New Research Center — Golden Anniversary Present - Analytical

May 18, 2012 - New Research Center — Golden Anniversary Present. Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 (6), pp 59A–61A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60138a764. Publication Dat...
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Surface area and p a r t i c l e size a r e critical factors in evaluating new pigments, dyes, catalysts, or rubber chemicals. Various tools are a v a i l a b l e f o r such measurement. The method of Emmett and coworkers, based on nitrogen adsorption measurement a t liquid nitrogen temperatures, provides the reference m e t h o d f o r d e t e r m i n a t i o n o f surface a r e a . Examination of research samples requires extensive computations. Electronic computers make routine studies feasible



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N e w Research Center — G o l d e n Anniversary Present EDICATION of the new Research Center of American Cyanamid Co.'s Bound Brook (N.J.) laboratories was a major event in the celebration of Cyanamid's 50th anniversary a few months ago. T h e new 52,000 square foot building, which is completely air conditioned, is divided into two units. An administrative wing contains executive offices, conference rooms, and a library, while a laboratory wing consists of about 40 separate two-man laboratory units. Design is such t h a t a second laboratory wing can be added a t some future time. T h e Research Center incorporates the latest advances in building techniques and serves t o centralize nearly all Bound Brook product research and research service, formerly scattered in several buildings. I t provides for increased activity in the fields of dyes, textile chemicals and resins, rubber chemicals, intermediates, and organic pigments, a s well as physical, chemical, and analytical and instrumental investigations. About half of American Cyanamid's sales are in new products introduced in the past decade. Cyanamid's first research was started in 1910, three years after founding of the company. Since t h a t time the company has steadily increased the scope of its research. T h e 1957 research and development budget totalled $23 million, 4 . 5 % of total company sales. A major development was the organization of research in a separate division in 1954, with its own general manager. Currently it employs about 2000 people including organic, physical and analytical chemists and chemical engineers. Cyanamid's laboratory staff helped design the Research Center. Construction, started in November 1955, was completed in July 1957 and dedicated in October.






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Electroanalytical methods a r e w e l l suited t o analysis o f dyes, pigments, rubber chemicals, t e x t i l e resins, a n d intermediates. Newer electroanalytical methods a r e being investigated continually. C h r o n o p o t e n t i o m e t r y is p a r t i c u l a r l y a p p l i c a b l e t o analysis o f oxidizable compounds. A modified Η - t y p e cell with platinum anode and containing t h e sample under study is in t h e f o r e g r o u n d . Directly behind is t h e constant current supply with accurate timing components. Other associated equipment includes a p H meter for p o t e n t i a l measurement with conventionally recorded output VOL. 30, NO. 6, JUNE 1958


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The laboratory hood shown is eight f e e t long and has a mova b l e end panel, p e r m i t t i n g use of the entire bench when desired. It is of stainless steel construction with individually sliding panels of safety glass. A nearby r e m o t e control panel allows easy control of stirring a n d heating without lifting the hood panels. D i r e c t l y beneath the hood is an electric drying oven and c a b i n e t f o r storage of corrosive chemicals. These are v e n t i l a t e d through the hood

The automatic t i t r a t o r above, using the coulometric principle with current integrating device for determination of halides f o l lowing fusion, was d e v e l o p e d by the analytical research g r o u p . It is now used routinely in the Microanalytical Laboratory. T i tration is automatically t e r m i nated a t the endpoint

O n e device used is the elevated temperatureconstant load elongation meter (right). Elongation of multiple test strips suspended in an oven is measured by means of an externally located cathetometer

American Cyanamid's Research Center features a three-story steel, brick, and masonry building consisting of two wings and provision for future a d d i t i o n of a third. The l a b o r a t o r y wing has about 4 0 modules, each measuring 18 by 24 f e e t and designed to house two chemists. O v e r - a l l building d e sign reflects many ideas put forth by the center's staff members





The Microanalytical Laboratory, organized in 1934, has e x p a n d e d until it now houses numerous types of automatic combustion e q u i p m e n t , many o r i g i ­ nally designed by members of t h e staff. An example is t h e Schutze - Unterzaucher for direct apparatus d e t e r m i n a t i o n of oxy­ gen, shown here

-- AC-6 _ with complete listing of Semi •Micro is yours f o r the α sking. N e w Booklet

Semi Micro

* Cast aluminum head centrifuge for semi-microprocedures. Com­ pletely safe. Economica I ly priced. Silent. Ruggedly-built f o r long life. For 3 " and 4 " test tubes.




NO WAITING . . . the W A C O per­ mits quick stopping through slight palm pressure!

• The Bureau of Stand­ ards strain tester for rubber and similar products is in the Physical Testing Lab­ oratory, located in close p r o x i m i t y t o the rubber chemicals for­ mulation g r o u p . This l a b o r a t o r y is under in­ dividual temperature and humidity control and contains only latemodel equipment, some designed for spe­ cific purposes by staff members

C e n t r a l location of the Infrared Laboratory makes i t r e a d i l y ac­ cessible t o the chem­ ists. The smaller rou­ tine infrared instru­ ments may be used in the Infrared Labora­ t o r y or r o l l e d t o the chemist's own work area for extended onthe-spot infrared stud­ ies. Infrared files of company products are kept here

No. AC-2314-M. W A C O Separator. For 1 1 0 V. 6 0 cycle. $47.00.


A t the price, W A C O Spatulas class as "Non-Returnables!" HAND FINISHED Spatulas, perfectly shaped for Semi-Micro Qualitative and Organic Chemistry. W A C O Monel Spatulas are nicely balanced, permanent pieces. Glass­ ware breakage is reduced, as scratching is eliminated. No. AC-7027. W A C O Monel Spatulas 175 mm. long, blade 2 3 X 5 mm. t a p e r e d to 3 mm. width. Slightly dished tip to hold crystals. Bottom rounded. $3.10 per doz., $24.00 per 100.





RED STYRENE PLASTIC TRAYS for S e m i - M i c r o Bottles Beautiful . . . reagent resisting . . . strong, Styrene Plastic! No. AC-7905. W A C O Plastic Tray. For 14 Dropper Bottles, 15 ml. Each 60fi No. AC-799S-B. For 1 2 bottles, 3 0 ml. Each 60«S Write for Semi-Micro Catalog No. AC-6 LABORATORY SUPPLIES A N D EQUIPMENT

W I L K E N S - A N D E R S O N CO. 4525 W. DIVISION ST.


Circle No.61A on Readers' Service Card, page 89 A VOL. 30, NO. 6, JUNE


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