NEWS FOCUS - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

MASSIVE RADIATION . This total-body irradiation chamber is ready for animal trials at the City of Hope Medical Center, Duarte, Calif. Radiologists bel...
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^Lt WELDING THE SPIDER. When this 25-ton half spider {oins its matching part, Westinghouse will have a 27-foot 150

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diameter waterwheel generator. It is one of IS generators made for the new $720 million Niagara Power Project



Jʱ MASSIVE RADIATION. This total-body irradiation chamber is ready for animal trials at the City of Hope Medical Center, Duarte, Calif. Radiologists believe the tests may pave the way to bone marrow and organ trans­ plants from one person to another. Gamma radiation from cesium-137 capsules bathes the subject evenly from ports in four steel rjosts (two shown) set around the chamber

^ EXTRA-WIDE. Large structural aluminum sections for planes, missiles, helicopter blades, trucks, and bridges are extruded flat by Harvey Aluminum. Here a 28-inch wide aircraft wing component comes off a 12,000-ton press UPI


JÊL. ELECTRIC EEL. Aerojet-General's snakey battery comes to life as soon as it hits water. When spliced into underwater cables, the zinc-silver chloride power supply boosts voice and teletype signals to their destination AUG.
