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Geerligs, Directeur der. Filíale Nederland von het Proefstation voor de Java. Suiker Industrie. 1911. ... period of development. ... D. Van Nostrand ...
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T H E JOURNAL OF I N D U S T R I A L AT\‘L, ESGIiVEBRIiVG C H E M I S T R Y . NEW RADIUM SPRING IN BOHEMIA. [From Consul William J . Pike, Reichenberg., Austria.]

In the neighborhood of Reichenberg a radium spring has bccn discovered whose waters are remarkably strong in radioactivity. The measurement of experts by the newest apparatus shows a n cmanation quantity of 1 8 . 8 Mache units, which is double the amount of the celebrated Bohemian spring a t Teplitz. For medicinal purposes the waters arc said t o be most satisfactory,

Sept., 191 I

having a tcmperature of 7 . 7 ’ C., and a constant flow of S u f i cient quantity for an important establishment. - Daily C O I Z S U Iav aizd Trade Reports, ;lug. 7. In the second quartcr of 191 I thc Amcricsn consulatc at Cologne, Germany, invoiced $j00,323 worth of aniliiic salts and dyes to thc United Statcs, also $190,044 of niiiicral watcr, and other articlcs, making up a total of $1,180,?31,

BOOK REVIEWS. Handboek ten Dienste van de Suikerriet-Cultur en de Rietsuiker-Fabricage op Java. Edited by the United Sugar Experiment Stations of Java. 4 volumes. Amsterdam: J . H. de Bussy.

The first three volumes of the “Handboek” were reviewed in THIS J O U R N A L , I , 380. Thosc who have read the recent interesting contributions upon the sugar cane industry in different countries written b y Mr. H . C. Prinsen Geerligs in De Indische Mercuur will be glad t o know t h a t this entire series of articles with much added information has been incorporated in permanent book form t o make a new volume of the “Handboek:” Vol. IV, “De Rietsuikerindustrie in de Verschillende Landen van Productie.” Historisch technisch en statistisch overzicht over de productie en den uitvoer van de reitsuiker.. By H. C. PRINSEN GEERLIGS,Directeur der Filiale Nederland von het Proefstation voor de Java Suiker Industrie. 1911. 416 pages. Price, boupd, f . 7.50.

I n the introduction t o this new work Mr. Geerligs states t h a t owing t o several causes-(chief among which he gives the Brussels Sugar Convention of 1902, the Annexation of Formosa b y Japan, and the changed conditions resulting from the Spanish-American War) -the cane sugar industry has entered upon a new period of development. He considers the present moment, therefore, a n opportune one in which t o review the conditions and future prospects of the industry. I n the first 4 2 pages of the volume a brief survey of the entire field is given in which connection the author reviews the history of the sugar cane industry from the first legendary mention of the cane in the sacred writings of the Hindoos down t o the present day. Special stress is placed upon the influences of such movements as the Crusades, Spanish Colonization, Negro Slavery, The Continental Blockage, The Rise of the Sugar Beet Industry, The Bounty and Cartel System, and the Recent Brussels Convention. I n the second and main division of the work the


conditions of the cane industry in each of some 5 0 countries are described. The geography and climate of each section, agricultural conditions, methods of cultivation and manufacture, character of labor, conditions of marketing the raw sugar, and statistics of production are thoroughly reviewed. Colored maps of the leading cane-producing countries, photographs of modern factories, and numerous cuts and diagrams give additional value to the descriptive matter of the text. The typography of the book is excellent, conforming in character t o the work of the publishers upon the three previous volumes of the “ Handboek.” The many friends of Mr. Geerligs in all parts of the sugar world are pleased to note t h a t his retirement from active labors in Java, in building up the sugar industry of that colony, has brought with it, not a cessation of activities, b u t the opportunity of rendering even greater services in other ways. It is hoped t h a t this new addition t o the “Handboek” may soon be translated into English for the benefit of those readers, who are unable t o find their way in Dutch. C. A. BROTVKE. “Royaume de Belgique Ministers des Colonies, Bulletin Agricole du Congo Belge.” Brussels. December, 1910. Vol. I, Xo. 2. Price, j francs a year. This is the quarterly agricultural journal of the

Office of the Minister for the Colonies. I t s contents are almost entirely of an agricultural nature, giving the rules and regulations for setting out of rubber plantations, a review taken from Techwique il.rlodcr?2c on rubber latex, discussing in detail the various methods of coagulation, the working of raw rubber, the composition of the latex, its valuation and selling methods. An article on dry farming deals principally with the practice in the Western United States, and several articles discuss introduction of live stock into the Belgian Congo. A botanical description (in Dutch) is given of the various comnicrcial ruhbrr trees. The journal is well printed on good paper and is full of illustrations. K. F. B ~ c o r ; .

NEW PUBLICATIONS. BY D. D. BEROLZHBIMER, Librarian American Chemical Society.

Materials for Permanent Painting. By MAXIMILIAX TOCH. Manual of Agricultural Chemistry. By HERBERT ISGLIZ. D. Van Nostrand Company. 208 pp. $2.00 net. 2nd Ed. D 8vo. q j o pp. $ 2 . 2 5 . Scott Greenwood & Son. Directory of Chemical Industries throughout, the World. 1st Chemistry of the Essential oils and Artificd Perfumery. ERNESTJ. PARRY. 2nd Ed. D 8vo. 550 pp. $3.50. Ed. 19’1. L8vO. 7 2 i PP. $3.75. Berlin. 1911. Translocation of Plant Food and Elaboration of Plant Material London: Scott, Greenwood & Son.

Sept,, 1 9 1 1



in Wheat Seedlings. By J. A. LE CLERC ~ N JD F. BREAZEALE. Biochemical Metabolism of the Phosphate Ion in Soil. By J. U . S. Dept. o j Agriculture, Bureau01 Chemzstry, Bulletin 138. STOKLASA.L. 8vo. 1j9 pp. $1.50 Jena. 1911. (German.) The Dimethyl Sulfate Test of Creosote Oils and Creosote Dips. A Substitute for the Sulfonation Test. By ROBERTM. CHAPIN. Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. By TH. EKECRANTZ. U . S. Dept. of dgrzculture, Bureau o j Animal Industry, Czrcu8vo. 288 pp. $2.75. Stockholm. 1911. (Swedish.) lar 167. The Methods of Testing of the Austrian Pharmacopeia. By G. Application of Physico-chemical Theories to Technical Processes MOSSLER. L. 8 ~ 0 . $1.25. ~ i e n n a . 191I . (German.) and Methods of Manufacture. By R. KREMAKN.$2.50. Human Food Materials; their Origin, History, Constituents, Halle. 1911. (German.) Use and Action. By C. HARTWICH.$ Leipzig. 1911. Detection and Determination of Small Quantities of Ethyl and ( G ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ) Methyl Alcohol and of Formic Acid. By RarnrosD F. BACON. Temperatures (Frost) O n the Strength Of Mortar, U , S. Dept, o f Agriculture, Bureau ChelnLstry, Czycu[ar InfluenceOf 1 Masonry and Concrete. By H. GEIMER. L. 8vo. 70 pp. 74. $I.jO. Berlin. 1911. (German.) Handbook on the Manufacture of Illuminating Gas. By WILNELRI BERTELS~I.~NS. 2 ~ 0 1 s . V O ~ . I. 581 pp. $j.o0. Safety Devices in Chemical Plants. By K. HARTMANN.$4.50. Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke. (German.) Leipzig. 1911. (German.) By H. OST. 7th Ed. (German.)


Mixiag, Stirring and Kneading and the Machines Used for 8vo. 90 pp. these Operations. By HERMAXNFISCHER. $1.75. Leipzig: Otto Spamer. (German.)

Chemistry and Technology of Petroleum for the Year IOIO. By L. GURWITSCH. Zeitschrift fuer angewandte Chemie, Vol. X X I V , KO. 2 7 , pp, 1249-1256.

MEWES. Theory and Practice of the Gas Industry. By RCDOLF 40. 403 pp. Sj.00. Leipzig: H. A. I,. Degener. (German.) The Patent Laws of All Countries. By J. KOHLERA N D M. MISTZ. x-01. 11, Part j . L. 8vo. Sq.25 Berlin. 1911. (German.)

The Acetylization of Cotton Cellulose. By CARLG. SCHWALBE. Zeitschrift fuer angewandte Chemie, Vol. X X I V , No. 27, pp. 1256-1260.

Handbook of Chemical Technology. $4.00. Hannover: Max Jaenecke.

Effect of Various Solvents on Sulfate Scale. By S. S. PECK. Internatioltal Sugar Journal, Vol. XIII, July, pp. 357-3 j9.

Composition and Examination of the Residues from the DisMineral Industry. Vol. X I X . By ALBERT H. FAY. tillation of Fats. By J. MARCUSSON. Zeitschrift juer cnge8vo. 900 pp. $10.00. Xew York: McGraw, Hill Book CO. wandte Chemie, XXIV, Heft 28, pp. 1297-1302. Catalysis. By ~VILHELMOSTWALD. 2nd Ed. 8vo. 39 pp. The Analysis of Manganese Bronze. By JAMES R. HUBER. $0.50. Leipzig : Akadeinische Verlagsgesellschaft. (GerMetallurgical and Chemical Engineering, Vol. I X, No. 8, man.) PP. 403-404. Saccharin in Food. U . S. Dept. oj Agriculture, Food Inspection Treatment of Anode Sludge in Electrolytic Refineries. By Decision No. 138. EDWARD F. KERN. A14etallurgicaland Chemical Engineering, Notices of Judgment, Food and Drugs Act, Nos. 895 to 987. V O ~ I. X , No. 8, pp. 417-420. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. The

Crystallography and Practical Crystal Measurement. By A. E. The Influence of 1mpuriti;s in Oxygen when Used for Cutting Iron and Steel. By ALEX.E. TUCKER.Journal 01 the Society H. TCTTOX. avo. 946 pp. $8.50. The Macniillan eo., o j Chemical Industry, Vol. X X X , No. 13, pp. 779-782. Sew York. Observations on Cotton and Nitrated Cotton. By H. DE MOSENRubber. By P. SCHIDROWITZ. 8vo. 290 pp. $ 2 . 7 5 . hleTHAL. Journal 01 the Society of Chemical Ifidustry, Vol. X X X, thuen & Co., London. S o , 13, pp. 782-786. Metallurgy. By W. BORCHERS.Translation. Svo. 2 7 1 p p . The Analysis of Shellac. By A. c . LaNGhiuIR A N D T. s. WHITE. $3.00. John Wiley & Sons, New York. Journal o j the Society of Chemical Industry, Vol. X X X , Laboratory Manual of Inorganic Chemistry. By E. C. BISGyo. 13, pp. 786-789. H A M A K D GEO. F. WHITE. Izmo. 147 pp. $1.00. John The Viscosity and Fluidity of Emulsions, Crystalline Liquids TT‘iley & Sons, New York. and Colloidal Solutions. By EUGENEC. BINGHAMA N D Technical Methods of Ore Analysis. By ALBERT H . LOW. GEORGEF. \vHITE. Journal o f the America% Chemical 5 t h Ed. John TT.‘iIey & Sons, New York. Society, August, 1911, pp. I2j7-1275. Manual Of Practical Assaying. By H. V. F. FCRMAN XSD A N~~ Method for the Separation of Cerium, B,, c, jAMzs Ii’M. 1). PARDOE. 7th Ed. 8vo. 530 i’Ij. %.00. John A N D L. A. PRATT. Journal of the American Chemical Society, n’iley Sr Sons, New York. August, 1911, pp. 1326-1330. Essentials of Volumetric Analysis. By HESRYTv. SCHIMPF. Volhard’s Method for the Estimation of Chlorin in Potable 2nd Ed. IzmO. ,358 PP. $140. John JvileY & Sons, yen’ Waters. By A. T. STUART. Journal of the American Chemical York. Society, August, 1911, pp, 1344-1349, Short Introduction to the Structure of Iron-Carbon Alloys. By Some Advantages of the Graphic Method of Recording Results 0 . KROEHWKE.$1.75. Berlin. 1 0 x 1 . (Germ:in.) in Routine Analysis. By J. H. RUSSELL. Journal o j the Chemistry of the Albuminoids. By COHNHEIRI. 3rd E d . American Leather Chemists’ Association, August, 191I, pp. $2.75. Rrunswick. 191 I . (Gcrriian.) 382-38 7.