New Products: New Products - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Publication Date (Web): May 24, 2011. Cite this:Anal. Chemi. 68, 9, 328A-329A. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Click t...
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Autoradiography The Storm 820 system offers quantitative filmless autoradiography and can be upgraded to add nonradioactive gel and blot analysis capabilities. It accepts sequencing gels and other large samples up to 35 x 43 cm and has a range of more than 5 orders of magnitude. Appllcations include gel mobility shift; primer extension and nuclease protection assays; RFLP analysis; southern, northern, and western blot analysis; and whole-body autoradiography. ImageQuant softfor the Macintosh and PC provides system control and analyzes image data Molecular Dynamics • 408

INSTRUMENTATION GC/TOFMS The Pegasus time-of-flight mass spectrometer provides user-selectable spectral acquisition rates, background subtraction from a single spectrum, instantaneous snapshots from the GC effluent, unskewed mass spectra, isotopic information, library-matchable spectra, deconvolution of chromatographic components, and mass calibration. It uses a windowed data system with acquisition, calibration, quantitation, library forward/reverse searching, and presentation capabilities. It is supplied in a floor-standing cabinet with a 1.5-m mirror flight tube and left- and rightside GC access ports Leco • 409 328 A

Pyrolysis Pyrolysis autosampler interfaces a CDS 2000 Pryoprobe to any GC or GC/MS system for unattended analysis of up to 36 samples. The system eliminates solvent waste and requires minimal sample preparation while providing increased productivity and uses a carousel of quartz tubes to hold solid samples. CDS Analytical • 410

terface, and an automated dual-mode ion source. Accessories include UV microprobe, direct sampling, bulk and feature analysis, and prep-lab automated sample preparation. Fisons 1 4 1 3 MALDI The Voyager-DE Biospectrometry Workstation is a benchtop MALDI-TOFMS system equipped with delayed extraction or post-ionization, which reduces chemical noise caused by fragmentation in the ion-acceleration region and reduces matrix background. The system can be used for identification and characterization of biomolecules. PerSeptive Biosystems 1 4 1 4

Pump The Dynamax RP-1 peristaltic pump permits flow control of up to eight liquid channels using a microprocessor-controlled digital stepper motor drive. It has interchangeable heads, and start, stop, direction, and speed can be controlled remotely via contact closures, by computer via a Nitrogen laser rear-panel RS-422 serial interface, or manu- Nitrogen lasers generate short 5-ns, highally using a keypad. The RP-1 has an oper- energy (> 300-uJ UV) pulses. Sealing ating temperature range of 4-40 °C. technology provides long shelf life and more than 108 shots per fill; the lasers are Rainin 1 4 1 1 thus suitable for research and OEM applications. An optional dye laser module Raman spectrometer with two output ports adds tunability, and The HoloLab 5000 is a Raman spectromedyes are available for the 360- to 750-nm ter and fiber-coupled microscope that wavelength range. The dye laser module provides noncontact compositional analysis of macroscopic and microscopic sam- accepts afiber-opticfocusing adapter for mounting SMA-terminated, high-power ples in real time. The modular architecture of HoloLab suits a wide range of appli- fibers 200 um in diameter ro larger. Oriel • 415 cations, including specialty chemicals, polymers, pharmaceuticals, semiconductor processing, and petrochemicals. Windows-driven software permits complete LITERATURE 3-D Raman mapping of chemical composition and wide-field fluorescence imagSeparations newsletter ing. Kaiser Optical Systems Separatton Times newsletter features detailed analysis and chromatographic re• 412 sults for various applications, from food and flavors to industrial chemicals. Also ICP/MS featured are methods for analyzing aniThe VG Plasmaquad 3 ICP/MS system lines and glycols, as well as GC/MS analycan be customized to specific application requirements. EnviroPack, SemiPack, ses for volatiles and PCB congeners. J&W Scientific 1 4 1 6 GeoPack, and Nuclear Pack systems include all necessary hardware, software, training, and support. Features include Chiral separation on-line diagnostics, a linear dynamic range Application note discusses using Chirex of 8 orders of magnitude, ion-sampling in- HPLC columns for the direct separation of

Analytical Chemistry News & Features, May 1, 1996

amino acid enantiomers. Underivatized and derivatized amino acids are resolved on a few chiral stationary phases under normal or reversed-phase conditions. Also included are guidelines for selecting the appropriate column for a particular separation. Phenomenex 1 4 1 7 MS Technical note on quadrupole mass spectrometers explains basic instrument calibration, data interpretation, setup of a sampling system, and ways to integrate MS data with a process control system. Ametek 1 4 1 8

Extraction The Soxflo extraction system is a three-station device that comes with sample tubes, solvent reservoirs, and a cold trap. The system features ambient temperature, hot-air evaporation with rapid cooling, solvent recovery, and dual overtemperature cutouts. It works without the circulation of oils or water, is designed for benchtop use without a fume hood, and requires only 50 mL of solvent. Science/ Eletronics • 419

LC The Alliance 2690 Separations Module features new solvent delivery technology, simplified maintenance procedures, increased sample capacity, and a floppy-disk drive for error-free methods transfer. A real-time running log provides a permanent record of performance suitable for use in GLPfilesor for monitoring preventive maintenance requirements. Alliance systems are also fully compatible with Waters Symmetry columns and Millennium Chromatography Manager Software. The 2690 Separations Module comes with solvent delivery technology that features independent, digitally controlled piston drives for pulse-free isocratic or gradient solvent delivery. It

CATALOGS General chemical catalog Catalog lists more than 34,000 biochemicals, organic compounds, reagents, and general laboratory products. Also featured are 2000 new products, including ACS reagents, antibodies, enzymes, cell biology reagents, and electrophoresis gels and reagents. Sigma • 420 Chromatography The 1996 catalog of chromatography and fluid-transfer fittings contains compatibility and fitting charts, high- and low-pressure hardware, tubing,filters,columns, pump accessories, valves, and technical information. Upchurch Scientific

compensates for changes in eluent viscosity and automatically purges any gaseous mobile phase. No tools are required to access high-pressure seals and pistons, and operators can change the seals without breaking fluid connections. Waters • 422

divided into three separate performance levels (professional, standard, and basic) to make application selection easier. Also included are moisture analyzers, printers, software, and associated balance accessories. Mettler Toledo • 423 Mobile-phase management The HPLC Mobile Phase Management Systems Catalog contains a solvent recycling system, vacuum degassing apparatus, a sparging manifold, reservoir systems, a waste bottle monitor, a debubbler, caps, filters, fittings, tubing, and a solvent compatibility chart. Kimble/ Kontes • 424

• 421

Balances Balances snd Instruments for Quality Results describes features and specificattons of 84 micro and precision balances and analytical instruments. The balances are

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Analytical Chemistry News & Features, May 1, 1996 329 A