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SEPTEMBER 20, 1938

New Uses Are Indicated for

PHOSPHOLEUM (TETRA PHOSPHORIC ACID) A Superior, High Strength Phosphoric Acid

PHOSPHOLEUM is the trade name for Monsanto T e t r a Phosphoric Acid, a high strength phosphoric acid analogous to the oleums of sulfuric acid. It has a P 2 0 5 content of 83% compared with 55% for the ordinary 75% ortho phosphoric acid of commerce.- The P2O5 content corresponds to the formula H 6 P 4 Oi 3 and the acid contains no water except that of chemical combination. P H O S P H O L E U M is practically a water-white viscous liquid which does not crystallize at a temperature as low as -50° C. This acid of high P 2 0 5 content lends itself readily t o the preparation of organic phosphates; can be used as a dehydrating agent; and permits development of processes heretofore retarded because of a lack ^ s u i t a b l e phosphoric acid of comparable strength.



^sample of MONSANTO PHOSPHOLEUM will be séht to you, on request for your experimentation.

Monsanto Lhemical Lompany Description a n d Color

Practically waterw h i t e viscous l i q u i d

Viscosity (Saybolt Universal)

2000 sec. ® 85° C . 700 sec. @ 125° C .

·* ^ *+-, Specific G r a v i t y { W a t e r a t 36.1° C . )

20° O — 2 . 0 6 0 100° C . — 1.98$ j ^ o C # _ 1#960


8 2 » — 84%

Crystallizing Point

N o crystaUteation a t -50° C .


ST. Louie.UrSJL New York · Chicago · Boston · Birmingham Charlotte · Detroit · Los Angeles San Francisco

Monsanto Phosphates Include: Mono S o d i u m Phosphate Mono A m m o n i u m P h o s p h a t e Di Sodium Phosphate Di A m m o n i u m Phosphate Tri Sodium Phosphate MODO C a l c i u m Phosphate S o d i u m Pyrophosphate Di Calcium P h o s p h a t e Tri Calcium Phosphate