NEWS FOCUS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Tires. Firestone engineers check the company's new Duradene tires, which were tested recently at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. The tires are made o...
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NEW< Tires Firestone engineers check the company's new Duradene tires, which were tested recently at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. The tires are made of a solution-polymerized stereo copolymer of styrene and butadiene. At high speeds, the new tires operate at much lower temperatures than do conventional tires

High Heat Richard M. Waterstrat of the National Bureau of Standards examines a new high-temperature furnace recently installed in the dental research lab. The furnace will be used in studies of alloys of the platinum-group metals. The unit can be closely maintained at temperatures up to 3000° C. and at pressures as low as 10 6 torr

Antenna This puzzling array is a telemetry antenna used to receive signals from space satellites. Installed at Winkfield, England, it is currently receiving signals from the Anglo-American satellite, UK-2, launched in March






FOCUS No Weight An underwater test conducted by General Dynamics is helping to determine an astronaut's difficulties in transferring from one spaceship to another while weightless. The pressurized water in his suit reduces the man's buoyancy to about zero, thus simulating weightlessness. The entrance to the tunnel is similar in size to the hatch of a command module Authenticated News Photo

Light An employee at Electro-Optical Systems in Pasadena, Calif., operates the company's new portable device for irradiating solar panels indoors. It eliminates the need to use sunlight to check the performance of solar cells. The lamps can be individually controlled for color temperature and intensity


1, 1964