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Personal Computers for Scientists: A Byte at a Time. If you want to purchase a personal computer—or learn how to make more use of the one you haveâ€...
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NEW TITLES Personal Computers for Scientists: A Byte at a Time If y o u w a n t to purchase a personal computer—or learn h o w to make more use of the one y o u have—here's a helpful book that w i l l give y o u answers. This volume walks y o u t h r o u g h b o t h the hardware and software capabilities of computers and tells y o u w h a t PCs can do in the lab and w h i c h programs t o use. A special feature of this unique book is the lists of "off-the-shelf products, complete w i t h examples of applications and capabilities of b o t h hardware and software. A useful resource for every reference shelf!


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Phosphorus Chemistry in Everyday Living Expanded and revised! Phosphorus and its compounds are remarkably versatile, and this easily understood book brings to life their many interesting and practical uses. Filled w i t h personal anecdotes a n d experiences of the authors, chapters cover the uses of phosphorus in matches and w a r f a r e , phosphates and f o o d , fertilizers, cleaners, and detergents; organic phosphorus nerve gases and insecticides; and much more. A n interesting and valuable book for g o o d general reading. by Arthur D.F. Toy and Edward N. Walsh 275 pages (1986) Clothbound US & Canada $24.95, Export $29.95

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