New Rotary Condenser Still Separates Mixtures of High Molecular

May 29, 2012 - New Rotary Condenser Still Separates Mixtures of High Molecular Weight. Anal. Chem. , 1956, 28 (7), pp 54A–60A. DOI: 10.1021/ ...
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New Rotary Condenser Still Separates Mixtures of High Molecular Weight The Arthur F. Smith Co. announces the development of a new rotary condenser- high vacuum still, known as the Asco Model PR. Said to be capable of separating mixtures in the molecularweight range of 200 to 700 with high separating efficiency, the new still features an all-glass column with a stainless steel air-cooled rotary condenser and built-in dry ice trap. In operation, the internal condenser serves to condense and throw the distillate by centrifugal force back to the warm evaporative surface. In this manner, distillate coming from the agitated surface of the pot is condensed by the rotating condenser and thrown to the upper warm evaporation surface

where—under controlled conditions—it is re-evaporated and again condensed at the rotary condenser. In this method each molecule is condensed and evaporated several times, the company says, \vith the heavy, large molecules collecting at the bottom and the smaller, light molecules rising to the upper aircooled condensei·. Capacity of the still is up to two liters of distilland, and vacuum range is to 0.1 micron Hg. According to the company operation is simple and a bottom drain makes charging and cleaning easy. The complete still stands 82 inches high and weighs 745 lbs. 1

Prism-Grating Spectrometer Offers High Resolution A new single beam recording prismgrating spectrometer is said to permit the observance of band separations better than 0.8 cm. - 1 . Announced by the Perkin-Elmer Corp., the instrument is reputed to provide excellent resolving power over the entire infrared region of the spectrum. Intended for use wherever high resolution, high energy per spectral slit width, and freedom from scattered light are important, the instrument consists of three parts: a source with related optics; a prism monochromator with transfer optics; and a grating monochromator with wave-length drive, detection, and recording systems. The foreprism unit consists of a simple Littrow monochromator with potassium bromide prism, and manual wave-length adjustment. This system disperses radiation from the source and forms an image at the entrance slit of the grating monochromator which falls within a narrow wave-length range (adjustable over the useful range of the prism). According to the company, the foreprism unit has advantages over optical filters in that it eliminates both longer and shorter radiation from other grating orders, and provides much narrower spectral band pass. It is easily adjusted from one wave length to another over a wide wave-length range. Using optional 54 A


prism-grating combinations, the effective range of the instrument spans the ultraviolet to the far infrared. Scattered light is less than 0.1% in the NaCl region. Single or double pass grating operation can be provided. 2

Measuring Slide Rule An improved version of the Caliputer, a precision measuring and calculating instrument, combines the functions of a slide rule vernier caliper and vernier depth gage and computer. According to the manufacturer, Caliputer of Rancho Santa Fe, the instrument provides direct readings of circumferences and cross section areas, and

may be used to multiply, divide, find squares and square roots. Readings are accurate to 0.001 inches. The vernier scale is adjustable to allow for easy maintenance and retention of accuracy, and the scale lines are colored in purple enamel for better light reflection and sharper readability. Pocket-sized, the Caliputer is made of satin finish stainless steel, and measures 4 3 / 4 inches long, i y 2 inches wide, and Ve inch thick. 3

U.V. Light Source Emphasizes Weak Fluorescence Subtle shadings of fluorescence in the critical areas of pale blue, light green, and red are better observed by use of a new long wave ultra-violet light source announced by the Black Light Corporation of America. By utilizing a special tubular filter to cut down on visible light emission from the black light tube, contrast is increased due to a more complete drop-out of the nonfluorescent background, and weak fluorescence is more apparent, the company says. The new lamp, designated BLF-6, has a peak emission at 3660 angstrom units. It operates on a.c. or may be used on batteries through a carrying case containing a special adapter circuit. 4 For further information, see coupon on page SI A ANALYTICAL


NEW PRODUCTS Forced Draft Oven

New forced draft oven by Hotpoint is portable, light weight, and intended for use as an auxiliary unit which will keep close temperature control. The newly designed unit eliminates the temperature differentials between the floor and the ceiling that are found in gravity convected ovens, and facilitates quick drying with a speedy come-up time, the company says. Heat transfer is developed by a blower wheel located on the rear wall of the oven. The blower circulates the heated air along the three side walls of the chamber and then returns it hori-

zontally across the shelves in the front of the chamber, so that uniform temperatures are ensured throughout the oven. Static pressure, from the air flow being directed toward the oven door, prevents infiltration of cooler air from the outside. The nichrome coil heaters are controlled by a three-heat switch to produce low, medium, and high heat. The oven is constructed of heavy gage cold rolled steel with a stainless steel interior to prevent corrosive deterioration. At the top of the unit there is an adjustable ventilator and built-in thermometer. Two sizes are available, 19 X 27 X 22 and 28 X 33 X 34 inches. 5

Chemically inert, non-toxic Glass clear for visual control

Water Analyzer for Gas Streams



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A new clamping device announced by the Emil Greiner Co., is said to represent a distinct improvement in apparatus support frames and clamps. According to the company, this new device provides complete versatility for the secure

mounting of set-ups and pilot plant apparatus. Known as the Universal Clamp, it permits multiple rod attachment at any two-dimensional angles, and a swivel attachment provides any three-dimensional angles. A special attachment is employed for wall and floor mounting and couplings. The new clamp is machined of aluminum alloy, has a chemically resistant finish, and is equipped with stainless steel screws. 6

the logical choice . .


N e w Clamp Is Versatile Unit

Less than one part water per million parts gas can be measured by a new electrolytic water analyzer according to Manufacturers Engineering & Equipment Corporation. This simple and low-priced instrument is said to measure water content instantaneously and accurately, and the measured output is available for recording with standard recorders. The instrument operates by passing the wet stream at a regulated rate over a hygroscopic substance which is electrically conductive only when wet. All of the water in the stream is absorbed in this substance, which permits complete quantitative electrolysis; the water content is determined as a function of the electrical current. The instrument is said to be similar to the apparatus developed at du Pont and described by E. K. Keidel at the 1956 Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy. 7 Automatic Purity Control for Distilled Water

A new device, by Barnstead Still & Sterilizer Company, monitors the purity of water coming from their stills, and diverts to waste that which does not meet a pre-set standard. The controller is scaled from 0 to 15 p.p.m., and operFor further information, see coupon on page 51 A ANALYTICAL



ates on the principle that the more impurities the water contains, the more it is able to conduct an electric current. When the situation causing the impurities has been rectified, and the water again meets the desired standard the shunting action automatically ceases and the stream is re-channeled into the storage tank. The new Puromatic controller is available for installation on Barnstead equipment now in the field, and is included on all of their new equipment, the company says. 8

N e w Line of Trip Balances Incorporates Longer Wear Features

Blending the new with the old, the Ohaus Scale Corp. offers their latest line of Harvard Trip Balances. The outstanding features of their earlier models have been incorporated with several new construction details to produce a balance designed for longer service life and greater sensitivity. As a part of the new look, the boxend beams are constructed of high strength die cast aluminum alloy, with cross braced ends. The strength and rigidity of the beams are increased


while the inherent load on the knife edges is reduced by use of the light weight alloy. A new angle view dial is tilted to afford easier reading from any position of the eye and is constructed with a protecting overhang shielding the pointer to eliminate bending or damage. Bearing blocks of high grade polished agate are mounted so as to be free to align themselves with the beam knife edges, which reduces friction wear; the continuous contact thus attained results in greater sensitivity and longer service life, the company says. A sliding type poise completely eliminates secondary beam oscillations common to swinging type poise, and center pointer indicator panels ensure rapid and correct readings. 9

gives wide range of constant temperature. Constructed of heavy gauge steel, the Model 333 oven has a minimum of 2 inches of Fiberglas insulation. Tubular heating elements are Inconel sheathed. Shelf supports are on 3-inch centers

Bench O v e n

A new model bench oven, introduced by Grieve-Hendry Company, Inc., has a working space of 36 X 36 X 36 inches and a temperature range of 100° to 350°F. According to the company, uniform temperatures are maintained throughout by means of a fan-driven forced air circulation. An adjustable damper

and shelves are removable. Models are available with indicating or non-indicating temperature controller. 10 For further information, see coupon on page 51 A


Laboratories engaged in hydrogénation, alleviation, hydrolysis, polymerization, sulfonation and other pressure reactions w i l l recognize many applications for this versatile stirrert y p e apparatus. A n internal stainless steel cooling coil can be a d d e d , if desired. Maximum operating pressure is 1000 psig at 350 C .

The with can (C)

1-liter bomb ( A ) weighs only 30 lbs. The 2-liter cylinder weighs 34 lbs. N o t i c e ( B ) be removed without disturbing the fittings. with any combination of fittings can be

Asie your Parr Dealer for details or write direct t o the factory for Spec. 4 5 0 0 .

same assembly how the head Special heads substituted for

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the stirrer. Bombs are made of type 316 stainless steel or from other alloys on special order. Both I and 2 liter bombs operate In the same 1500 w a t t electric heater with variable voltage temperature control.



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mercury vapor detector

NEW CHEMICALS material is widely used in the synthesis of drugs, dyes, a n d perfumes, t h e company says. 16

Measures toxic mercury vapors in plant or lab atmospheres. Tells ^f*'""" • IHJ-——


instantly when

a haz ard

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These a r e p o r t a b l e , ultra-violet photometers, c a l i b r a t e d in mercury concentrations f o r quick indication. The toxic limit is a full-scale r e a d i n g on the high sensitivity scale o f M o d e ! 2 3 , illustrated. W e i g h t : 7 pounds; size 1 3 χ BVz χ 4'/2 inches. Models a v a i l a b l e f o r v a r y i n g ranges—all m o d e r a t e l y p r i c e d , and d e p e n d a b l e . A b i b l i o g r a p h y o n the mercury v a p o r h a z a r d will b e sent on request, with literature on the different models o f the Kruger Mercury V a p o r M e t e r .




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here's a


A l p h a Sulfo A l k y l Acids Production of t w o sulfonic acids derived from palmitic a n d stearic acids is announced b y t h e Chemical Division of Armour a n d C o m p a n y . T h e alpha sulfo-stearic a n d alpha-sulfo-palmitic acids a r e available in pilot p l a n t q u a n ­ tities. According t o Armour, t h e sulfonated acids contain a strongly ionized sulfonic acid grouping a n d one carboxyl group, m a k i n g possible a wide variety of normal a n d mixed derivatives such a s alkali salts, amides, esters, a n d alkyl a m m o n i u m salts. These chemicals or their derivatives appear t o have promis­ ing application in t h e fields of deter­ gents, greases, ore flotation, b u t a d i e n e styrene polymerization, fuel or lubri­ cating oils, a n d chemical intermediates, the c o m p a n y says. 17

Sealing Compound N e w liquid sealing compound by Hoke, I n c . , is said t o b e completely inert t o all k n o w n chemicals except molten alkali metals, fluorine a t high temperatures, and certain complex halo­ gen compounds. T h e material was de­ veloped for use as a t h r e a d sealant and t o eliminate galling of pipe t h r e a d s ; t h e company says i t can also b e used t o impregnate porous bearings, t o provide a corrosion-resistant surface t o protect equipment, a n d t o impregnate asbestos fabric for gasket a n d packing uses. Designated Slic-Seal, i t is identified as a Teflon-based dispersion. 18

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N e w Vegetable Fatty Acid Announced A n e w hydrogenated fatty acid of vegetable origin is announced b y Swift's Industrial Oil D e p a r t m e n t . Developed for lubricating greases t h e new product is said t o h a v e a high melting point and a high stearic acid content. T h e com­ p a n y has reported t h e following specifi­ cations for the p r o d u c t : Titer Iodine Value Acid Value Saponification Value Lovibond Color (5V 4 Col.)

61-64° C . 3 Max. 194-204 195-205 1 5 Y / 1 . 5 R Max.

T h e new fatty acid is shipped in 50 pound net weight lots. 19 For further information, see coupon on page 51 A ANALYTICAL