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EXCHANGER TUBING. Copper tubing encapsulated with inert Teflon FEP offers considera- ble advantages in heat exchange service. The tubing can be formed...
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N E W PRODUCTS Chemical and Materials


Production quantities of semiconductor grade silicon tetrachloride are now available. SiC14 is a clear, nonflammable liquid used in the manufacture of epitaxial silicon wafers. T h e liquid is packaged in 9-liter borosilicate glass bottles or in 65-gal.stainless steel drums. Larger lots can be obtained, if desired. Dow Corning. 40 1 TEFLON-COVERED HEAT EXCHANGER TUBING

Copper tubing encapsulated with inert Teflon FEP offers considerable advantages in heat exchange service. The tubing can be formed into many shapes and uses standard copper fittings. I n addition, it will not support bacterial growth and resists temperature between -275" and 400" F. Its inertness to chemicals and resistance to scale buildup enable its heat transfer abilities to remain unchanged while the tubing is in service. Pope Scientific, Inc. 402 SILICONE SHEET

Eccosorb GDS is a high loss flexible material based on silicone rubber. When bonded to a metal surface i t effectively prevents the flow of microwave currents. It can be used in special microwave devices as both an energy seal and as a gasket, since i t is easily cut. It is impervious to moisture and can withstand temperatures up to 400" F. Eccosorb GDS is available in 1 x 3 ft. sheets, 0.030 in. thick. It weighs approximately lb./sq. ft. Emerson and Cuming, Inc. 403 VITREOUS CARBON

Vitreous carbon is completely amorphous in structure and is not wetted by Al, Cu, Au, Sn, or Si in their molten states. It is resistant to attack by many destructive com-

pounds, such as fused caustic alkalies and hydrofluoric acid. It can be used up to 3000O C . in nonoxidizing atmospheres, and up to 600" C. in an oxidizing atmosphere. Its resistivity causes it to heat in an RF field, so i t is a good vehicle for evaporation crucibles. Atomergic Chemetals Co. 404


Release agent No. 318 is designed for use with Viton resins and is claimed by the makers to minimize mold dirtying. T h e agent is available only in a 16-oz.aerosol can; the company says it is essential to shake the can before each liberal application of the agent. Contour Chemical Co. 408



A full range of metal bromides is available; these compounds may be used instead of the corresponding chlorides and iodides. T h e products offered (in the anhydrous state) are: silicon tetrabromide, niobium pentabromide, titanium tetrabromide, nickel bromide, and others. Alfa Inorganics, Inc. 405

Cement PS-30 is prepared by mixing two components together, one containing the catalyst. The two components are stored at 35" to 40" F. and brought to room temperature before use. About 30 min. time is available to work the cement after it has been formed. This cement is particularly useful in bonding Plexiglas acrylic parts, and joints with tensile strengths of more than 5000 p s i . and can be prepared. Cadillac Plastics and Chemical Co. 409


T h e complete line of paints protects a variety of materials from -100" to 4400O F. The paints are composed entirely of ceramic compounds and rare earth materials. All the paints are water-based and are spray-applied. An extremely hard, abrasion-resistant surface of low porosity and high emissivity is obtained. Industrial Infra-Red, Inc. 406 ETHYLENE-VINYL ACETATE COPOLYMERS

Two new molding grades and two new extrusion grades of EVA extend the existing line of copolymers by filling in the intermediate flexibility range. T h e two low melt index materials have moduli of 9000 and 12,000 p.s.i., and the high melt index materials have values of 8000 and 12,000 p.s.i. The new copolymers offer good flexibility and impact strength and meet all FDA requirements for food applications. Plastics Div., Union Carbide 407


Valstat FL-163 is a new heat stable antistatic agent and spinning assistant for polyester staple fiber. It is fully water soluble, nonionic, and exhibits preferential wetting for polyester fibers over cellulosic fibers. It is especially recommended for loo'% staple polyester which is to be draw-blended with other fibers, though other uses are possible. Valchem. 410 BERY LLIUM-ENHANCED COPPER-NICKEL ALLOY

Evaluation quantities of a new high strength copper-nickel alloy are available. Key feature of this alloy, which contains a small beryllium addition, is that it combines excellent seawater resistance with strength levels that exceed cupronickel, type 316 stainless steel, and other marine alloys. T h e Beryllium Corp. 41 1 VOL. 5 9

NO. 6 J U N E 1 9 6 7



Synthetic Lubricants. Information on 29 selected Anderol synthetic lubricating greases, oils, special fluids, and rust preventiyes is presented in a folder. The nature of synthetics and their unique characteristics and applications are shown. Tenneco Chemicals, Inc. 412 Sanitary Chemicals. A 1967 catalog of sanitary chemicals provides a description of the composition and principal uses of each product and indicates available literature for each. Products are grouped under headings of surfactants, germicides, insecticides, enzymes, reducing agents, and resins. Rohm and Haas Co. 413 Sintered Metal Filters. New technical and product data bulletins describe the complete line of Feltmetal fiber metal filter products with filtration ratings from 0.1 to 200 microns. Design and performance data are included; these are claimed to demonstrate the superiority of this type of sintered metal for filtration service over powder metal filters. A listing of typical applications is given. Huyck Metals Co. 414

NEW conceDt n i material sizing with PROVEN Derlormance in solving difficult material sizing problems replacing high cost, inefficient screening operations The Hi-ProbB Sizer may be used f o r size separations of material from 34'' t o 150 mesh, with capacity up t o 450 tons per hour. Exclusive features: high screening efficiency, no blinding, low wear, low maintenance, no operator required, low noise level.

Proven performance on following typical applications in U.S. POTASH, abrasive; both moist & dry; sep. @ 8, 28, & 48 mesh; elim. blinding. LIME HYDRATE, sep. @ 35 mesh; elim. blinding. IRON ORE, abrasive; sep. @ 10 mesh; elim. blinding; provided high capacity. IRON ORE, abrasive, sticky; seP. @ %"; dim. blinding. ALUMINUM DROSS, sep. @ 40 mesh; elim. excessive screen wear and blinding. NICKEL ORE, sep. @ 20 mesh; increased re. covery & capacity in limited floor space. "JND CLAY & GROG, seP. @ 6, 8, & 14 mesh; elim. blinding & operator for brushing, & inconsistent product. SODIUM TRIPOLYPHOSPHATE, sep. @ -20 + l o 0 mesh; elim. excess screen wear & blinding.

CLAY, moist; solved problems of 3-product split on damp material, in limited floor space. REFRACTORY CLAY, multi-product split; increased capacity in limited space. CALCINED BAUXITE, multi-product split; increased capacity in limited space. BONE CHAR, sep. @ 50 mesh; product control; elim. excessive screen wear & blinding. URANIUM ORE, sep. @ 50 mesh; improved screening efficiency. ALUMINUM SHOT, sep. @ -8 +30 mesh; obtained multLproducts & d i m . blinding. CARBON BLACK, sep.,@ -10 +70 mesh; improved sizing efficlency; elim. excessive screen wear & blinding. CRUSHED SILICA, sep. @ 16 mesh; elim. excessive wear,

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C i r c l e NO. 10


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Coatings. A technical bulletin discusses the reformulation of coatings made necessary in the Los Xngeles area by Rule 66. T h e bulletin lists major considerations in reformulating coatings and shows how the company's glycol ethers can serve in the new formulations. Dow Chemical Co. 415 Glass Fabrics. A comprehensive 20-page brochure covers all aspects of applications, design advantages, and properties of industrial glass fabrics. The brochure also contains technical data on the manufacture and numbering system for fiber glass yarn, photos of the most widely used weaves, and explanations of coupling agents and finishes. J. P. Stevens & Co., Inc. 416 Solvent Selection. Bulletin M-127 is a solvent selector chart which details the physical properties and performance data of 31 solvents. Weight/gallon dilution ratios and solvent constants are presented for eight esters, five ketones, seven alcohols, and 11 glycol ethers. On the reverse side of the chart the solvents are listed in categories of decreasing evaporation rate. Eastman Chemical Products, Inc. 417 Polyphosphoric Acid. A 24-page booklet surveys literature on the nonferti-

h e r applications c l polyphosphoric acid and covers the 1963-1966 period. T h e survey supplements an earlier one done in 1963 and includes applications in chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food, printing, textile, and hydrocarbon processing fields. FMC Corp. 418

Rotational Molding. A 30-page booklet describes the proceedings at a symposium on rotational molding, specifi:ally of high density powdered polyEthylene. Studies presented at the symposium showed that rotational molding can be competitive with steel stamping, and that the molded parts have higher stiffness and impact jtrength. U.S.I. Chemicals 419

IF YOU FILTER chemicals cosmetics drugs

emulsions fatty acids foods gIyce r in maple syrup oils paints & varnish pharmaceuticals rare metals soaps stearic acid sugar

Antistatic Agents. A booklet describes the chemical and physical properties of Armostat 310 and 410, two new internal antistatic agents for plastics. Armostat 310 has been cleared by the FDA for use in molded products, polyethylene film, and food packaging. Armostat 410 is cleared for use in PE film. Both agents control problems associated with static buildup. Armour Industrial Chemical Co. 420

THE SOCMA HANDBOOK OF COMMERCIAL ORGANIC CHEMICAL NAMES is a glossary of approximately 27,000 names for 6,300 commercially-used organic compounds. In the handbook, you will find the CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS index name, other chemical names, names of derivatives and salts, trade names, molecular formulas, and structural diagrams for each compound. An alphabetical index of names makes locating information easy.

You will also find names and structural information for mixtures (elastomers, plastics and resins, rubber-processing chemicals, surface-active agents) and polymers. This handbook is a must addition to your reference shelf. The price of the handbook is $25. Send your order to: Special Issues Sales American Chemical Society 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036

@j Chflflitil Abstracts Service American Chemical Society


Polyglycols. A technical brochure describes available grades of polyethylene glycols, polypropylene glycols, and methoxy polyethylene glycols. Physical properties and chemical information are included. These polyglycols are used as humectants, cosmetic bases, and in coatings, lubricants, and foams. Hodag Chemical Corp. 421


a qualitative filter paper with all these propertiesa Wet strength 0 Resistance t o chemicals 0 No fiber shed 0 Medium speed Medium retention

Corrosion Resistance. Bulletin F30131-D describes the comparative resistance of Hastelloy nickel-base alloys. In tabular form the effect of a given corrosive medium at a given concentration and temperature is shown. T h e charts also serve as a general guide to the selection of the proper alloy for a given type of corrosive service. Stellite Div., Union Carbide Corp. 422 Plasticizer. Tech. Book Fact PV-52 contains details about Pliovic M-50, a plastisol modifier resin for expanded vinyl compounds. T h e booklet is illustrated by eight tables showing the physical properties and other characteris. tics of blends containing Pliovic M-50. T h e resin is used especially where a low plasticizer level is desired, such as flooring and fabric coatings. Good421 year. Sodium Thiocyanate. Bulletin 508 has 6 pages devoted to describing applications, chemical and physical properties, handling, analysis, and packaging of the company’s sodium thiocycanate crystals and solutions. A bibliography is also included. Halby Chemical Co., Inc. 424

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One says, “A general purpose, white crepe filter paper for qualitative work, which has excellent filtering properties and is almost as strong wet as dry. I t is highly resistant and filtering speed will compare favorably with the usual grade of qualitative papers. It is excellent for industrial work as its very high wet strength permits use under sressure or suction and its acid and alkali resistance f i t it for a wide range of process operations. M a i l coupon for Dafa Sheet and Samples 1




Solder Alloys. Technical bulletin SA. 64 describes over 150 alloys which are available in various shapes and con. I figurations. Compositions and melting I points are given, together with informa. I tion on the uses and availability of I solder alloys. Semi-Alloys. Inc. 425 J ,,,,,-,,,-,L ,,,-

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VOL 5 9

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