News and Announcements

Chemical Education Today www.JCE. ... 81 No. 9 September 2004 • Journal of Chemical Education. 1261. News & ... Advanced Technological Education. (A...
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Chemical Education Today

News & Announcements

News from Journal House

Preview: National Chemistry Week 2004

More JCE Back Issues

The theme of National Chemistry Week 2004 is Celebrating Chemistry: Health & Wellness. The JCE staff has been gathering special materials for the October 2004 issue, to help you celebrate NCW 2004. Here is a preview of what you can expect to find in that issue.

Last month, on page 1117, we published happy news about the availability of JCE back issues on JCE Online. We reported our most frequently asked question When will additional past issues of the Journal be available at JCE Online?

and our response, correct at the time, was Right now! 1984–1996 issues are now available

However, it is our pleasant duty to bring you an update Right now! 1978–1996 issues are now available

Subscribers now have online access to every article published in JCE from January 1978 through the present. You have access to this wealth of chemical education literature via JCE Index online. Go to the index index.html

and search for articles as you normally would. Articles published since January 1978 will have a link to “Full text”: click it to view the full text of the article. Very soon, but not by press time, you will be able to browse through all issues from 1978 to the present in the Previous Issues section (instead of just being able to browse issues since 1996).

Details of Scanned Issues

Chemical Education Today JCE Classroom Activity Calories—Who’s Counting? edited by JCE staff JCE Classroom Activity A Magnetic Meal, edited by JCE staff [This JCE Classroom Activity will be published in the November 2004 issue, but it is expected that it will be ready for early distribution for NCW.] Reports from Other Journals Research Advances. Bio-Bar-Codes Speed DNA Detection; Treating Cystic Fibrosis from the Spice Rack; Salmonella vs. Salsa, by Angela G. King Resource Paper JCE Resources for Chemistry: Health and Wellness, by Erica K. Jacobsen From Past Issues The Bisphosphonate Story: From Detergents to Bone Disease, by Kathryn R. Williams Reports from Other Journals Nature. Health and Wellness: Designing Materials for Biology and Medicine; Role of Metal-Reducing Bacteria in Arsenic Release from Bengal Delta Sediments; The Red Sweat of the Hippopotamus; The RNAi Revolution, by Sabine Heinhorst and Gordon Cannon

The 1978–1984 issues that are newly available are the result of a scanning project by JCE student workers. The scanned images are delivered as PDF files. Details of our scanning efforts and detailed descriptions of the 1978–1984 batch and the 1984–1996 batch may be found in this month’s JCE Online column, “JCE Back Issues—Here Come Some More!” on p 1376.

Association Report: ACS—A Great Resource for Elementary School Science Activities, by Sylvia A. Ware

Try It! The long awaited and much requested treasures are now available. Access them! Scanning and digitizing continues, so expect further expansion of back-issue offerings. Those readers with unbound copies of JCE from the 1920s through the 1940s that they are willing to lend to the project should get in touch by contacting jceonline@

Introducing Molecular Visualization to Primary Schools in California: The STArt! Teaching Science Through Art Program, by Susana Maria Halpine

CLIP, Chemical Laboratory Information Profile Dichloromethane and Carbon Tetrachloride, by Jay A. Young


A Partnership Incorporating Labs into an Existing Chemistry Curriculum: Access Science, by Lida K. Gifford, Heather M. Eckenrode, and Leslie Cohen Rogers Old Nassau Demonstration with Wilkinson Modification, by Lawrence E. Wilkinson

Vol. 81 No. 9 September 2004

Journal of Chemical Education


Chemical Education Today

News & Announcements Medicinal Chemistry

Introductory/High School Chemistry

Naturally Occurring Fish Poisons from Plants, by Jonathan G. Cannon, Robert A. Burton, Steven G. Wood, and Noel L. Owen

Etymology as an Aid to Understanding Chemistry Concepts, by Nittala S. Sarma

Chemistry of St. John’s Wort: Hypericin and Hyperforin, by John J. Vollmer and Jon Rosenson Nature’s Sedative: Isolation and Structural Elucidation of Valtrate from Centranthus ruber, by John Walsh, Andrea M. Doyle, Joe Reilly, Niamh Murphy, Pierce V. Kavanagh, John E. O’Brien, and Martin S. Walsh

How Radioactive Is Your Banana? by David W. Ball Quantitative Determination of Food Dyes in Powdered Drink Mixes: A High School or General Science Experiment, by Samuella B. Sigmann and Dale E. Wheeler

Natural Organohalogens—A New Frontier for Medicinal Agents? by Gordon W. Gribble

Quantitative Determination of Citric and Ascorbic Acid in Powdered Drink Mixes: A High School or General Chemistry Experiment, by Samuella B. Sigmann and Dale E. Wheeler

Two-Step Semi-Microscale Preparation of a Cinnamate Ester Sunscreen Analog, by Ryan G. Stabile and Andrew P. Dicks

Inquiry Teaching in High School Chemistry Classrooms: The Role of Knowledge and Beliefs, by Gillian H. Roehrig and Julie A. Luft

The Molecular Structure of Penicillin, by Ronald Bentley

Proposal Deadlines National Science Foundation Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) These NSF deadlines have been established or are anticipated.

The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc. •

Course, Curriculum, & Lab. Improvement (CCLI) Formal Proposals A&I Track (Adapt. & Implement.) Dec. 2, 2004 ASA Track (Assess. of Student Achiev.) Dec. 8, 2004

Advanced Technological Education Formal Proposals

• •

Teacher Professional Continuum (TPC) Formal Proposals (Categories A & B) Sept. 10, 2004 Track C: preliminary proposal not required; proposals may be submitted at any time but are expected to be submitted at least one year ahead of the planned event. NSF Director’s Award for Distinguished Teaching Scholars (DTS) Letters of Intent (optional) September 22, 2004 Prelim. Proposals (nominations) October 20, 2004 Formal Proposals February 9, 2005

(ATE) October 8, 2004

Official deadline dates for proposals will be specified in the new program solicitation for each program, to be published at least three months before the relevant deadline date. Other Funding Opportunities for STEM Education may be found at other_programs.asp. Program solicitations are available electronically through NSF’s Online Document System at and through the NSF DUE site EHR/DUE; phone: 703/292-8670; email: undergrad@


Journal of Chemical Education

• •

Camille Dreyfus Teacher–Scholar Awards Program: November 11, 2004 Faculty Start-Up Grants for Undergraduate Institutions: May 12, 2005 Henry Dreyfus Teacher–Scholar Awards Program: June 30, 2005 New Faculty Awards Program: May 12, 2005 Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry: February 24, 2005 Senior Scientist Mentor: August 26, 2004 Special Grant Program in the Chemical Sciences: Completed Proposals: August 26, 2004

Further information and confirmation of the above deadlines may be obtained from The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc., 555 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10022-3301; phone: 212/753-1760; email: [email protected]; http://

Research Corporation • • • •

Cottrell College Science Awards: May 15 and November 15 Cottrell Scholars: September 1, 2004 Research Innovation Awards: suspended 2004–2005 Research Opportunity Awards: May 1 and October 1

Further information may be obtained from Research Corporation, 101 North Wilmot Road, Suite 250, Tucson, AZ 85711; phone: 520/571-1111; fax: 520/571-1119; email: [email protected]; WWW:

Vol. 81 No. 9 September 2004

Chemical Education Today

Awards Announced

Image and Meaning 2 Conference

CIC/Union Carbide Award, 2004

The Envisioning Science Project in the School of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will hold Image and Meaning 2 (IM2) from June 23–25, 2005 at the Getty Center, Los Angeles, CA. The purpose of the project is to help scientists, writers, and visual communicators develop and share improved methods of communicating scientific concepts and technical information through images and visual representations linked to appropriate text. IM2 is the second conference sponsored by the Envisioning Science Project; the first was held at MIT in June 2001. Unlike the first, however, this conference will emphasize collaborative and working sessions rather than the formal lecture. More information may be found on the conference Web site at or by mail to IM2, School of Science, 6-128, MIT, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139. To be placed on the mailing list for updates, contact [email protected].

The Chemical Institute of Canada has presented its 2004 Union Carbide Award for Chemical Education: • Lewis J. Brubacher, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario

Brubacher is editor-in-chief of CHEM 13 NEWS, a magazine published by the chemistry department at the University of Waterloo for teachers of introductory chemistry; he has held this position since 1986. He has also organized five conferences on chemical education at Waterloo.

Courses, Seminars, Meetings, Opportunities


ChemEd 2005 ChemEd 2005 will be held July 31–August 4, 2005 at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC Canada. Participants of the conference will have the opportunity to hear keynote speakers share insights; participate in hands-on workshops, presentations, and demonstrations; and share teaching practices and strategies for improving the quality of education in the classroom. ChemEd 2005 will feature: • Friesen Lecture, by Ariel Fenster • guest lectures • chemical demonstrations

The 56th Pittsburgh Conference will showcase “Everything Science Under the Sun” from February 27 through March 4, 2005 at the Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL. In addition to the technical program, Pittcon 2005 will feature state-of-the-art technology at the exposition, a look at what’s on the horizon at new product forums, and educational opportunities through an expanded lineup of short courses. Additional information is available online at http:// (accessed Jul 2004); by telephone at 412/8253220 or 800/825-3221; fax: 412/825-3224.

• vendor exhibits • poster session

Biological Engineering Conference

• Mole Run/Mole Breakfast

The First Society for Biological Engineering (SBE) International Conference on Bioengineering and Nanotechnology will be held September 27–29, 2004, in Singapore. The conference will explore the latest advancements and enormous potential at the cross-disciplinary frontiers of engineering, science, and medicine. SBE, a technological community of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, promotes the integration of biology with engineering for the purpose of realizing its benefits through bioprocessing, biomedical, and biomolecular applications. Conference information may be found online at http:// (accessed Jul 2004) or by sending an email message to [email protected].

• educational tours • family and social activities • sightseeing tours

To get on the participant mailing list, for further information, or to learn about the campus and Vancouver area, go to the conference Web site at chemed2005/ (accessed Jul 2004) or send an email message to [email protected]. The general chair of the conference is Gordon S. Bates, Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver; phone: 604/822-2834; email: [email protected].

Vol. 81 No. 9 September 2004

Journal of Chemical Education