Nov 6, 2010 - Beckman Instruments, Inc., Palo Alto, Calif. ... cylinders, drying tube, pipets, bottles for use in high school and undergraduate colleg...
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Paraffin neutralizer (Chemical 7814). Material neutralizes reactive chains of crude oil paraffin molecule; prevents growth of wax crystals that adhere to metal surfaces and plug valves; can be injected directly into oil well. Enjay Chemical Co., New York, N.Y. C 63

Molecular reactions analyzer (Model 260 Reaction Kinetics System). Instrument measures precise rate constants in molecular binding sites of enzymes, proteins, and other bio­ chemical solutions; yields information on metal ion complexing and proton transfer in inorganic chemistry. Beckman Instruments, Inc., Palo Alto, Calif. Ε 30

Fused chromium oxide. Powder, developed by melting technique which produces fully fused ingots, is used for flame spray applications; available in two grades. Cerac, Inc., Butler, Wis. C 64

Ionization chamber ( W L - 2 3 0 8 5 ) . Device, for use in hightemperature reactors such as breeder reactors, can measure thermal neutron flux of 1012 neutrons/cm. 2 /second in presence of gamma flux of 10 s roentgens/hour. Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. Ε 31

Light-fast triaryl phosphate plasticizers. Manufactured by alkylating phenol with propylene in presence of catalyst, two synthetic plasticizers, called Reofos 65 and 95, have good light-fastness and little neurotoxicity. C 65 Geigy Chemical Corp., Manchester, England

Cryogenic diffractometer stage ( X R D ) . X-ray system is used to study the crystalline structure of solid or powder specimens at temperatures as low as —190° C. General Electric Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Ε 32

Literature Airless spray equipment (Catalog A-3). Describes portable and stationary spray units for cold and hot application of paints, lacquers, heavy mastics, epoxies, two-component polyurethanes, and urethane foam; includes line of accessories. Gray Co., Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. L1

Plastic labware student kit. Portable unit contains beakers, graduated cylinders, drying tube, pipets, bottles for use in high school and undergraduate college chemistry. Nalge Co., Rochester, N.Y. Ε 33 Vitreous carbon instruments. Products resistant to chemi­ cals, corrosion, erosion, and oxidation can withstand tem­ peratures as high as 3000° C ; include beakers, tubes, fritted filters, tubular heat exchangers, and carbon track potentiometer brushes. Beckwith Carbon Corp., Van Nuys, Calif. Ε 34

Pure metals catalog. Lists metals from aluminum through zirconium; forms offered include single crystals, polycrystalline rods, wire and foil in various diameters and thicknesses, shot, powders, and splatters; purities are from reagent to ultrapure. Research Organic/Inorganic Chemical Co., Sun Valley, Calif.

L2 Rubber, coatings, plastics directory. Describes more than 225 products, including synthetic rubber polymers, rubber chemicals, polyester resins, adhesives, and sealants; lists appli­ cations, color and form, physical properties, and packaging units for each of the products. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio L3

Chemicals Cracking catalyst (XZ-36). Active molecular sieve-containing fluid petroleum cracking catalyst demonstrates catalytic ac­ tivity and good gasoline-coke selectivity. W. R. Grace & Co., Baltimore, Md. C 60

Indicators, tetrazolium compounds catalog. Lists line of indicators including oxidation-reduction, water-soluble pH, and fluorescent indicators; also lists line of ditetrazolium salts and formazons. Mann Research Laboratories, New York, N.Y. L4

Colloidal silica (Nalcoag 1140). Small particle, relatively nontoxic product possesses large surface area; useful as a binder for insulating material; offers advantages for sol silica applications. Nalco Chemical Co., Chicago, 111. C 61

Computerized infrared retrieval brochure. Describes com­ puterized system for retrieving infrared spectral data; outlines retrieval method used and nature of infrared prism search systems. Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc., Phila., Pa. L5

Thiol reagents. Aldrithiol-2 and Aldrithiol-4 are good rea­ gents for estimation of thiol groups; can be used over a wide p H range. Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc., Milwaukee, Wis. C 62

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April 29, 1968

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