New Superconducters

of 410,000 gauss (a million times the earth's field). Another of the compounds developed and tested by the same group consists only of niobium and alu...
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New Superconductors One of the newest and most rueeed .... su~erconductorsconsists of a. combination of niobium. aluminum, and g ~ m m l r i ~ m and , remainr, ruper~ndurtingup to nlmod 2I0K. \Uan te-ted nl 42'K u nmveniem tempernlure t,, uw as a staudard Imausp it ia the tnding point of liql~id helium, which i~ u ~ e das a ruolant), ir will wirhstand the unprwedenrell magnetic field uf 410,000 gauss (a million times the earth's field). Another of the compounds developed and tested by the same group consists only of niobium and aluminum; it remains superconducting up to 18.7'K and will withstand a. mrtgnetic field of up to 320,000gauss when kept a t 4.2"K.



Journal of Chemical Education