NEW YORK Laboratory Supply - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 16, 2012 - NEW YORK Laboratory Supply. Anal. Chem. , 1956, 28 (8), pp 64A–64A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60116a771. Publication Date: August 1956...
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BECKMAN DK RECORDING SPECTROPHOTOMETERS Accenting the growing trend toward faster chemical analyses • • • • • •

Automatic recording with accurate double-beam system Complete ranges: ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared Wavelength range—200 to 3,000 mu Recording in percent transmittance or linear absorbance Differential recording for nearly identical samples High resolution in the increasingly important near-infrared region • A design which accepts a variety of accessories

. . . offering

a choice of two

models— Full view flat chart M o d e l DK-2

The b u i l t - i n recorder uses 11 χ 17 f l a t c h a r t paper, preprinted in wavelength. Can be used for Ozalid reproductions. Con­ venient horizontal reading of complete range while recording. Linear wavelength accessory available. Available complete, and at a substantial saving, by the use of your present DU.

Same superior features as DK-2 but with strip chart presen­ tation for un­ limited chart expansion, linear wavelength.


Spectrophotometer. Eight^page bulle­ tin contains features, specifications, ap­ plications, operation, and bibliography on recording spectrophotometer. Gen­ eral Electric Co. (GEC-307B). 32 Tetrahydrofurfuryl Alcohol. Booklet of 28 pages includes physical data, chemistry, uses, safety information, and physiological data for tetrahydrofur­ furyl alcohol. Chemicals Department, Quaker Oats Co. 33 Spectrochemical Analysis Circuit Systems. Eight-page catalog describes self-contained unit which furnishes com­ plete range of circuits for spectrochemi­ cal analyses. Jarrell-Ash Co. (Cat. XX V 2-56). 34 Molybdenum Carbides and Nitrides. Six-page bulletin summarizes applica­ tions; physical and mechanical proper­ ties; and preparation of molybdenum carbides and nitrides. Climax Molyb­ denum Co. (Bull. Cdb-7). "35 Inductronic Instruments. Twentj'page bulletin reprints seven technical articles on company's line of inductronic amplifiers and instruments. Weston Electrical Instrument Corp. 36 Nuclear Instruments. Four-page bul­ letin describes meters, counter tubes, and assayers for use in nuclear measure­ ments. Anton Electronic Laboratories, Inc. 37

Automatic Control Equipment. Nineteen-page catalog presents com­ plete picture of company's products and services offered for field of automation. Automatic Temperature Control Co., Inc. (Cat. D-31). 39 N o w standard with

Nylab maintains a qualified technical and servicing organisation. We invite inquiries on your spectrophotometric problem.

NEW YORK Laboratory Supply

76 Varick Street, New York 13, Ν. Υ.


For further information, circle numbers 64 Λ-1,

64 A

company's three laboratories. lab, Inc.

Glass Pipe and Fittings. Bulletin of four pages describes company's line of glass pipe and fittings. Fischer & Porter Co. (Cat. 80-10). 38

Continuous strip chart Model D K - 1






Hydrogen Sulfide Detector. Fourpage bulletin describes an improved type hand-operated instrument for detection of hvdrogen sulfide. Mine Safety Ap­ pliances Co. (Bull. 0805-1). ' 40 Lithium Bibliography. Supplement number four contains abstracts of 271 papers (1954-1955) on use of organolithium compounds in organic synthesis. Lithium Corp. of America, Inc. 41 Testing Instruments. Four-page bul­ letin briefly describes 31 instruments for


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