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New Release Aquatic Chemistry: Interfacial and Interspecies Processes Surface chemistry, soil AQUATIC chemistry, :HEMISTRV geochemistry, limnology, oceanography, and engineering are all represented in this comprehensive approach to aquatic chemistry. Current research reported in this important new volume includes interdisciplinary study in the fields of the transformation and transportation of chemicals in aquatic systems; efficient, safe, and ecologically sound waste processing; and environmental management. The emphasis on multiphase and multicomponent environmental systems lends itself easily to vital applications such as the design of air, soil, water, and wastewater treatment systems. Includes chapters by Werner Stumm, the founder of aquatic chemistry. Chin Pao Huang, University of Delaware, Editor Charles R. O'Melia, the Johns Hopkins University, Editor James J. Morgan, California Institute of Technology, Editor Advances in Chemistry Series 244 432 pages (1994) Clothbound ISBN0-8412-2921-X $124.95 ORDER FROM American Chemical Society Distribution Office Dept. 74 1155 Sixteenth Street. NW Washington. DC 20036 Or CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-227-5558 (in Washington. DC 872-4363) and use your credit card! FAX: 202 872-6067. ACS Publications Catalog now available on internet: gopher

ACS III PUBLICATIONS Essential Resources for the Chemical Sciences

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Agriculture, Editor Philip C. Kearney, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Editor Jack R. Plimmer, ABC Laboratories, Editor

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ACS III PUBLICATIONS essential Resources jor the Chemical Sciences