news and notes - ACS Publications

Eugene B. Jackson, Director of Information Retrieval and. Library Services, IBM Corp., Armonk, N. Y., has been elected. President, and Norman G. Shidl...
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Advisory Board Named for Documentation Abstracts

American Translators Association

Ben-Ami Lipetz, editor of Documentation Abstracts, announced the appointment of his first editorial advisory board. The full list of members includes Dr. Charles L. Bernier, Squibb Institute for Medical Research; Mr. Charles P. Bourne, Programming Services Inc.; Dr. Carlos A. Cuadra, System Development Corp.; Dr. Ruth M. Davis, National Library of Medicine; Mr. Charles E . Kip, Chemstrand Research Center, Inc.; Mr. Foster E. Mohrhardt, Council on Library Resources; Mr. John W. Murdock, Battelle Memorial Institute; and Mr. Robert S. Taylor, Hampshire College.

Boris R. Anzlowar, Editor of Unlisted Drugs and Technical Director of Pharmaco-Medical Documentation in Chatham, N. J., has been elected President of the American Translators Association for the two-year term, 1968-1969. Daniel P. Moynihan of the United Nations Secretariat is the new President-Elect for 1970 to 1971. The other officers are: Treasurer, Dr. Elliot F. Beach, Director, Biochemical Laboratory, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company; Secretary, Dr. Ruth Norden-Lowe, American Journal of Psychotherapy; newly-elected Directors are: Dr. Francois Kertesz, Asst. Director, Tech. Info. Div., Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Prof. Stefan Horn, Head of Div. Interpretation & Translation, Georgetown University; free-lance translator Helen Hasselriis; and past President Henry Fischbach, Director, The Language Service, New York City. The American Translators Association, a professional society of scientific, technical, and literary translators and translation agencies, is the U. S. affiliate of the Federation Internationale des Traducteurs ( F I T ) which enjoys consultative status at UNESCO. ATA will hold its 1968 annual convention in Boston in November of this year; the address of the national office is P. 0. Box 489, Madison Square Station, New York City 10010.

Engineering Index, Inc.

Eugene B. Jackson, Director of Information Retrieval and Library Services, IBM Corp., Armonk, N. Y., has been elected President, and Norman G. Shidle, Management Consultant, Roxbury, Conn., has been chosen Vice President, of Engineering Index, Inc., New York City. I n addition, Messrs. Jackson and Shidle will represent Engineering Index on the Tripartite Committee established by Engineering Index, Engineers Joint Council, and United Engineering Trustees “to develop and bring into being a united engineering information system and center.” Mr. Jackson succeeds Ralph H. Phelps, Director of Engineering Societies Library, New York City, who served as President since 1962, and as Director since 1955, and who continues as Trustee of Engineering Index. Mr. Shidle, who served as Director for five years and Trustee for fifteen years, replaces Jackson as Engineering Index Vice President. Paul E . Irick, Assistant Director, Highway Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D. C., has been elected a Director of Engineering from the Board of Trustees. New members of Engineering Index Board of Trustees elected to serve from 1968 to 1971 are: S. K. Cabeen, John M. Carroll, E . K. Gannett, William T. Knox, Louis haturman, Chase 0. Sanderson, David L. Staiger, S. B. Sweetser, Howard E . Tompkins, and John A. Zecca. Walter G. Hohnecker has been appointed Manager of a newly created Development and Production Division of Engineering Index, Inc. Mr. Hohnecker and his Division have been given responsibility for the development of a completely computerized system for production of all Engineering Index services-including publications and computer tapes-and embracing all engineering disciplines..


American Institute of Physics

The American Institute of Physics has received an initial grant of $239,000 to begin development of a national information system in physics and astronomy. This is the initial funding for a twoyear project for which a total National Science Foundation grant of $1,180,000 has been requested. Dr. Koch will provide general direction to this program and be assisted by a staff which is expected to exceed 30 computer, scientific, and professional ptrsonnel. The NSF grant is effective January 1, 1968. Administering the Information Division of the AIP is Dr. Arthur Herschman, physicist and former editor of The Physical Reuielc. The deputy director of the division is Dr. Franz Alt. Other staff executives include Miles Libbey, Dr. Rita Lerner, and Andrew Uszak. The AIP will study all aspects of the communication of physics knowledge: traditional publication, informal written communications, use of the telephone, laboratory visits by physicists, and professional meetings. In addition, it will explore methods of “creative simplifications,” such as condensations, indexes, reviews, and compilations of evaluated data. I t will draw on its already extensive practical experience in information studies to develop a national physics information system. An additional NSF grant has been received to allow AIP to assume the responsibility for the continued input of the computerbased physics literature information file developed by the Technical Information Project a t M I T . A direct access console has been installed in the Division’s offices.