News Briefs: News Briefs - Environmental Science & Technology (ACS

Technol. , 1996, 30 (5), pp 199A–199A. DOI: 10.1021/es9622259. Publication Date (Web): June 7, 2011. Cite this:Environ. Sci. Technol. 1996, 30, 5, 1...
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NEWS BRIEFS Both natural and synthetic carcinogens are present in human foods at levels so low that they appear to pose little threat to human life, according to a recent National Research Council report. Indeed, cancer-causing chemicals that occur naturally in food are far more numerous in the human diet than synthetic chemicals, the report says, adding that the greatest cancer threat in the human diet today comes from diets too rich in calories fats or alcohol not chemicals Cancer-causing chemicals pose a. threat in foods

port predicts sales will reach slightly more than $2 billion in 1997 and 1998, up from $1.4 billion in 1995. The projected increase will merely return bookings to past levels, according to the institute, which adds that technology suppliers will enjoy little relief from the "challenging market conditions that have characterized this decade." For information on the 75-page report, call (202)457-0911.

only when they are an unusually high a diet and a balanced diet seems to provide sit?nificant protprtion from natural tnyicants in fonH accordincr t o NRC Carcinnppns and Anticarcinnppns in thp Human Dipt nntps t h a t nnly a qmall frartinn nf m m p 1 million nanirall nrrnrrincx fnnH h m'r k h e h tp tpH T h p

report recommends improvements in methods to test and quickly screen chemicals for carcinogemcity. The report can be obtained from the National Academy Press at (800) 624-6242. Tax policy changes, elimination of government subsidies for environmentally damaging activities, and a voluntary system of extended product responsibility are among recommendations in a report by the President's Council on Sustainable Development released in February. The 190-page report from the 25-member council reflects more than 50 public meetings around the country during the past two years. It contains specific examples of leading su.s~ tainable development projects in U S communities and includes recommendations for government industrv citi7Pns' grnnns and individuals (ES&T August 1995 353A) For more infor mation call (202) 40.8 529fi

A small increase in air pollution control equipment sales over the next three years is predicted by a report from the Institute of Clean Air Companies. Noting the sharp decline in sales last year and the stagnant market overall, the re-

1996. The testimony (GAO/TRCED-96-107) is available from GAO at (202) 512-6000. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions can be profitable for businesses, according to a corporate survey conducted by the Energy Foundation in San Francisco and released in the report, "Boosting Prosperity: Reducing the Threat of Global Climate Change Through Sustainable Energy Investments." The report argues that energy efficiency and use of renewable sources increase economic growth while cutting the threat of global climate change It provides examples of companies that have profited from such changes The report is available from the Environmental Information P p n t p r (20?1 797-^^00

Drinking water contamination at "safe" levels may be causing gastrointestinal infections, according to a study by researchers at the Medical College of Wisconsin, published in the February issue of the American Journal of Public Health. Looking at data from Milwaukee, Wise, researchers found a correlation between increased levels of physician-diagnosed gastroenteritis and turbidity in drinking water for a 434-day period before a major Cryptosporidium outbreak in 1993 According to the Daper a small increase in turbiditv a surrogate for the presence of water pathogens correlated with a 2 8-fold increase in gastroenteritis in chilrlren even though water not in

violation of federal standards Despite attempts to cut regulatory paperwork, EPA has actually increased the paperwork burden over the past year, according to testimony submitted to Congress by the General Accounting Office in March. In March 1995, EPA committed itself to reducing its paperwork burden by 25% or 20 million hours, GAO noted, as part of an administration-wide streamlining effort. However, according to GAO EPA's 81-millionhour paperwork burden in 1995 has increased and will grow to 117 million hours by the end of

Reclaimed wastewater and sewage sludge are acceptable for use on food crops if properly treated, says a National Research Council report, "Use of Reclaimed Water and Sludge in Food Crop Production," released Feb. 28. The report found no outbreaks of infectious disease associated with wastewater use, and it notes that only about 1% of water used for crop irrigation comes from wastewater. For more information contact the NRC at (800) 624-6242. The economic benefit of dams, irrigation systems, and logging is often outweighed by the resulting long-term environmental degradation, according to a Worldwatch Institute report released March 21. The report focuses on ecosystem damage and looks at the impact of U.S. and international water projects. It is available from Worldwatch, (202) 452-1999; e-mail: worldwatch@ A new fellowship program for environmental scientists from developing countries has been created at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology through a $200,000 donation from Nobel Prize winner Mario Molina. The fellowships will be awarded to graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and visiting scientists, particularly from Latin America. For more information contact MIT at (617) 253-5081.