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Space walk. Youngsters take a walk in "space" at a children's exhibit held recently in Paris, France. The cagelike corridor gives the sensation of mov...
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C&EN NOV. 24, 1969

The 64-inch mirror for the new Sacramento Peak Observatory telescope was made by Corning Glass Works from an "exotic" glass called fused silica. The glass was selected for the mirror because of its low-expansion properties. The mirror is located nearly 200 feet below ground

SALES REPRESENTATIVES Chicago 60603 . . . Laurence O. Roberts, Joseph C. Hoopes, William R. Phalen. Scientific Products Specialist: Eugene P. Eldridge, 10 South La Salle St., (Area Code 3 1 2 ) 726-1282 Cleveland 44114 . . . Rodney D. Long. Scientific Products Specialist: Michael Hayes, 1717 East 9th St., (Area Code 216) 771-4011 Dallas 75207 . . . Parker Harris, George Thompson, Roy McDonald Associates, 714 Stemmons Tower West, (Area Code 214) 637-2444 Denver 80203 . . . Robert H. Heidersbach, Bud Foster, Roy McDonald Associates, Inc., 846 Lincoln St., (Area Code 3 0 3 ) 825-3325 Detroit . . . Joseph C. Hoopes. Scientific Products Specialist: Michael Hayes, (Area Code 313) Enterprise 6704 Houston 77006 . . . Frank N. Vickrey, Richard Clothier, Roy McDonald Associates, Inc., 3130 Southwest Freeway, (Area Code 7 1 3 ) 529-6711 Los Angeles 90045 . . . Clay S. Holden, Lynn Gaskill, 8939 So. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 528, (Area Code 2 1 3 ) 776-0552 Philadelphia 19107 . . . Benjamin W. Jones. Scientific Products Specialist: James A. Byrne, 12 South 12th Street, (Area Code 215) 922-0346 San Francisco . . . Clay S. Holden. Lynn Gaskill, (Area Code 4 1 5 ) 421-8080 Stamford, Conn. 06904 . . . J. Barry Stanford, Samuel W. Percy, Harold I. Sheils, Jr. ? Richard M. Bohan, W. T. Cowley. Scientific Products Specialist: Murray Strelitz, Frank Ryan, 600 Summer St., (Area Code 203) 348-7531

20 62

Exotic mirror

Eye board Strands of polyester yarn pass through an "eye board," or thread guide, and past the eyes of a technician at Goodyear's polyester resin plant at Point Pleasant, W.Va. The "eyes" separate the strands. These strands are among the 150 million pounds of polyester that will go into making tires this year

U P I Photo

Space walk


Youngsters take a walk in "space" at a children's exhibit held recently in Paris, France. The cagelike corridor gives the sensation of moving through space between a pair of capsules "in orbit around the earth." The show had a variety of displays, but the space one took most of the kids' attention

Reflecting graphite The 8-inch-diameter graphite "mirror" shown here is one of the largest of its kind. This highly oriented "crystal," from Union Carbide's carbon products division, is made by compression annealing pyrolytic graphite. These kinds of graphite crystals can be used for x-ray astronomy since they have a very high efficiency in diffracting x-rays and could help identify the source of stars

NOV. 24, 1969 C&EN