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ThermoSPEC software. Thermo ... comes with DLSPEC PC or Mac software ... dients at flow rates of 2 x 30 mL/min to software also builds a database on t...
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CE HP's 3D CE system can be used for capillary electrochromatography as well as for capillary zone electrophoresis, micellar electrokinetic chromatography, capillary gel electrophoresis, capillary isoelectric focusing, and isotachophoresis. An optional MS adapter kit allows the 3D to be interfaced with an ESI mass spectrometer. Hewlett Packard H412

Conductivity The Signet conductivity measurement system is designed for measurements in the range of 1-200,000 uS. Up to four 5-amp relays can be installed, each independently assigned to either channel to include conductivity, temperature, and percent rejection. Plug-in circuit cards are used to interchange outputs for specific system configurations aa well la to oad control functions as system requirements change. All controller functions are accessed from the front panel, and a menu-driven program guides the operator through calibration and setpoint adjustment. George Fischer 1 414 Gas analysis The field ion spectrometer (FIS) can be used to detect and quantify a variety of gases, including chlorine, bromine, and iodine; BTX and benzene in gasoline; narcotics such as cocaine and heroin; explosives such as nitroglycerin and TNT; and pesticides, chemical warfare agents, and contaminants in water. The FIS is also suitable for use in the lab and as a specialized detector for GC. Mine Safety Appliances 1 4 1 5

Near-IR probe The model FDR-320 is a hand-held diffuse reflectance probe designed for use with near-IR spectrometers. It features an optical design that maximizes both the illuminated spot diameter and depth of field and can be easily switched between a contact mode and one in which the probe is offset ~6 mm from the sample. Axiom Analytical 1 4 1 6 CCD Raman The Solution 810 CCD Raman system incorporates fiber-optic coupling from a Faraday rotator-stabilized near-IR diode laser to a Raman epi-probe. The system features a high throughput//1.6 dispersive spectrograph coupled to a thermoelectrically cooled CCD detector with noise performance approaching that of some liquid N2-cooled CCDs. The system comes with DLSPEC PC or Mac software with parallel port access for near-real-time CCD data collection and presentation. Other accessories include remote epiprobe optical assemblies and attachments for analysis of samples in cuvettes, pipettes, and capillaries. Detection Limit • 417

INSTRUMENTATION Arc spectrograph The AtomComp 2000 spectrograph, designed to analyze powders, briquettes, wires, chips, and other conductive solids in their original form without dilution, features a single solid-state-chip charge injection device (CID) detector. The Echelle optical design creates a two-dimensional image that is focused onto the chip to provide continuous wavelength coverage from 190 to 800 nm. The arc current ts controlled to + 0.1 ampss and multiple power levels can be used within a single burn. The instrument uses Windows-based ThermoSPEC software. Thermo JarrellAsh 1 4 1 3

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Protein purification The BioSys 2000 is a arotein purification workstation that can deliver buffer gradients at flow rates of 2 x 30 mL/min to 2 x 60 mL/min with an upper pressure limit of 2500 psi. A parametric meehods designer allows users to set up complex multiple-run experiments, The system has many built-in detection capabilities, including UV-vis, pH, and conductivity, and has multicolumn capacity and automatic syringe loading. ProScale software simulates chromatography runs to reduce the trialand-error nature of protein research by

Analytical Chemistry News & Features, April 1, 1996

using an initial set of actual experiments with the user's protein to develop customized simulations. The software also builds a database on the protein, which can be used at subsequent stages. Beckman • 418

Fluorescence detector The RF-IOAXL fluorescence detector for LC provides a Raman S/N of 300 for wavelength accuracy of ± 2.0 nm and features many built-in GLP functions, including selfdiagnostics, maintenance information (lamp hours and energy), and span calibration functionality. The RF-10AXL also features a remote lamp on/off function for automated lamp shutdown and a rugged flow cell with elevated back-pressure tolerance and backward compatibility with the RF10AShimadzu 1 4 1 9 Dissolution The Cary dissolution system eliminates manual sampling and increases accuracy when combined with the VanKel dissolution bath and the Cary spectrometer. The system offers a flow-through method that measures samples in real time, eliminates cross contamination, analyzes sustained release drugs, and reduces the risk of precipitation of the active ingredient by recycling the solution back into the vessels. It can monitor a dissolution run for up to 133 h. Varian • 420 XRF The Lab-X 3000 is a benchtop, energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer with a separate autosampler. It is capable of detecting elements from aluminum to uranium at levels ranging from ppm to high percents. Application packages include the determination of sulfur, chlorine, and lead in waste oils; elemental analysis of cement; salt in food products; antimony and bromine in polymers; and silicone coating on paper. Oxford Instruments • 421

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Autosampler The Series 200 Autosampler can operate as a stand-alone unit and can chaii together multiple methods with different injection sequences. The Series 201 comes standard with precolumn dilution and derivatization and, with the addition of a Rheodyne 9725 PEEKbased valve with plastic transfer tubing, it becomes biocompatible for applications requiring an inert sample flow path. The autosampler is designet for low maintenance, requires no add-on modules, and has a seven-line backlit LCD display and a tactile keyboard. Perkin Elmer • 422



DAD Brochure describes the design elements of the model 160 Diode Array Detector, ineluding optimized electronics, largesized array elements, a unique optical design that eliminates focal problems, and ai algorithm that reduces drift. The brochure also describes typical applications, including screening of drugs and their metabolites and monitoring levels of pollutants in drinking water, wastewater, and air. Gilson • 423 SPME Vol. 14, no. 6 of the "Reporter" presents applications for solid-phase microextraction, including screening for methamphetamine and amphetamine in urine, identifying strains of tobacco, and monitoring nitrogen-containing herbicides in water. The issue also examines using pressurized fluid extraction to remove semivolatile compounds from soils at hazardous waste sites and the role of salt, pH, and isopropanol in protein separations by hydrophobic interaction chromatography. Supelco • 424

Chromatography catalog Products for GC, LC, sample preparation, and air monitoring include fused-silica and stainless steel capillary columns; PLOT and packed columns; organic and inorganic standards; immunoassay products; instrument supplies; and fittings, tubing, and connectors. Also included are 120 pages of applications that include chromatograms, experimental details, and identified peaks. Restek • 425 Balance accessories Catalog includes balances, printers, covers, draft chamber kits, antitheft devices, cases for transporting, auxiliary displays, hand and foot transfer switches, moisture analyzers, filter weighing kits, a density determination kit, calibration weights, and electronics. It also includes a control terminal for weighing in contaminated surroundings, battery packs, interface output options and converters, cables, applications, and hardware and software for directly transferring weighing data and bar code data to computer. Mettler Toledo • 426

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