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NEW TITLES FROM THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Radon and Its Decay Products. Occurrence, Properties, and Health ... Offers both the basic theory and d...
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NEW TITLES FROM THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Radon and Its Decay Products Occurrence, Properties, and Health Effects Looks at current findings in the field of radon-related research, with a strong emphasis on the fundamental chemical questions involved. Assesses the incidence and impact of radon decay and its products. Reports on key topics in the recent radon debate. Philip K. Hophe, Editor ACS Symposium Series 331 586 pages (1987) Cloth

ISBN 0-8412-1015-2 US & Canada $89.95 Export $107.95

Crystallographically Ordered Polymers Provides an excellent introduction to current activities in this exciting field of polymer research. Offers the latest research in linear and nonlinear optical properties of polydiacetylenes; electronic structure and elementary excitations; photoconductivity; and spectroscopic characterization. Daniel J. Sandman, Editor ACS Symposium Series 337 ISBN 0-8412-1023-3 327 pages (1987) Cloth US & Canada $69.95 Export $83.95

Particle Size Distribution

Solving Hazardous Waste Problems

Assessment and Characterization

Learning from Dloxlns

Focuses on the rapidly growing area of particle size distribution analysis, with an emphasis on measurement techniques, methodology, and applications. Covers image analysis; photon correlation spectroscopy and light scattering methods; disk centrifuge photosedimentometry and field-flow fractionation; and column chromatography methods. Theodore Provder, Editor

Discusses recent advances in the methodology of cleanup of sites contaminated with PCDDs. Covers the detection of contaminants in the environment, toxicology to living organisms, risk assessment through exposure routes, and elements in management of risks. Jurgen H. Exner, Editor ACS Symposium Series 338 ISBN 0-8412-1025-X 405 pages (1987) Cloth US & Canada $79.95 Export $95.95

ACS Symposium Series 332 298 pages (1987) Cloth

Light-Activated Pesticides

ISBN 0-8412-1016-0 US & Canada $59.95 Export $71.95

High-Energy Processes in Organometallic Chemistry Explores the commonalities among seemingly disparate methodologies of high-energy processes, including metal atom chemistry; plasma chemistry; radiolysis; sonochemistry; and electrochemical generation. Provides a comprehensive historical background to the investigation of high-energy processes. Kenneth S. Suslick, Editor ACS Symposium Series 333 ISBN 0-8412-1018-7 336 pages (1987) Cloth US & Canada $69.95 Export $83.95

Biotechnology In Agricultural Chemistry

Focuses on the area of pesticide research in the catalytic action of light on certain chemicals in biological systems. Explores the rapid exploitation of this mechanism and charts the possible courses this research will take. Examines light as part of the toxicological action of pesticides; development of the various classes of light-activated pesticides; underlying mechanisms of light activation; and applied areas of light activation. JamesR.Heitz and Kelsey R. Downum, Editors ACS Symposium Series 339 355 pages (1987) Cloth

ISBN 0-8412-1026-8 US & Canada $69.95 Export $83.95


Examines the legal, social, regulatory, and ethical aspects involved in this burgeoning area of science. Covers plant cell and tissue culture; genetic engineering and selection; and microbial applications related to agriculture. Integrates current biotechnology techniques with a perspective on regulatory concerns about this research.

Explores the unique place nucleophilic displacement reactions occupy in organic chemistry. Offers a better understanding to the reactions by determining the factors influencing reaction rates. Includes an excellent overview of the subject and answers to the conceptual problems of nucleophilic displacement reactions. Homer M. LeBaron, Ralph O. Mumma, Richard C. Honeycutt, and John J. Milton Harris and Samuel P. McManus, Editors Advances in Chemistry Series 215 ISBN 0-8412-0952-9 H. Duesing, Editors 489 pages (1987) Cloth US & Canada $94.95 Export $113.95 ACS Symposium Series 334 ISBN 0-8412-1019-5 354 pages (1987) Cloth

US & Canada $64.95 Export $77.95

New Directions in Electrophoretic Methods Highlights recent developments in electrophoretic separations with a strong emphasis on current electrophoretic technology and applications. Offers both the basic theory and development of electrophoretic methods and separation and development tools. JamesW.Jorgenson and Marshall Phillips, Editors ACS Symposium Series 335 ISBN 0-8412-1021-7 284 pages (1987) Cloth US & Canada $64.95 Export $77.95

Pesticides: Minimizing the Risks Examines technological developments in an important area of human health and environmental quality. Presents the latest research in toxicity testing requirements for pesticide registration, acute and chronic toxicity, simulation modeling in toxicology, environmental mobility principles, and pests as part of the ecosystem. Nancy N. Ragsdale and Ronald J. Ruhr, Editors ACS Symposium Series 336 ISBN 0-8412-1022-5 186 pages (1987) Cloth US & Canada $34.95 Export $41.95

Sources and Fates of Aquatic Pollutants Presents significant advances in the processes controlling the transport and fate of inorganic and organic species. Describes the relationships between physical mixing rates and chemical reaction rates. Four sections highlight air-water processes, water column processes, water-sediment processes, and case studies. Integrates information on these processes into a systemwide picture of the cycling of inorganic and organic chemicals. Ronald A. Hites and S.J. Eisenreich, Editors Advances in Chemistry Series 216 ISBN 0-8412-0983-9 576 pages (1987) Cloth US & Canada $99.95 Export $119.95

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