New Section on Water, Sewerage and Sanitation at Rochester

Publication Date: August 1913. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Click to increase image size Free f...
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C. F. Hutchinson: Entertainment, M. H. Eisenhardt; Ladies, Miss Lattimore; Factory Excursions, J. E. Woodland; Vacation and Side-Trip, H. LeB. Gray. PAPERS FOR MEETING All papers for the meeting must be in the Secretary’s hands on or before August 2 2 , or in the hands of secretaries of divisions by August 2 0 , in order to be on the program. Especially the secretary of the Organic division requests that organic papers be sent direct to him. By vote of the Council, no papers can be presented a t the meeting that are not printed on the final program. The following are the addresses of the divisional and sectional secretaries: AGRICULTURAL A N D FOOD-G. F. Mason, care of Heinz Company, Pittsburgh, Pa. BIOLOGICAL-I.K. Phelps, Bureau of Mines, 40th and Butler Sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. FERTILIZERJ. E. Breckenridge, Carteret, N. J. IKDUSTRIAL-S. H. Salisbury, Jr., Lehigh University, South Bethlehem, Pa. ORGAxIc--n’m. J. Hale, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. PHARMACEUTICAL-Frank R. Eldred, 332 j Kenwood Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. PHYSICAL A S D ISORGANIC-K. c. %‘ells, s. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. RUBBER-DOUk R‘hipple, care of the Safety Insulated wire & Cable Company, Bayonne, N. J. WATER,SEWERAGE A S D SANITATIOX-Edward Bartow, University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. ilpparatus and materials will be supplied to those wishing them for demonstration purposes. It is particularly important that the Secretary be nformed of any papers requiring a lantern for their illustration.



-4ttention is called to a new committee in connection with our next meeting in Rochester. namely, a Vacation and SideTrip committee, whose object is t o furnish information to those desiring it relative t o train and boat connections in and out of Rochester and automobile trips. The committee desires to call attention t o the Canadian Sational Exhibition a t Toronto, August 23 to September 9. I t is of the utmost importance that those intending to visit the Exhibition in connection with the Rochester meeting secure accommodations in Toronto a t the earliest possible time. Full information can be supplied by this committee. -4ddress H. LeB. Gray. Eastman Kodak Co.. Rochester, N. 1’. F I N A L PROGRAM

The fina! program will be sent to all members of the Rochester Section, to secretaries of local sections, to members of the Council, and to all members mho make special request therefor by postal card t o this office. The expense of printing and mailing this program is so great that it will be sent only to those who especially desire it on account of their intention of attending the meeting. Other members will find it printed in the Society’s journals. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS

Abstracts of papers should be prepared and brought t o the meeting, or, even better, sent to the Secretary in advance thereof. Members sometimes fail to realize how important this is to the success of the Society and t o the proper advertisement of the meeting itself. Unless abstracts of the papers are brought to the meeting and early placed in the Secretary’s hands, there is no opportunity for proper publicity in the local press, which is of very great advantage to the Society. Members will greatly aid the Secretary’s office by remembering this fact. HOTELS

The Hotel Seneca has been selected by the local committee

Vol. 5 , No. 8

as headquarters. It is essential that accommodations for the meeting should be secured a t the earliest possible moment, as another convention is to be held in Rochester during the week of September 8, and members of the Society coming without previously having secured rooms may be seriously inconvenienced. ENTERTAINMEST O F VISITING LADIES

During recent meetings, and especially a t the annual meeting, the number of visiting ladies has tended t o increase; and it is hoped that many of the members will bring ladies with them to the Rochester meeting. Every effort will be made to make their stay in Rochester an enjoyable one, and the local committee has outlined the following additional entertainmegt for the ladies who are present: TUESDAY, September 9, 8 30 P.M.,Card Party, Century Club. WEDNESDAY, September I O , I O A.M., Complimentary Excursion t o Irondequoit Bay and Luncheon a t the Newport House: full day trip. THURSDAY, September I I , 9 A.M.,Auto Excursion of 45 miles about parks and Irondequoit gardens. INDUSTRIAL D I V I S I O S ANNOUNCEMENT

The secretary of the Industrial Division, Mr. S. H. Salisbury, Jr., Lehigh University, South Bethlehem, Pa., wishes to announce t h a t a new. descriptive directory of the division will probably be issued the latter part of this year, provided members do their part toward its preparation and publication. In order t h a t the directory may be a success, it is necessary for all members engaged in industrial work who are, or who wish to be, registered in the Industrial Division, to send to Mr. Salisbury their present address and the occupation in which they are engaged, together with the lines of industrial chemistry in which they are most interested. It is also very essential that this information be accompanied by a contribution of $1 .oo toward the expenses of the division and the publication of the directory. It is hoped that members will endeavor to arrange their summer vacations so that they can be present at the Rochester meeting, which is certain to be one of the most enjoyable ever held by this Society. CHARLESI,. PARSONS, Secretary B o x 505, WASHINGTON. D.C.

NEW SECTION ON WATER, SEWERAGE AND SANITATION AT ROCHESTER MEETING At the last meeting of the Council in Milwaukee Dr. Edward Bartow was asked to sound members of the Society as to their desirability of forming a new section on Water, Sewerage and Sanitation. Professor Bartow has already received jz replies from members who state their interest in the formation of a section, 24 of whom will be present at the Rochester meeting, and he has also received a promise of thirteen papers. Accordingly, a meeting of this section will be held in Rochester and any others desiring to take part in the program should address Professor Edward Bartow, University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill., sending titles of papers before August 20th. THE ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Several papers of interest to the chemical engineer were presented at the annual convention of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, held a t Cooperstown, N. Y., June 23 t o 2 7 , 1913. The abstracts which follow are taken from the Electrical World, July 5, 1913, p. I j . McClellan deplored the lack of a united engineering profession, and proposed the formation of a general engineering society, t o be known as the American Engineering Association, which would include no personal memberships, but in which the present national engineering societies would participate by electing representatives annually. No business or trade