NEW PUBLICATIONS - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

Publication Date: November 1921. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Ind. Eng. Chem. 13, 11, 1094-1094. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's ...
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Vol. 13, No. 11

NEW PUBLICATIONS American Society for Testing Materials. A. S. T. M. Standards Issued Triennially, 1921. 890 pp. Illustrated. Price, $10.00, cloth; $11.50, half-leather. American Society for Testing Materials, 1315 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Anthracene and Anthraquinone. E. DEBARRY BARNETT. 447 pp. Price, $6.00. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York.

Dyes: Jute Dyeing. F. C. HOLDEN. American Dyestug Reporter, Vol 9 (19211,No. 14, Sec. 2, pp. 13-14. Dyestuffs of the Pyrazolone Series. MARY JOHNSON. Journal ef the Society of Chemical Industry, Vol. 40 (1921),No. 15,pp. 1761-781. Dyes: Pigment Dyestuffs Derived from Tannic Acid and Some Aromatic Amines. ARTHUR ERNESTEVERESTAND ARCHIBALDJOHN HAJJ,. Cane Sugar, a Textbook on the Agriculture of the Sugar Cane, the ManuJournal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists, Vol. 37 (1921), No. 9, p p 227-29. facture of Cane Sugar, and the Analysis of Sugar-House Products. NOELDEERR. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. 650 pp. Illustrated. Explosives: L’Emploi de I’OxygCne Liquide comme Explosif Industriel. Price, Norman Rodger, 2 St. Dunstan’s Hill, London, England. CHARLESLORMAND. Chimie et Industrie, Vol. 6 (1921), No. 2, pp. Casein, I t s Preparation and Technical Utilization. Translated from the 141-48. German of ROBERTSCHERER.2nd English edition, revised and enlarged. Fertilizers: Science and the Coming Agriculture. CHARLESH. MAC216 pp. Illustrated. Price, 11s. 3d. Scott, Greenwood & Son, DOWELL. The American Ferfilizer, Vol. 55 (1921). No. 8, pp. 29-33. London. Fuel Problem for Oil Shale Retorts. GEORGEMcD. JOHNS. Combustion, Price, $10 00 (leasing Chemical Engineering Catalog 1921. 1294 pp. Vol. 5 (1921),NO.3,pp. 121-24. privilege, $2.00). Chemical Catalog Co., Inc., New York. Gas: Comparison of Efficiency of Industrial Gases. F.J. DENK. Forging Chemical Microscopy: Elementary Chemical Microscopy. EMILEMONNIN and Heat Treating, Vol. 7 (1921),No. 8, pp. 422-24; No. 9, pp. 477-79. CEAMOT. 2nd Edition, partly rewritten and enlarged. 479 pp. 162 Glass: The Composition of Barium Glass. ROBERTJ. MONTGOMERY. figures. Price, $4.25 net. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 4 (1921), No. 7, pp. 636-45. Chemical Warfare. AMOSA. FRIESAND CLARENCE J. WEST. 445 pp. Glass: Free Alkalinity in Glass Containers. A. W. BITTING. The Glass Illustrated. Price, $3.50. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York. Industry, Vol. 2 (1921), No. 10, pp. 235-37. Color and Its Applications. M. LUCKIESH. 2nd edition, revised and enGlass: The Effect of the Rays from Radium, X-rays and Ultraviolet Rays larged. 431 pp. 150 illustrations. Price, $4.50. D. Van Nostrand on Glass. J. R. CLARKE. Journal of the Society of Glass Technology, Co., New Yotk. Vol. 5 (1921), NO. 18, pp. 155-65. Food: Probleme und Aufgaben der Nahrungsmittelchemie. EGONEICHGlass: The Relative Advantages and Disadvantages of Limestone, Burnt WALD. 99 pp. Price, $0.75. Theodor Steinkopff, Dresden, Germany. Lime, and Slaked Lime a s Constituents of Common Glass Batches ConHandbook: Taschenbuch fur die Anorganisch-Chemische Grossindustrie. taining Soda Ash and Salt Cake. F. W. HODKINAND W. E. s. TURNER. G. LUNGEAND E. BERL. 331 pp. Julius Springer, Berlin, Germany. The Glass Industry, Vol. 2 (1921). No. 10, pp. 237-39; Journal of the SoIron: Chemical and Metallographic Examination of Iron. Steel, and Brass. riety of Glass Technology, Vol. 5 (1921), No. 18. WILLIAMT.HALLAND ROBERTS. WILLIAXS. 501 pp. 183 illustrations. Glass: Le Soufflage du Verre dans les Laboratoires Scientifiques et InPrice, $5.00. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York. dustriels. H. VIGREUX. Chimie et .Industrie, Vol. 6 (1921), No. 2, Minerals: Introduction to the Study of Minerals and Rocks. A Combined pp. 160-68. ROGERS. 2nd edition, Textbook and Pocket Manual. AUSTINFLINT Heat Balance of a Plant Consisting of an Air-Steam Blown Gas Producer completely revised. 527 pp. Illustrated. Price, $4.00. McGrawand a Glass Tank Furnace. M. W. TRAVERS. Journal of the Society Hill Book Co., Inc., New York. of Glass Technology, Vol. 5 (1921),No. 18,pp. 166-83. Modern Coking Practice, Including the Analysis of Materials and Products. Hydrolysis of Glycerides. The Chemical Age (London), Vol. 5 (1921), J. E. CHRISTOPHER AND T.H. BYROM. 3d edition, revised and enlarged. NO. 119, pp. 358-60. 2 volumes. 280 pp. 145 illustrations. Price, $8.00. D. Van Nostrand Iron: The Electro-Deposition of Iron. W. E. HUGHES. The Metal InCo., New York. dustry, Vol 19 (1921),No. 10, pp. 405-07. Naval Stores-History, Production, Distribution and Consumption. THOMAS Laboratory of the Living Organism. M. 0.FORSTER. The Chemical Age GAMBLE, Editor. 286 pp. Illustrated. Review Publishing and (London), Vol. 5 (1921),No. 117, pp. 309-11. Printing Co., Savannah, Ga. Leather: The Determination of Available Calcium Oxide in Lime Used Oil Trade Calculator. T. HOWARD BUTLER. 240 pp. Price, 11s. post for Unhairing Hides. F. P. VEITCH AND T. D. JARRELL. Journal of free. Scott, Greenwood & Son, London. the American Leather Chemists Association, Vol. 16 (1921), No. 8, pp. Oil: The Fire and Explosion Hazards of Commercial Oils. WILLIAM 438-44. AND C. A. VLACHOS.292 pp. Vlachos & Co., Philadelphia. VLACHOS Leather: Determination of Optimum Temperature and State of SubAND AQUILLA Public Health Chemical Analysis. ROBERTC. FREDERICK division for Maximum Extraction of Tannin from Goran Bark. B. B. FORST%.313 pp. 60 illustrations. Price, $4.50. D. Van Nostrand DHAVALEAND S. R. DAS. Journal of the Society of Leather Trades’ Co., New York. Chemists, Vol. 5 (1921), No. 7, pp. 229-39. Qualitative Analysis: Elementary Qualitative Analysis of the Metals and Leather: Sampling of Leather and Its Preparation for Analysis-Committee C. REEVE. 150 pp. Acid Radicals. Laboratory Manual. FREDERICK Report, 1921. F. H. SMALL,Chairman. Journal of the American Leather Price, $1.50. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. Chemists Association, Vol. 16 (1921),No. 8, pp. 394-430. Within the Atom: A Popular View of Electrons and Quanta. JOHN MILLS. National Defense: Les Services Permanents de 1’ArmeC Scientifique e t 215 pp. Illustrated. Price, $2.00. D. Van Nostrand Co.,New York. Technique. I. Les IngCnieurs d e la Defense Nationale. ALBERT RANC. L’Industrie Chimipue, Vol. 8 (1921), No. 92, pp. 346-48. RECENT JOURNAL ARTICLES Niter Cake: Methods for the Complete Utilisation of Niter Cake. W. H. H. NORRIS. Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, Vol. 40 Aluminium Casting. F. A. LIVERMORE.The Brass World, Vol. 17 (1921). (1921),NO. 18,pp. 208t-12t. NO. 8, pp. 231-33, Biochemistry: Modern Views on Biochemistry. W. GOWLAND HOPKINS. Nitric Acid: The Manufacture of Nitric Acid by the Pot Process. H. W. WEBB. Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, Vol. 40 (1921). The Chemical Trade Jouvnal and Chemical Engineer, Vol. 69 (1921). No. 18, pp. 2121-201. NO. 1792,pp. 363-65. A. D. WILLIAMS. The Iron Age, Vol. Cements: Plastic Magnesia Cements. P. H. BATESAND ROYN. YOUNG. Open-Hearth Furnace Design. 108 (1921), NO. 12, pp. 719-21. Journal of fhe American Ceramic Society, Vol. 4 (1921),No. 7,pp. 570-96. Peat: The Uses of Peat in Fuel Manufacture. HUBERTHERZUANNS. Chemical Structure and Physiological Action. C. L. ALSBERG. Journal The Coal Industry, Vol. 4 (1921), No. 9, pp. 439-43. of the Washington Academy of Sciences, Vol. 11 (1921),No. 14,pp. 321-41. Coal: Recording Ash Pit Losses from Chain Grate Stokers. E. G. BAILEY. Rubber: Sull’ Azione d e Certi Acceleranti della Vulcanizzazione della Gomma Elastica. G. BRUNI AND E. ROMANI. Giornale d i Chimica The Coal Induslry, Vol. 4 (1921), No. 8,pp. 388-94. Industriale ed Applicata, Vol. 3 (1921),No. 8, pp. 351-54. Combustion: Experimental Comparison of a Preheated Air Furnace with Steel: Carbonizing Manganese Steel. A. A. BLUE. Forging and H a d a Direct Fired Furnace. 0.LILLBP. American Gas Journal, Vol. 115 Treating, Vol. 7 (1921), No. 8, pp. 413-15. (IgZl), No. 12 (whole No. 3315), pp. 247-52, 280-63. Straw: The Structure of Cereal Straws. FRANCIS E. LLOYD. Pulp and Dyes: L’Etat Actuel de 1’Industrie Mondiale des Matiares Colorantes. Paper Magazine of Canada, Vol. 19 (1921), No. 37, pp. 953-54; No. 38, A. WAHL. Revue GLnCrale des Matiares Colorantes, de la Teinture et pp. 973-78; NO. 39,pp. 1002-04; NO. 40, pp. 1025-26. des Apprgts, Vol. 25 (1921), No. 296, pp. 113-17. ~