News about B.F.Goodricti Chemical raw materials - C&EN Global

Nov 6, 2010 - Chemical & Engineering News Archives. Chem. Eng. News Archive ... News about B.F.Goodricti Chemical raw materials. Chem. Eng. News ...
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B.F.Goodricti C h e m i c a l «"•-«.*«*.& Geon pipe running to tank battery and water separator in distance is concealed by fresh I'v covered-over *. _.

;\J». GeOfl p*p*> ift ht>ing used for

oil and gas lead lines up to 2SG psi working pressures. Three-inch Geon pipe leads through fitting made of Geon inio 4-inch suit water disposal pipet also made of Geon.

Three-inch Geon pipe carries salt water from a crude oil de-watering tower to a disposal well 1000 feet away. It will be buried after a second line feeding into the disposal line is installed. w


of wells per year show how to...

save with pipe of Geon Pipe made from Geon rigid vinyl saves time and work—it is so light­ weight and easy to install. And main­ tenance costs are considerably lower. Pipe of Geon is immune t o gal­ v a n i c corrosion, is highly resistant both to salt water and sour crude oil. I t stays smooth inside and out. And it provides high tensile or i m p a c t strength, standing up under pressure.


Engineers a r e taking a d v a n t a g e of t h e unique properties of Geon pipe for a wide variety of applica­ t i o n s . F o r information o n how y o u c a n cut costs b y using pipe of Geon, w r i t e O e p t . AK-2, B . F . G o o d r i c h C h e m i c a l C o m p a n y , 3135 E u c l i d A v e n u e , Cleveland 15, Ohio. Cable a d d r e s s : Goodchemco. I n C a n a d a : Kitchener, Ontario.

G E O N polyvinyl materials

Genn ψ£&ΰΖΖ&Ή/™%%%\

B.F.Goodrich C h e m i c a l C o m p a n y a division of The B.F.Goodrich Company

· H V C A R rubber a n a latex

G O O D - R I T E chemicals and plasticizers





1959 C&EN