NEW PRODUCTS—CHEMICALS Chemicals Mothproofer ( P a c e ) . For use in dry cleaning solvents; does not contain D D T ; available in drums, 5-gallon pails, and 1gallon containers. Pennwalt Corp., Philadelphia, Pa. C 60
High-temperature coating (Cerama-Dip 5 3 8 ) . Alumina ce ramic base adhesive coating for protecting electrical and elec tronic components at temperatures up to 3200° F.; applied by dipping or brushing. Aremco Products, Inc., Briarcliff Manor, N.Y. C69
Solvents. High-purity solvents for chromatography, spectro photometry, NMR, and other physical measurements; 44 sol vents available; packaged under nitrogen. Lachat Chemicals, Inc., Chicago Heights, 111. C 61
Mycotoxins. Anatoxins Bi, B 2 , Gi, and G2; rubratoxin B; ochratoxin A; diacetoxyscirpenol; sterigmatocytsin; for analytical, control, and research uses; first availability from commercial source. Makor Chemicals, Ltd., Jerusalem, Israel C 70
Glue (K-1022). Rapid-drying synthetic rubber resin cement for bonding high-pressure plastic laminates to hard board, ply wood, and other substrates; can be applied as spray, curtain ooat, or roll coat. Chrysler Corp., Wyandotte, Mich. C 62
Literature Alcohols. Booklet explains properties and applications of 21 alcohols as solvents and intermediates, from methanol to tridecanol. Union Carbide Corp., New York, N.Y. LI
Dehydroacetic acid. Intermediate in making drugs, pesticides, and herbicides; inhibits bacterial growth in food, drugs, and cosmetics; in toothpaste, reduces dental decay; stabilizer com ponent in polyvinyl chloride plastics; available in 330-pound drums. Eastman Chemical Products, Inc., New York, N.Y. C63
Flocculants ( S e p a r a n ) . Booklet describes properties, mecha nism of action, uses in waste and water treatment, process in dustries, pulp and paper industries, mining and ore processing. Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich. L2
Adamantane derivatives. Functional groups in 2-position; 2adamantanamine hydrochloride; 2-adamantanol; 2-bromoadamantane; 2-adamantanone; intermediates in pharmaceuticals production; for screening as drugs or other uses. Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc., Milwaukee, Wis. C 64
Radioiodine. Bulletin describes iodine-125-labeled protein hormones, blood fractions, nucleic acid derivatives, lipids, and inorganic compounds; also custom radioiodination service. Isolab, Inc., Elkhart, Ind. L3 Silicones. Data sheet describes seven low-volatility silicone fluids, oompounds and elastomers for high-vacuum, gas-liquid chromatography and space applications. Dow Corning Corp., Midland, Mich. L4
UV light absorber (Carstab 7 0 5 ) . For UV protection in poly propylene, polyethylene, EVA, polycarbonate, PVC, acetal, cellulosics, and epoxies; a substituted benzophenone; free flow ing; high resistance to extraction. Carlisle Chemical Works, Inc., Reading, Ohio C 65
Metals. Products list and applications for alloys of boron, chromium, niobium, manganese, titanium, silicon, and vana dium; also lithium metal, foundry alloys, and welding alloys. Foote Mineral Co., Exton, Pa. L5
Polyethylene resins (Thermocomp F F ) . Series of glass-rein forced high-density poly ethylenes; glass levels from 10 to 5 0 % ; high mechanical strength; for auto fender liners, blower cas ings, pipe fittings, p u m p components, other uses. L N P Corp., Malvern, Pa. C 66
ABS ABS, alloy tions
Defoamers ( F D series). For fermentation processes; no interference with organisms or with product extraction steps; composed of inorganic silica derivatives, edible oils, glycols, and surfactants. Drew Chemical Corp., New York, N.Y. C 6 7
booklet (PB-155). Injection molding of Cyoolac-brand an ABS-polycarbonate alloy (Cycoloy), and an ABS-PVC (Cycovin). Technical bulletin describes operating condi and procedures. Borg-Warner Corp., Washington, W.Va.
L6 Chloromethylphosphonic dichloride. 60-page booklet reviews 1948-68 research with this basic reagent in the synthesis of organophosphorus oompounds, including methods of synthesis and preparation of derivatives; literature references included. Stauffer Chemical Co., New York, N.Y. L7
Epoxy hardener (Polycat 3 5 2 ) . Low-viscosity epoxy curing agent gives strength without brittleness; imparts resistance to weathering. Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago, 111. C 68
Jan. 2 6 , 1 9 7 0 C60
Valid through April 27, C62
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C & E N J A N . 26, 1970