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reaction monitoring, and nondestructive sampling. Spectra-Tech • 417. LC. ERC-3000 a series degassers ... mercury arc lamp for automated wave- lengt...
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Fluorometer TD-700 laboratory fluorometer features a multiassay filter cylinder, menudriven software, an RS-232 serial interface, and multipoint calibration. The sample compartment accommodates 25 x 150 mm test tubess ,1 3 100 0m test tubes, and 10 x 10 mm square cuvettes; optional microcell and minicell adaptors are available. Appllcattons include protein phosphatase measurements, RNA or DNA quantitation, ,an bacterial viability and cell proliferation studies. Turner Designs 1 4 1 4

the gold-plated source and can be easily changed. Comstock 1 4 1 6

A 120-minute automated shut-off timer is included. Kontes • 420

Remote sampling FT-IRfiberoptics are designed for analyzing samples that are not the optimum shape or size to fit in FT-IR sample compartments or do not conform to traditional sampling accessories. The rugged probes, cables, and optical interface offer twice the throughput and sensitivity of previous versions. Thefiberoptics are suitable for applications involving hazardous environments, samples that produce toxic vapors, reaction monitoring, and nondestructive sampling. Spectra-Tech • 417

Detector Model 330 photodiode array detector includes programmable slit widths; a built-in mercury arc lamp for automated wavelength calibrations; software that performs detailed library searches; and accessible flow cells. Peak purity determinations are calculated from peak start to end, and up to six coeluting substances are graphically indicated on the peak. Varian • 421

LC ERC-3000 a series degassers feature a small internal volume, nonmetallic solventcontact parts, and vacuum and solvent leak sensors that activate automatic shut-off controls and alarms. The units can be used with all HPLC solvents and are available in 2-, 3-, and 4-channel versions. JM Science • 418 INSTRUMENTATION


Liquid handling Micro 215 analysis system can accommodate tubes, 96-well microplates, and 384well microplates on the same bed at the same time, allowing up to 4,608 samples on a single bed. One microliter or less can be injected directly into the valve, and a liquidlevel-sensing probe minimizes the risk of cross-contamination from carryover. Gilson • 415

Series 2002 micro gas chromatographs analyze gas mixtures ranging from 1 ppm- to percent-level concentrations in less than 60 s. The 2002P portable version weighs 25 ll and is equipped with a self-contained gas supply tank and battery; the 2002 benchtop model includes built-in front panel controls for easy method access. The instruments are designed for a variety of applications, including analysis of natural, permanent, and landfill gas. Varian 1 4 1 9

MS MiniTOF/40 miniature time-of-flight mass spectrometer is designed for multiple-user applications in process analysis, environmental sensing, and chromatography. The vacuum chamber is mountable in any orientation; the spectrometee rnd all feedthroughs are mounted on a single flange. Standard electron-microscope filaments are used in

Distillation Midi-Vap 2000 distillation systems are designed to support semiautomated colorimetry methods for drinking, ground, surface, and saline waters, as well as domestic and industrial wastes. The units can be used for analysis of ammonia, cyanide, and phenols; the combination system can analyze all three simultaneously.

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Analytical Chemistry News & Features, January 1, 1999

FT-IR microscope Momentum FT-IR microscope system features simultaneous sample viewing during IR data collection; a narrow-band MCT detector; and optics that provide focus compensation. Options include dual detectors, rotatable grazing-angle and ATR objectives,

Autosampler AutoSelect AS50 HPLC autosampler includes stainless steel flow paths and components; a door with a large view port that allows front entry to sample vials, vial tray, and injection port; an electric Rheodyne valve that eliminates the need for gas or air in-line; and a syringe-type injection mechanism that provides injection volumes from 1 uL to 110 mL. An optional thermal compartment offers column heating or cooling depending on the application. Dionex • 422

and camera packages. This system can analyze contaminants, multilayered samples, and forensic evidence. Mattson • 423 VOCs Span Lab TO-14 calibration bench, designed for laboratories doing EPA TO-14 analyses, generates a flowing stream of calibration mixture that can be fed directly to an analysis system or captured in small, low-pressure cylinders for use in remote locations. The instrument consists of up to 30 individually controlled permeation tube ovens, with up to 8 permeation tubes in each oven. Kin-Tek • 424 Pipetting RapidPlate 96- or 384-well microplate pipetting workstation aspirates and dispenses in 1 uL increments. The six-position turntable accommodates plates, tips, and reservoirs; an on-line filling or tip-washing option is available. The software allows adjustment and optimization of pipetting variables for procedures that include plate replications, reagent addition, and serial dilutions. Zymark • 425 LITERATURE UV-vis Instructor's pack 5967-6358E consists of a 142-page primer, 214-page workbook, and companion CD to help teach basic principles and practical aspects of UV-vis spectroscopy. Information on instrumentation, sample handling, method development and validation, and routine operation is included. Hewlett-Packard • 426 SPE Application note describes the analysis of serotonin in whole blood samples using on-line solid-phase extraction. Automated conditioning, loading, cleanup, and elution of the sample preparation cartridge is

discussed. J o n e s C h r o m a t o g r a p h y • 427

MTBE Application note E20 discusses the identification of methyl-tert-butyl ether in environmental samples by capillary GC. Resolution of MTBE from 2-methylpentane is shown. J & W Scientific 1 4 2 9 Peptides Application note describes the use of a 4-um C8 LC column to extract uracil, ribonuclease, cytochrome c, lysozyme, and chymott rypsinogen. Jones Chromatography • 430

Autosampler Precept II robotic vial autosampler with soil stirring is suitable for use with EPA Method 5035, a new method for closed-system purge-and-trap extraction of volatile organics in soil and waste samples. The autosampler provides walk-away automation, high sample throughput, and a high-pressure rinse designed to prevent carryover. Tekmar-Dohrmann • 428

Water analysis Application note 1020 discusses the complete elemental analysis of commercially available water quality control standards according to appropriate EPA methods. A direct-reading echelle ICP and automated mercury and cyanide systems are used. Leeman Labs • 431 Peptide sequencing Application note AN234/ICA illustrates that de novo sequences can be determined from MS/MS spectra using automated software interpretation. The procedure alleviates the complexity of disentangling nitrogen- and carbon-terminal MS/MS sequence data. Micromass • 432 GC columns Brochure highlights OV-5 capillary columns, which have a temperature range of -60 to 350 °C. Applications, sample chromatograms, and a chart specifying product availability in various lengths and film thicknesses are included. Ohio Valley Specialty Chemical • 433

GC Selection Guide for Polar Wax GC Column Phases" features information on six polyethylene glycol columns. Also included are

analytical reference materials, including a chart describing quantitative fatty acid methyl ester mixtures. Restek • 434 COLUMN LC PRP-1 poly(styrene-divinyl benzene) reversed-phase support is available in 25-cm long stainless steel and PEEK columns packed with 5-um particles. The columns are stable to pH, pressure, and organic solvents. Hamilton • 435

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