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ACS. SYMPOSIUM. SERIES. iSfW*· if-*.***. % s. Chiral Separations by Liquid. Chromatography ... Horace G. Cutler, Takao Yokota, and Gunter Adam,. Edit...
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Chiral Separations by Liquid Chromatography Presenting state-of-the-art information, this volume covers all the major modes of separation and offers contributions from the leading researchers who developed these techniques. It provides a detailed review of the commonly used columns: brush type, cyclodextrin, polysaccharide carbonate, and protein. In addition, the volume provides significant discussion on the use of chiral discriminators or selectors. Satinder Ahuja, Editor ACS Symposium Series No. 471 240 pages (1991) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-2116-2 $59.95

Particle Size Distribution II Assessment and Characterization This compendium of current work in the field features the latest technology now in use for particle size distribution assessment. Among the new techniques discussed are capillary hydrodynamic fractionation, field flow fractionation, disc centrifuge photosedimentometry, on-line measurements, fractals, electrophoretic characterization, image analysis, and electric sensing zone. A review chapter examines turbidimetry, an old technique that has been revitalized with new mathematical approaches. Theodore Provder, Editor ACS Symposium Series No. 472 400 pages [1991] Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-2117-0 $89.95

Food and Packaging Interactions II The most comprehensive and current information available on food packaging interactions, including presentations on migration, scalping, permeability, and microwave susceptor packaging products. A valuable resource for food product development scientists and engineers who need to understand what can happen to foods in different types of packages and regulatory agencies who must keep pace with new developments and maintain appropriate regulations. Includes information on regulations of packaging for the United States, United Kingdom, and the European Community. Sara J. Riser, and Joseph H. Hotchkiss, Editors ACS Symposium Series No. 473 270 pages (1991 ] Clothbound ISBN &8412-2122-7 $59.95



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Brassinosteroids Chemistry, Bioactivity, and Applications With contributions from all over the world, this volume presents an accurate and com­ prehensive picture of the present state of research and development in brassino­ steroids. Provides a survey of the chemistry, synthesis, physiology, and practical applica­ tions of brassinosteroids, in experimental and agricultural references alike. Presents results of large-scale field trials in China, which strongly indicate the economic potential of these compounds as environmentally benign agricultural chemicals to significantly increase crop yields. Horace G. Cutler, Takao Yokota, and Gunter Adam, Editors ACS Symposium Series No. 474 358 pages (1991) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-212B-X $84.95

Radiation Effects on Polymers Reviews the fundamental chemistry and physics of polymer-radiation interaction and examines recent progress in most major areas of the field. Covers fundamentals of polymer radiation chemistry, technological applications of radiation to polymers (includ­ ing radiation processing, radiation curing, sterilization, cross-linking, polymerization, grafting, X-ray resists, and others), and degradation and stabilization of irradiated polymers (including nuclear plants, scintilla­ tion detectors for particle physics, and others). Roger L. Clough and Shalaby W. Shalaby, Editors ACS Symposium Series No. 475 640 pages [1991) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-2165-0 $109.95

Emerging Technologies for Materials and Chemicals from Biomass As nonrenewable chemical feedstocks are depleted, new sources of materials and chemicals must be developed to fill the need.


This new volume examines the technologies now emerging for the use of biomass as an environmentally friendly and sustainable solu­ tion to the problem. Its 25 chapters are divided into three sections covering: lignocellulosic materials and composites; biopolymers (alloys, derivatives, and blends), and chemicals and fuels from biomass and wastes. Each section opens with review chap­ ters summarizing potentials and opportuni­ ties. Roger M. Rowell, Tor P. Schultz, and Ramani Narayan, Editors ACS Symposium Series No. 476 480 pages [1992] Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-2171-5 $99.95

Expression Systems and Processes for rDIMA Products This fascinating volume provides a wealth of information on developments in expression system technologies. Among the topics cov­ ered in its nine chapters are bacterial hosts [E.coli], yeast [Saccharomyces cerevisiae], and insect cells. In addition, the book exam­ ines process technologies, including high cell density bacterial fermentations, biocatalysis, and process issues with recombinant microorganisms. Randolph T. Hatch, Charles Goochee, Anthony Moreira, and Yair Alroy, Editors ACS Symposium Series No. 477 130 pages (1992) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-2172-3 $34.95

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