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J. & A. Churchill,. London. Analysis: Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis. W. W. Scott. 2nd. Ed. 8vo. 898 pp. Price, $6.00. D. Van Nostrand Co., New...
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Apr., 1918




NEW PUBLICATIONS By IRESEDEMATTY,Librarian, Mellon Institute of Industrial Research, Pittsburgh

Agricultural Bacteriology. H. W. CONN. 8vo. 357 pp. Price, $2.00. P. Blakiston’s Son & Co., Philadelphia. Analysis: Essentials of Volumetric Analysis. H. W. SCHIMPB.3rd Ed. 8vo. 366 pp. Price, $1.60. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. Analysis: Qualitative Analysis Section of Chemistry by Experimentation. W. F. HOYT. 12mo. 160 pp. Price, $0.25. D. Van Nostrand & Co., h‘ew York. Analysis: Quantitative Chemical Analysis. F. CLOWESAND J. B. COLEMAN. 11th Ed. 8vo. 604 pp. Price, 12s. 6d. J. & A. Churchill, London. Analysis: Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis. W. W. SCOTT.2nd Ed. 8vo. 898 pp. Price, $6.00. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. British Grasses a n d Their Employment in Agriculture. S. F. ARMSTRONG. 8vo. 199 pp. Price, $2.00. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York. Chemistry: Travaux pratiques d e chimie gbnbral. G. LEPERCQ. Xvo. 83 pp, M. Girard e t E. Brihre, Paris. Coking: Modern Coking Practice. J. E. CHRISTOPHER.8\50. 121 pp. Price, 7s. 6d. Crosby Lockwood & Son, London. Dyes and Dyeing. C. E. PELLEW. 12mo. 274 pp. Price, $2.00. Robert M. McBride, New York. Earthenware: Notes on the Manufacture of Earthenware. E. A. SANDEMAN. 12mo. 375 pp. Price, $3.00. D . Van Nostrand Co., New York. Electrochemistry: L’Electrochimie e t 1’Electrometallurgie. A. LEVASSEUR. 8x70. 267 pp. Price, 9 fr. H. Dunod e t E. Pinat, Paris. Fans, Heaters and Air Washers. B. F.STURTEVANT Co. 4to. 959 pp. Price, $7.50. The Author, Boston. Food: Its Composition, Preparation and Effects. J. H. TILDEN. 12mo. 306 pp. Price, $3.50. T h e Author, Denver, Col. Forging: A Manual of Practical Instruction. J. JERNBERG. 8vo. 131 pp. Price, $1.00. American Technical Society, Chicago. Fresh Water Biology. H. B. WARDAND G. C. WHIPPLE. 8vo. 1111 pp. Price, 56.00. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., iVew York. Fuels: The Calorific Power of Fuels. HSRMANPOOLE.3rd Ed. 8vo. 267 p p , Price, $3.00. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. Gas Chemists’ Handbook. 8vo. 354 pp. Price, $3.50. American Gas Institute, New York. Gas-Engine Handbook. E. W. ROBERTS. 12mo. 315 pp. Price, $2.00. Gas Engine Pub. Co., Cincinnati. Gas, Gasoline and Oil Engines. G. D. HISCOX. 22nd Ed. 8vo. 640 pp. Price, $2.50. Xorman W. Henley Pub. Co., New York. History of Commerce and Industry. C. HERRICE. 8vo. Price, $2.00. T h e Macmillan Co., New York. Industrial Chemistry: L’Enseignement d e la chimie industrielle en France. E. GRANDMOUGIN.16mo. 185 pp. Price, 3fr.50. H. Dunod e t E. Pinat, Paris. Internal Combustion Engine Manual. I?. W. STSRLING.4th Ed. 8vo. 168 pp, Price, $2.00. D. C. R. Beresford, Washington, D. C. Iron Prices: Complete List of Base Prices, Differentials, and Extras on Iron, Steel and Non-Ferrous Products. PENTONPUBLISHINGCo. 8vo. 42 pp, Price, $2.00. Penton Pub. Co., Cleveland. Metals: A la recherche d e deux m6taux inconnus. MAX GERBER..8vo. 32 pp. Price, 4fr. Moniteur scientifique Quesneville, Paris. Microscopic Analysis of Cattle Foods. T. N. MORRIS. 12mo. 74 pp. Price, $0.60. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, ATew York. Oils a n d Fats: Aids to the Commercial Analysis of Oils, Fats and Their Commercial Products. G. F. PICKERING. 8vo. 141 pp. Price, i s . 6d. Charles Griffin & Co., London. Oils a n d Fats: Technical Handbook of Oils, Fats and Waxes. P. J. FRYER, AND F. E. WESTON. 8vo. 279 pp. Price, $3.00. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York. Organic Chemistry Including Certain Portions of Physical Chemistry. H. D. HASKINS. 12mo. 472 pp. Price, $2.00. John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York. Sands: A Supplementary Memoir on British Resources of Sands and Rocks IJsed in Glass Manufacture. P. G. H . BOSWELL. 8vo. 92 pp. Price, $1.00. Longmans, Green & Co., X e w York. Staining and Polishing. Including Varnishing and Other Methods of Finishing Wood. 8vo. 218 pp. Price, 3s. 6d. Evans Bros., London. Steam Engines: Les Machines B vapeur. F. CORDIER. 18x110. 402:pp. Octave Doin e t fils, Paris. Steel and Its Heat Treatment. D. K. BULLENS. 2nd Ed. 8vo. 483 pp. Price, $4.00. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. Technical Mechanics, Statics and Dynamics. E. R. MAURER. 8vo. 381 pp, Price, $2.75. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. 12mo. Thermodynamics: Notes on Thermodynamics. H. W. SPANGLER. 77 pp. Price, $1.00. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. Transmission Gears. E. BUTLER. 8vo. 164 pp. Price, 8s. 6d. Charles Griffin & Co., London.

wood: Seasoning of Wood. J. B. WAGNER. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York.


274 pp.

Price, 83.00.

RECENT JOURNAL ARTICLES Absorption Refrigerating Machines. F. C. SPANGLER. Power, Vol. 47 (1918), NO. 8, pp. 274-277. Acetylene: Characteristics and Properties of Acetylene. G. G. POND. Journal of Acetylene Lighting, Vol. 19 (1918), No. 9, pp. 295-297. Acid Making: Theory and Practice of Acid Making. E. R. BARKER. Paper, Vol. 21 (1918), No. 23, pp. 24-28. Bauxite Products. J. M. HILL. Mining and Scient& Press, Vol. 116 (1918), NO. 8, pp. 267-268. Blast Furnace: Description of Manchurian Blast Furnace. C. F. WAND. Blast Furnace and Steel Plant, Vol. 6 (19181, No. 3, p p . 109-111. Bleaching: Notes o n Bleaching Cotton. J. M. MATTHEWS. Color Trade Journal, Val. 2 (1918), No. 2, pp. 53-58. Burner-Gas Cooling. A. S. COSLER. Paper, Vol. 21 (1918), No. 23, pp. 19-24. By-product Coke Oven and I t s Products. W. H. BLAUVELT. Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers (1918), No. 135, p p ~ 59 7-6 14. Canvas Tubing for Mine Ventilation. I,. D. FRINK.Mining and Scientific Pvess, Vol. 116 (1918),.No. 7, pp. 223-227. Cellulose: The Estimation of Cellulose in Wood. B. JOHNSEN AND R. W. IIovEu. Paper, Vol 21 (1918), No. 23, pp. 36-52. Colors: The Action of Carbonate of Lead, Sulfate of Lead and Zinc Oxide on Tinting Colors. G. B. HECKEL. Paint and Varnish Record, Vol. 14 (1918), NO. 3, pp. 10-16. Dextrine: The Development of the American Dextrine Industry. JOSEPH MORNINGSTAR.Color Trade Journal, Vol. 2 (1918), No. 2, pp. 67-69. Dyestuffs of the Ancients. C. E . PELLEW. Color Trade Journal, Vol. 2 (1918), NO. 2, pp. 50-52. Engineering and CoGperation. I. N. HOLLIS. Journal of the Cleveland Engineering Society, Vol 10 (1918), No. 4, pp. 225-250. Filtration: Plate- and Frame-Filtration. D. R. SPERRY.Metallurgical and Chemical Engineering, Vol. 18 (1918), No. 5 , pp. 258-260. Furnaces: High-Temperature Resistance Furnaces. W. E. RUDER. Mining and Scientific Press, Vol. 116 (1918), No. 9, pp. 301-303. Glass: Some Common Problems in Melting and Working Glass. W. E. S. TURNER.Journal of the Society of Glass Technology, Vol. 1 .(1917), NO. 4, pp. 210-213. Glass: The Use of Semi-Automatic Glass Making Machinery in America. R. E. MCCAULEY. Journal of the Society of Glass Technology, Vol.1 (1917), NO.4, pp. 203-209. Inorganic Chemical Synonyms. E. R. DARLING. T h e Chemical Engineer, Vol. 26 (1918), NO. 3, pp. 107-112. Leather: The Making of Artificial Leather. DuPont Magazine, Vol. 8 (1918), NO. 2, pp. 8-10, Lubrication: Notes on the Theory of Lubrication. LORDRALEIGH.Philo sophical Magazine, Vol. 35 (1918), No. 205, pp. 1-12. Manchuria Coal and Iron Deposits. C. F. WANG. T h e 170% Trade Reuiew, Vol. 62 (1918), No. 7, pp. 433-435. Manganese: Estimation of Manganese in Aluminum Alloys and Dust. J. E. CLENNBLL. Engineering and Mining Journal, Vol. 105 (1918). NO. 9, pp. 407-410. Metallography of Aluminum. R. J. ANDERSON.Metallurgical and Chemical Engineering, Vol. 18 (1918), No. 4, pp. 172-178. Mineral Blues. C. S. WEHRLY. Color Trade Journal, Vol. 2 (1918), No. 2, pp. 71-73. Nickel and Brass Plating of Die Castings. R. J. HAZUCHA. T h e Metal Industry, Val. 16 (1918), No. 2, p . 83. Nickel Silver: Some Uses a n d Properties of Nickel Silver as Applied to the Optical Trade. G. C. HOLDER. T h e Metal Industry, Vol. 16 (1918), No. 2, pp. 69-72. Nitrocellulose from Wood Pulps. W. E. B. B.4KER. Papeu, Vol. 21 (1918). NO.23, pp. 78-82. Occluded Gases in Ferrous Alloys. G. ALLEMANAND C. J. DARLINGTON. Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol. 185 (1918), No. 2, pp. 161-198. Paper: Practical Paper Making. J. J. SULLIVAN. P u l p and Paper Magazine, Vol. 16 (1918), No. 8, pp. 173-176. Paper: A Review of Pulp and Paper Manufacturing in Canada. A. . ,I DAWE. Pulp and Paper Magazine, Vol. 16 (1918), No. 9, pp, 207-209. Porcelain: Experimental Investigation of Porcelain Mixes. G. I. GILCHRIST A N D T. A. KLINEFELTER. T h e Electric Journal, Vol. 15 (1918), No. 3,. pp. 77-81, Potash Recovery from Blast Furnace Dust. R. A. BERRYA N D D. N. McARTHUR. Blnst Furnace a n d Steel Plant, Vol. 6 (1918), No. 3, pp. 130-134.
