. 1 2

DECEMBER 1 9 6 5


Flow Control. Brochure describes performance features and speafications for fluid flow measurement and control in continuous and batch processes. Fea. tures of manufacturer's lines of posirivedisplacement and turbine-type meters, control valves, hydraulic drives, indicators, pressure transducers and transmitters, recorders, and control. lers are presented. Rockwell Manu422 facturing Go. Rotameter Standardiration. Technical bulletin desaibes details of rotameter standardization program to assure interchangeability of meters in normal maintenance. Brooks Instrument Di423 vision, Emerson Electric Co. Thermometry. Bulletin describes thermistor thermometers and temperature recorder-drivers and their applications in process control. Versatility of design to assure interchangeability is emphasized. Atkins Technical, Inc. 424

Write for data on LYP-97Fand



850 M&

Rmw, Richmond. C.l#lmnni.

Graphic hogramma. Curvofollowing instrument. described in a two-page data sheet, automatically adjusts process set points to a predetermined time schedule or program. Programmer has potential application in laboratory and process systems. It follows complex programs to 0.15%. Coming Glass works. 425 Pulse Generators. Catalog describes 25 pulse generators, including programmable models, digital data generators, and plug-in output units. Datapulse, 426 Inc. Pneumatic Regulators. Catalog describes line of air regulators and pneumatic controls with technical specifications and application data. Units included are volumebooster relays, wmputing relays, back-pressure regulators, vacuum regulators, reversing relays, and pressure-electric switches. Industrial Products Division Fairchild Hiller. 427

Sdvent Extraction WE ALW MAKE:



1400 SEVENTEENTH STREET DENVER. COLORADO 80217 * PHONE 303n44.4466 C h b N,. tl n a * n ' S n h . M



Hydrocarbon Analyzer. Bulletin describes a line of hydrocarbon analyzers particularly suited to monitoring inert gas streams, hydrocarbon processes, and atmospheres in packaging and production lines. Three units are described for panel mounting, portable use, and plant process control use where explosion-proof features are required. 428 Beckman Instruments, Inc. Laboratory Recorder. Brochure d e scribes laboratory recorder and design and performance specifications. Unit is suited for application with gas chromatography, ultraviolet and infrared spectrophotometry, and pH measurement. Pen response is less than 0.5 second for the full 10-inch scale. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 429