NEWS BRIEFS - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

New York, to new and larger quarters at 100 Stevens Ave., Mount Vernon, N. Y. ... Witco Chemical Co. , Ltd., has moved from its old address at 101...
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ENGINEERS DESIGNERS PHYSICISTS TThe Aerophysics&. Atomic Energy • Research Division of North American Aviation, Inc., offers unparalleled opportunities in Research, Development, Design, and Test work in the fields of Long Range Guided Missiles, Automatic Flight and Fire Control Equipment and Atomic Energy. Well-qualified engineers, d e signers and physicists urgently needed for ail phases of work in Supersonic A e r o d y n a m i c s Preliminary Design & A n a l y s i s Electronics Electro-Mechanical Devices Instrumentation

Flight Test N a v i g a t i o n Equipment Controls Rocket Motors Propulsion Systems Thermodynamics A i r f r a m e Design


Excellent working conditions. Finest facilities and equipment. for

Write now—Give complete résumé of education, background and experience.


Aerophysics & Atomic Energy RESEARCH

Rayonier, Inc., N e w York, producers of purified \ \ m d cellulose, h a v e leased t h e entire 24th „nd 25th floors in t h e t o w e r of the N e w Chrysler Building East. T h e firm will move its executive a n d sales offices a r o u n d t h e first of t h e year. Paul Rosenberg A s s o c i a t e s , consulting physicists, h a v e moved their offices a n d laboratory from the Wool worth Building, N e w York, to n e w a n d larger quarters a t 100 Stevens Ave., M o u n t Vernon, Ν . Υ. L a m i n a t e d P l a s t i c s , Inc., Cleveland, Ohio, glass-plastic manufacturers, lias a n ­ nounced that it has changed its n a m e t o Glastic Corp. T h e r e is n o change in ownership, m a n a g e m e n t , or policies.


North American Aviation INC.


A m e r i c a n H a r d Rubber C o . , N e w York, has moved its offices from Mercer St. to 9 3 Worth St. C o m m e r c i a l Solvents C o r p . has a n ­ nounced that its n e w plant a t Sterlington, La., tor producing nitrogen solutions for the fertilizer industry is n o w in opera­ tion. Allied C h e m i c a l & Dye C o r p . has a n ­ nounced t h e installation of a Carrier Corp. all-centrifugal chlorine condensing unit to provide e x p a n d e d production capacity a t t h e company's Solvay Process Division, Solvay, Ν . Υ. T h e installation will use four centrifugal refrigeration com­ pressors arranged in two directly staged systems. Houohton Laboratories, Inc., Olean, Ν. Υ., has started production of a broad line of plastisols a n d organosols. P r o d u c ­ tion facilities at both the Olean and Smethport, Pa., plants h a v e been expanded to make this possible. M o n s a n t o C h e m i c a l C o . has announced


that overseas distribution of Skyclrol, a nonflammable type of aircraft hydraulic fluid, will b e instituted shortly u n d e r an agreement reached between Monsanto and Esso Export C o r p . of N e w York. Sheli Oil C o . has announced the o p e n ­ ing of a petroleum distribution c e n t e r , de­ signed for faster a n d more efficient m o v e ­ ment of heating oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, motor oil, a n d other petroleum products, in Memphis, T e n n . P i t t s b u r g h P l a t e Glass C®« has an­ nounced t h e p r o d u c t i o n of optical and ophthalmic glass for the w e r effort a t its F o r d City, Pa., Plant.

Ex-Ell Instrument Corp., Brooldyn, Ν. Υ., manufacturers of quality thermom­ eters, have recently expanded their line to include a complete assortment of lalsoraBritish American & Eastert Co.. Inc.. tory, photographic, and clinical fever and Madison Mercantile Products, Inc.. thermometers for domestic a n d e x p o r t trade. New York export-import firms, have b e e n denied export privileges for three m o n t h s T e n n e s s e e E a s t m a n C o . , Kingsport, has because of irregularities in the shipment announced t h e w i t h d r a w a l of their e x p e r i ­ of tinplate to E u r o p e in 1949, t h e Office mental w a t e r soluble cellulose g u m , so­ of International trade, U S D C , a n n o u n c e d . d i u m cellulose sulfate. In view of o t h e r commitments a n d t h e present tight s u p p l y W i t c o Chemical C o . , L t d . , has moved of chemical processing e q u i p m e n t a n d rawfrom its old address at 101 Baker St., materials, it was felt advisable t o suspend London, W . 1, E n g l a n d , to larger and m o r e indefinitely further promotion of S C S . centrally located offices in Bush House, Aldvvych, London, W . C. 2.

London C h e m i c a l Co., Chicago, 111., h a s announced the moving of its facilities from 607 South Dearborn St. to 3 2 5 West 3 2 n d St.

Stress & Structures

Outstanding opportunities advancement.


Rezolin, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif., m a n u ­ facturers of plastic for automotive aircraft and industrial use, h a s a n n o u n c e d t h e building of new office and factory b u i l d i n g at 5736 96th St. Completion is expected by Jan. 1. Present headquarters are at 4825 W . Jackson Blvd.


Salaries commensurate training & experience.



PATENTS Â E C Announces Patents Descriptions of 2 5 patents o w n e d b y the U. S. Government a n d h e l d b y t h e Atomic E n e r g y Commission have been transmitted to t h e U . S. Patent OiRce for registry a n d listing in the official register of patents. A E C will grant nonexclusive, royaltyfree licenses on t h e listed patents, a s part of its p r o g r a m to m a k e nonsecret technological information available for u-se b y industry. Those patents of a chemical n a t u r e a r e listed below. Applicants for licenses should a p p l y to t h e Chief, P a t e n t B r a n c h , Office of t h e General Counsel, U. S . Atomic E n e r g y Commission, W a s h i n g t o n 25, D. C , identifying the subject m a t t e r by patent n u m b e r and title. Copies o f these p a t e n t s m a y b e obtained from t h e U. S. P a t e n t Office. Electrolytic Process for P r o d u c t i o n o f Fluorine. Pat. 2,506,438. This p r o c e s s employs a steel cathode. T h e anode i s composed of carbon containing 3 5 to 4 7 % copper distributed in a network t h r o u g h out the carbon in a mixed electrolyte. P r e p a r a t i o n of U r a n i u m Pentaflu.cride. Pat. 2,567,145. Uranium pentafluoride i s prepared b y reacting anhydrous H y d r o fluoric acid with u r a n i u m pentachlordde o r uranium hexachloride at room t e m p e r a t u r e or below. AND