New remedy for tired imaginations For over a decade, now, AMHERLITE 1 ' ion exchange resins have benefited chemists i n the analysis, isolation, and preparation of i n n u m e r a b l e chemical c o m p o u n d s . T o the power engineer, these resins have m e a n t economical water conditioning: to the h o m e m a k e r the luxury of soft water. For t h e chemical engineer, AMHERLITE resins have p r o vided eiïicient processing short-cuts. Would you have suspected that the usefulness of these resins could have heen extended? A i ç r o u p o f medical researchers did, a n d plunged us into a new, bright medical era. T o d a v , AMHERLITE exchangers
c o m b a t the disastrous effects of cardiac e d e m a , peptic ulcers, a n d cirrhosis of the liver.They function as d e o d o r a n t s , antacids, a n d as t h e r a p e u t i c agents for a v a r i e t y of skin ailments. T h e y serve well i n the p r o d u c t i o n of antibiotics, vitamins, alkaloids, and o t h e r pharmaceuticals. Will you take the next step? Perhaps our booklet, " I o n Exchange with the "-— ^«"] AMHERLITE R e s i n s " will help you to decide. W r i t e for it . . . there's no charge.