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There and back again: The tale of 2 asteroid sample-return missions. @OSIRISREx: After traveling for nearly 2 years, last week I caught my first glimp...
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volatile than the mobile phase, and response does not depend on the sample's optical characteristics. Alltech 1 4 1 2

Mercury The M-6000A mercury analyzer is an absorption-based system designed to match the level of sensitivity available from fluorescencebased systems. The thermally stabilized mercury lamp, combined with triple-beam optical design, is intended to provide baseline stability. Foamless sample introduction for biological samples prevents cross contamination. The system is rapidly demountable for easy maintenance and cleaning, and it can accommodate 360 samples. Varian • 410

INSTRUMENTATION ICP The Direct Reading Echelle ICP spectrometer offers a radial or dual-view source, purged optics, tandem sample introduction, ultrasonic nebulizer, and multitasking software. The radial-viewed instrument can be upgraded to dual view. Leeman Labs • 411

TGA The TGA850 measuring module allows simultaneous measurement and evaluation of TGA and SDTA signals. The module has a resolution of 0.1 ug, a dynamic measurement range of up to 2000 mg (without switching), and a temperature range up to 1100 °C. Mettler Toledo • 413

IR The Protege 460 spectrometer can measure in the mid-IR or near-IR and has spectral resolution of up to 0.5/cm. It can be coupled with Nicolet's standard GC-IR interface, a TGA interface, the SpectraTech/Nicolet FT-IR microscope, and most sampling accessories. The Protege uses OMNIC software as well as a variety of other add-on software packages. Nicolet • 414 MALDI TOFMS The Kompact Research MALDI IV allows fragmentation spectra that provide information on the mass and order of the amino acids present in the peptide to be obtained quickly. The MALDI IV includes a novel reflectron technology that reduces the time to acquire a sequence spectrum to < 3 min. Additional features include a workstation, disposable multisample holders, and automatic tuning and method operating parameters. Shimadzu • 415

SEM The SM-520fieldemission scanning electron microscope has full field-emiisson capabilities with motorized stage and dual ELSD control for image processing. It includes The Alltech 500 evaporative light-scattering detector can be used with HPLC, GPC, a sample air-lock system for sample exchange and vacuum protection; a stanand SFC to detect lipids, carbohydrates, surfactants, polymers, fatty acids, and oils. dard image processor with frame averaging for noise-free images at 512,1024, or It's designed to detect any sample less 378 A

Analytical Chemistry News & Features, June 1, 1996

2048 pixel resolution; and image storage capabilities; and it can be used for low kV, high-resolution applications. The SM520 can be operated manually or by computer and is computer-hardware independent, so it can be used with any personal computer. Live images can be viewed in normal room lighting on a 21-inch monitor. Topcon • 416

GC The Flash-2D-GC is a high-speed instrument that has six independent temperature-programmable zones and a seventh isothermal temperature zone that can be used for purge and trap and sample prep. Effective cold spot heating rates of 6000 °C/s, as well as a column temperature programming rate of 100 °C/s, can be achieved. The Flash-2D can be used with flame ionization, thermal conductivity, chemiluminescence, and electron capture detectors as well as TOFMS. Thermedics • 417 Optical emission and mass detection The POEMS II elemental analyzer combines optical emission and mass detection in one instrument. When the ranges of the techniques overlap, simultaneous determination can provide data verification. Sequential operation allows optical sample pre-screening by using the chargeinjection device, which captures the complete emission spectrum. Thermo JarrellAsh • 418 IR The MIR 8000 spectrometer can be used as a stand-alone scanning interferometer with or without Oriel's dedicated control and data-acquisition system. Modular subsystems can be used to construct the spectrometer for emission and radiometric applications. Interchangeable beamsplitters, detectors, and sources for nearto mid-IR are available. The spectrometer has two ports that can be used for input

or output, resolutionfrom64 to 0.5/cm, and scanning speeds of 0.32-25.2 mm/s. Oriel • 419 Metals in w a t e r The Metalyzer 3000 combines potentiometric stripping and a screen-printed disposable sensor in a handheld instrument designed to measure heavy metals in water without premeasuring, pretreatment, or test tubes. The instrument is designed with a detection range of 5-300 ppb for Cd and Pb and 70-3000 ppb for Cu. ETG • 420

Peptides and proteins Booklet covers various separation modes used to resolve protein and peptide mixtures by LC. The separation mechanisms, advantages, and limitations of reversed-phase, ion-exchange, gel filtration, affinity, and hydrophobic interaction chromatography are discussed. The practical aspects of using protein and peptide HPLC columns, as well as guidelines for choosing the right separation technique, developing and optimizing methods, cleaning and caring for your column, and a glossary of terms and references, are included. Phenomenex • 422


LC/MS The API 100LC mass detector for benchtop LC/MS systems can be used with Perkin-Elmer's and other manufacturers' systems. The mass detector uses MSExpress software, which allows users to log in samples, control the LC and autosampler, acquire qualitative and quantitative data, and produce reports. The system accepts all PerkinElmer Sciex standard interfaces and all components compatible with other members of the company's API benchtop family. Perkin-Elmer • 425

CATALOGS PCP Application note describes experiments using the HP Prepstation to validate automated sample preparation in place of the majority of manual techniques currently used for the determination of phencyclidine in urine. Hewlett Packard • 421

Benchtop GC/MS The Finnigan Automass is a benchtop GC/MS with a high-transmission quadrupole analyzer designed for identifying compounds over a range of 1000 Da, even at trace levels. The ionization and electron impact modes provide library searchable spectra, and chemical ionization can confirm the molecular weight of molecules. Negative chemical ionization provides detection levels for families of compounds that compare favorably with electron capture and other chromatographic detectors. The instrument can operate in full-spectra acquisition and single-ion monitoring modes for ultratrace analysis. Direct insertion and desorption

Chromatography Catalog and technical reference guide include phases, methods, accessories, chromatograms and electropherograms, and troubleshooting information for GC, SPE, CE, and capillary LC. J&W Scientific • 423 ISEs Catalog and guide describe ion-selective electrodes, membranes, solutions, accessories, cables, and adaptors, and feature applications, measurement techniques, storage guide, and references. Orion • 426

probes allow solid or diluted compounds to be inserted directly into the mass spectrometer without separation prior to insertion. The system autotunes and autocalibrates, and methods and operating parameters can be stored and reloaded at any time. Finnigan • 424

Chromatography Catalog lists packed HPLC analytical and guard columns, filters, packed SFC columns, connectors, tubing, fittings, ovens, tools, empty columns, injectors, and syringes. Keystone Scientific • 427 For more information, please circle the appropriate numbers on one of our Reader Service Cards.

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