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WILLIAM H. WELCH, Editor, School of. Hygiene and Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Published bimonthly. Canadian Dyer and .... J...
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Vol. 13, No. 3


Applied Colloid Chemistry: General Theory. WILDER D. BANCROFT. Disinfection: Sull’ Impiego della Cloropicrina (Tricloronitrometano) nella 345 pp. Illustrated. Price, $3.00. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New Disinfezione dei Cereali. A. PIuTTI AND A. MANGO. Giornale di Chimica Industriale ed Apglicala, Vol. 2 (1920), No. 12, pp. 677-682. York. The Atom. ALBERTC. CREHORE. 177 pp. Illustrated. Price, $2.00. Drugs: Thymol and Carvacrol Problems. D. C. I,. SHERK.American D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. Journal of Pharmacy, Vol. 93 (1921). No. 1, pp. 8-18. Cellulose Esters: Les Ethers Cellulosiques. Premiere Partie. Les Dyes: Colorations Obtenues sur Fibres au Moyen des Ddrives Nitroses. Ethers MinCraux de la Cellulose. Vol. I. .La Nitrocellulose et le CelluMESSRS.WAHLAND GUINDON. Revue Gkne‘rale des Matiares Colorantes loid. ANDRDDUBOSC. 344 pp. A,-D. Cillard, Paris. de la Teinture, de l’lmpression et des Appr&ts, Vol. 24 (1920), No. 288, Chemical Laboratory: How to Make and Use a Small Chemical Laboratory. pp. 179-182. R. I?. YATES. 102 pp. Illustrated. Price, $0.75. D. Van Nostrand Dyes: Laboratory Methods of Dyeing and Testing Cotton Dyestuffs. Co., New York. P. F. ESTSY. American D9estu.f Reporter, Vol. 8 (1921), No. 1, Section 2, Chemistry of Bread-Making. JAMES GRANT. 3rd Edition. 236 pp. pp. 16-20. Illustrated. Price, $2.00. D. Van Nostrand Co , New York. Electrification of Water and Osmotic Flow. JACQUES LOEB. Science, Coal in Great Britain: The Composition, Structure, and Resources of the Vol. 53 (1921), NO. 1361, pp. 77-84. Coalfields, Visible and Concealed of Great Britain. WALCOTTGIBSON. Enamels: A Reading List on Vitreous Enameling on Iron and Steel. CLAR311 pp. Price, $7.50 net. Longmans, Green & Co., New York. ENCE JAY WEST. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 4 (1921), Concrete: The New Stone Age. H. E. HOWE. 289 pp. Price, $3.00. NO. 1, pp. 47-64. The Century Co., New York. Fertilizer: The Reactions Taking Place in Cyanamid when Used in Mixed Dyes: Unification des Noms des Colorants les Plus Usuels. P. SISLBY. Fertilizers. W. S. LANDIS. The American Fertilizer, Vol. 54 (1921), 196 pp. Union des Producteurs et des Consommateurs pour le D6NO. 2, pp. 49-55. veloppement de 1’Industrie des Matieres Colorantes en France, 53 R u e M. HOWEAND ROBERTF. Fire Brick: A Study of Spalling. RAYMOND de Chateaudun, Paris. FERGUSON. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 4 (1921), Gas Analysis for Chemists. AUGUSTUS H. GILL. Reprinted from “StandNO. 1, pp. 32-46. Ferroalloys and Steel-Making Metals in 1920. ROBERTJ. ANDERSON. ard Methods of Chemical Analysis,” by WILFREDW. SCOTT. 52 pp. Price, $1.25. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. The Iron Age, Vol. 107 (1921), No. 1, pp. 73-76. India-Rubber Goods Manufacture: A Practical Guide to the Manufacture Fuel Supply of the World. I,. P. BRECKENRIDGE.Coal Age, Vol. 19 MANAGER.” 496 pp. Price, $7.75. of Rubber Goods. “FACTORY (1921), NO. 2, pp. 60-63. Maclaren & Sons, Ltd., London. Fuel: Instruments Essential in Saving Fuel in the Gas Industrial Plant. Modern Brickmaking. ALFRED B. SEARLE. 2nd edition, revised and F. H. SWEET.American Gas Engineering Journal, Vol. 114 (1921), enlarged. 510 pp. 310 illustrations. Price, $7.00. D. Van Nostrand No. 3, pp. 54, 59. Co., New York. Fuel Oil. A. F.BAILLIE. Journal ofthe Inslitute of Brewing, Vol. 27 (1921). Organic Chemistry: A Laboratory Course of Organic Chemistry. Including NO. 1, pp. 6-21. 263 pp. Illustrated. Qualitative Organic Analysis. A. W. TITHERLEY. Gasoline by the Charcoal Absorption Process. G. A. BURRELL,G. G. Price, $2.50. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. OBERPELL AND C. L. VORESS. Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, AND FRANCIS H. CARR. Organic Medicinal Chemicals. M. BARROWCLIFP Vol. 24 (1921), NO. 4, pp. 156-160. Health: Les Mesures d’Hygiene a Prendre dans les Industries du Chlore. (Industrial Chemical Series.) Price, 15s. net. Bailliere Tindall & Cox, London. PAULRAZOUS. L’lndustrie Chimipue, Vol. 8 (1921), No. 84, pp. 13-14. Plant Chemistry: The Chemistry of Plant Life. ROSCOEW. TEATCHER.Hydrazines: The Preparation of Some Hydrazines. LEONARD THOMPSON. 268 pp. Price, $3.00. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists, Vol. 37 (1921), No. 1, pp. Plant Chemistry: An Introduction to the Chemistry of Plant Products. 7-11. Vol. I. On the Nature and Significance of the Commoner Organic ComLeather: The Determination and Control of Acidity in Tan Liquors. W. R. pounds of Plants. PAULHAASAND T. G. HILL. 3rd edition. 414 pp. ATKINAND F. C. THOMPSON.Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, Vol. 16 (1921), No. 1, pp. 9-20. Reprinted from Journal Price, $5.50. Longmans, Green & Co., New York. Technical Chemists’ Pocket Book. ROBERTENSOLL.204 pp. 31 illusof the Society of Leather Trades’ Chemists, Vol. 4 (1920), 143. Leather: Iron Tannage. DANIELD. JACKSON AND TE PANG How. Journal trations, Price, 8s. 6d. net. E. & F. N. Spon, Ltd., London. of the American Leather Chemists Association, Vol. 16 (1921), No. 2, pp. NEW JOURNALS 63-75. Lime Liquors: The Caustic Alkalinity of Lime Liquors. WILLIAM R. American Journal of Hygiene. WILLIAM H. WELCH,Editor, School of ATKIN AND JOHN ATKIN. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Hygiene and Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Association, Vol. 16 (1921), No. 2, pp. 85-93. Reprinted from the Published bimonthly. Price, $6.00 a year. Journal of the Society of Leather Trades’ Chemists, Vol. 4 (1920), 236. Canadian Dyer and Color User. W. A. LAWRENCE, Consulting Editor. Nickel: Black Nickel Solutions. JOSEPH HAAS,JR. The Metal Industry, Published monthly by the Westman Press, Ltd., 72 Queen St., W , ToVol. 19 (1921), NO. 1, pp. 23-25. ronto, Canada. Price, $3.00 a year. Paper: Relation of Paper Manufacture to Other Industries. JAMES RECENT JOURNAL ARTICLES STRACHAN. Paper, Vol. 27 (1921), No. 18, pp. 9, 10, 32. Pigments: Natural Earth and Chemically Made Pigments and Their ReBacteria as Chemical Reagents. ARTHURI. RENDALL. Chemical and spective Characteristics. E. W. STOREY.Paint, Oil and Chemical ReMetallurgical Engineering, Vol. 24 (1921), No. 2, pp. 56-60. Diew, Vol. 71 (1921), No. 4, pp. 10-11. Brass Industry in Great Britain. PAULM. TYLER.The Iron Age, Vol. Poison Gas: La Produzione dei Gas Asfissianti Impiegati dai Tedeschi in 107 (1921), NO. 1, pp. 15-18. Guerra. GINO GALLO. Giornale d i Chimica Industrials ed Applicate, Catalysis: The Influence of Lead on the Catalytic Activity of Platinum. Vol. 2 (1920), No. 12, pp. 692-702. EDWARD BRADFORD MAXTED. Journal of the Chemical Society, Vol. 117 Potash: The Storage and Handling of Potash. G. F. ZIMMER. The (1920), NO. 698, pp. 1501-1506. Chemical Age (London), Vol. 4 (1921), No. 82, pp. 34-37. Chemistry of the Earth’s Crust. HENRYS. WASHINGTON.Journal of the Research: The Organization of Research. WILLIAMMORTONWHEELBR. Franklin Institute, Vol. 190 (1920), No. 6, pp. 757-815. Science, Vol. 53 (1921), No. 1360, pp. 53-67. Chemistry of Sulfite Cooking. A. CHAMBOVET.Paper, Vol. 27 (1921), Rock Analysis: Note on Crucibles Used in Rock Analysis. HENRYS. No. 21, pp. 21-24. Translated from L a Papeterie. WASHINGTON.Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. Vol. 11 Colloid Chemistry of Tanning. H. R. PROCTER. The Chemical Age (1921), NO, 1, pp. 9-13. (London), Vol. 4 (1921), No. 84, pp. 94-95. Color Standardization in the Textile Industries. ROBERTSBEAUMONT. Rubber: O n the Aging of Vulcanlzed Rubber. 0. DE VRIES AND H. J. HELLENDOORN.The India-Rubber Journal, Vol. 61 (1921), No, 2, pp. Textile Colorist, Vol. 43 (1921), No. 506, pp. 97-100. 23-26. Combustion and Instruments. ROBERTJUNE. Combustion, Vol. 4 (19211, Sugar: The Analysis of Sugar Mixtures Containing Two Monosaccharides. NO. 2, pp. 24-28. , C. A. BROWNE. International Sugar Journal, Vol. 23 (1921), No. 265, pp. Combustion of Lignites and High-Moisture Fuels. T. A. MARSH. Com35-38. bustion, Vol. 4 (1921), No. 2, pp. 39-44. F. Sulfur: Recent Advances in the American Sulfur Industry. RAYMOND Cotton: Fundamental Research in Cotton Industry. D. E. DOUTY. TeicBACON AND HAROLD S. DAVIS. Chemical Age, Vol. 29 (1921), No. 1, pp. tile World Journal, Vol. 59 (1921), No. 6, pp. 197-198. 24-29. Cotton Cellulose: The Application to Industry of Recent Researches on I t s Teaching Engineering Students to Write. HOMERA. WATT. Mining and Viscosity. R. A. PUNTER.Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, ScienliFc Press, Vol. 122 (1920), No. 6. pp. 192-194. Vol. 39 (1920), NO. 24, pp. 3331-347;. Water Purification: Epuration Perfectionnee des Eaux pour Chaudierer. Cyanidation: Sidelights on the Cyanidation Process. ALFRED JAMES. G. PARIS. Chimie et Industrib, Vol. 4 (1920), No. 6, pp. 722-730. Engineering and Mining Journal, Vol. 111 (1921), No. 3, pp. 102-104.