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Options include an automatic sample changer, a sample spinner, a helium purge, and a 35-kV X-ray tube. Spectro • 417


Dilatometer DIL 402-PC dilatometer measures the thermal expansion and shrinkage of materials at temperatures up to 1400 °C. The system, which is particularly useful for the analysis of low-expansion materials such as glass, metals, and ceramics, allows for the study of reaction kinetics as well as rate-controlled modeling of sintering profiles. Alumina and fused-silica sample carriers are included. Netzsch • 415


Triathlon and Endurance autosamplers feature integrated 6- or 10-port high-pressure rotary valves controlled from the keypad or PC. Using the 10-port valve, two LC columns can be used in parallel to feed one MS detector. The autosampler injects alternately on both LC columns; whiie one LC pump loads the sample from the autosampler loop onto one column, the second LC pump elutes the peaks of interest from the second column into the MS. Spark Holland • 418 TOC Model 800 total organic carbon analyzer measures TOC from .05 to 50,000 ppb in not or cold waters. The instrument can be used with an autosampler in the laboratory, permanently installed on-line, or hand-carried to individual locations for grab samples or online analysis. Applications include monitoring pharmaceutical purified water, water for injection, power plant waters, and municipal drinking water. Sievers • 419

CirOS CTD-based ICP spectrometer features a wavelength range of 120-800 nm, an analysis time of 3 s for total spectral fin- TOC gerprint and 15 s for complete analysis, and Model 400 DI pharmaceutical total organic pixel resolution of .009 nm. The circular carbon analyzer is designed for continuous optical system reduces problems associon-line monitoring of pharmaceutical puriated with echelle-based systems, including fied water and water for injection to meet blooming effects and slow readout times. A computer-controlled, multiplasma positional viewer allows the user to choose GC hundreds of viewing zones within the GC-17AP gas chromatograph accommoplasma. Spectro • 416 dates up to three injectors and four detectors simultaneously. The system features a large, high-performance column oven X-ray fluorescence with multiramp temperature programTitan benchtop energy-dispersive X-ray fluoming and a choice of two types of manual rescence spectrometer is designed to meaflow control systems. Optional accessosure sodium through uranium from low ppm ries include gas-sampling valves and a levels to 100% concentrations in sollds, ,iqsplit/splitless injection unit for capillary uids, powders, or slurries. The analyzer incolumns. Shimadzu • 420 corporates a 30-kV, 9-W X--ay tube source and a proportional counter detector system. 488 A

Analytical Chemistry News & Features, July 1, 1999

USP 23 TOC and conductivity requirements. The integrated on-line sampling system allows for the analysis of standards without the need for additional accessories. Range is 0.5-2500 ppb and calibration is stable for up to one year. Sievers • 421

Edible oils Edible oil analyzer simultaneously measures trans fatty acids, free fatty acids, and iodine value in 10,000 Da; sample dilution; and treatment with a polymeric, reversedphase cartridge. Dionex • 429 COLUMN Anion exchange IonPac AS16 high-capacity anion-exchange column is designed for the isocratic separation of polarizable anions, including thiosulfate, iodide, thiocyanate, and perchlorate in various sample matrixes. The capacity is 170 ueq for a 4 x 250-mm analytical column. Dionex • 430

Electrochemistry Catalog lists pH, ion-selective, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen meters. Also included are meter selection guides and discussions of pH, ISE, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity theory. Orion • 433

GC Catalog includes capillary, glass, and packed columns; liquid phases; ferrules; syringes; autosampler vials; discs; fittings; recorder pens; chart paper; gas purifiers; racks; seals; septa; stirrers; traps; tubing; and valves. Ohio Valley • 434

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