New Strength-end* Bemis Multiwalls the shipping sack with

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New Sbi&nalh end Bemis liultiwalls the shipping sack with BALANCED STRENGTH STRONGER AT THE R I G H T P U C E S New Bemis Strength-End Multiwalls, strength­ ened top and bottom where most sewn bag breakage is experienced, will cut packing trou­ bles and costs for you.


You'll save money one of these two ways -with Bemis Strength-End Multiwalls: You may switch from a more expensive type of shipping container. Or, if you are already using multiwalls, you might use bags with fewer plies, be­ cause of the greater end strength, where i t is needed. Bemis Strength-End Multiwalls may, at lower cost, do your job as well or better.

SUCCESSFULLY TESTED Bemis Strength-End Multiwalls have been suc­ cessfully tested in all sections of the country and under all climatic conditions. They have proved themselves for packing cement, fertili­ zer, chemicals, flour, salt.

Here's how it's reinforced The reinforcement in Bemis Strength-End Multiwalls is a strip of sturdy kraft, several inches wide, running horizontally around the bag at the ends anchored to the other walls so it works in conjunction with them.. . and adding greatly to the strength both at the sew­ ing line and at the gusset corners. It's just plain, common-sense, balanced strength construction. *TRADE-MARK

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